Facebook is deleting mentions of the Ukraine whistleblower's name

Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.

No, you do not know the whistle blower's name, you know the name of the person that has been accused of it without a shred of evidence. This same guy was accused of being the "leaker" back in early 2017 without a shred of evidence, and the result was death threats and him having to leave his job at the NSC because of the danger to his life.
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.

No, you do not know the whistle blower's name, you know the name of the person that has been accused of it without a shred of evidence. This same guy was accused of being the "leaker" back in early 2017 without a shred of evidence, and the result was death threats and him having to leave his job at the NSC because of the danger to his life.

Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.
No..you know who they say he is..YOU..have no knowledge at all---it is just as likely that it is someone else entirely..for all YOU know.
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.
No..you know who they say he is..YOU..have no knowledge at all---it is just as likely that it is someone else entirely..for all YOU know.

Why is it ok for FB and the MSM to publish slanderous lies about a teenage boy and drag his reputation through the mud but it's not ok for us common people to speculate on the identity of a person who is trying to "save democracy"...?
Here's a good one. I got BANNED from Facebook because I posted Eric Ciaramella's name in two separate posts! Can you believe that kind of censorship? It's just as well because Facebook is an awful site. I was looking to cancel my account on there anyway.
It’s awful only because of what it’s been used for by the cabal. In reality though it’s been an amazing way to proliferate alternative news to counter the fake corporate media.
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.
His name was always going to eventually be known. He was already hemmed up before he even started this off and he didn’t even know it. Nobody is doing this to him he did it to himself. People in this thing had a side they could choose to be on and he chose the losing side and he’s going to be going to prison for a very long time.
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.

How are any of these fictional would-be assassins supposed to tell him apart from the millions of other identical soyboys out there? Like I said, he will be fine. He's surrounded by CIA agents unlike the average Joe who gets his name and face plastered all over the place with the headline RACIST for the crime of being recorded doing something lefties don't like.
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.
His name was always going to eventually be known. He was already hemmed up before he even started this off and he didn’t even know it. Nobody is doing this to him he did it to himself. People in this thing had a side they could choose to be on and he chose the losing side and he’s going to be going to prison for a very long time.

the fantasy world you people live in is just fascinating.
How are any of these fictional would-be assassins supposed to tell him apart from the millions of other identical soyboys out there? Like I said, he will be fine. He's surrounded by CIA agents unlike the average Joe who gets his name and face plastered all over the place with the headline RACIST for the crime of being recorded doing something lefties don't like.

That misses the whole point of why we have WB rules. The only reason you want him named is because he dared to say something bad about your god in the White House.

you really should not let your politics dictate your morals
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.
His name was always going to eventually be known. He was already hemmed up before he even started this off and he didn’t even know it. Nobody is doing this to him he did it to himself. People in this thing had a side they could choose to be on and he chose the losing side and he’s going to be going to prison for a very long time.

the fantasy world you people live in is just fascinating.
Read that back to yourself.

You’ve said you’re a man of God. Pray to him and ask him to show you the truth.
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.
His name was always going to eventually be known. He was already hemmed up before he even started this off and he didn’t even know it. Nobody is doing this to him he did it to himself. People in this thing had a side they could choose to be on and he chose the losing side and he’s going to be going to prison for a very long time.

the fantasy world you people live in is just fascinating.
Read that back to yourself.

You’ve said you’re a man of God. Pray to him and ask him to show you the truth.

So, god told you this guy was going to be going to prison for a very long time?


have you ever thought about seeking professional help for your delusions?
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.
His name was always going to eventually be known. He was already hemmed up before he even started this off and he didn’t even know it. Nobody is doing this to him he did it to himself. People in this thing had a side they could choose to be on and he chose the losing side and he’s going to be going to prison for a very long time.

the fantasy world you people live in is just fascinating.

If anyone needs proof there needs to be more mental health clinics in the U.S. all they have to do is visit USMB for a couple days.
Only the MSM can provide the sort of evidence you're looking for but they are unwilling to do their job for some reason.

It is not their fucking job. There is a reason that WBs are allowed to be anonymous, splashing their name all over creation makes it less likely someone else would be willing to go through this. And even if you think this one is full of shit, that does not change why we have the rules.

All naming this guy did was make him the target of right wing wackos that think he should be dead...but perhaps you agree with them.
His name was always going to eventually be known. He was already hemmed up before he even started this off and he didn’t even know it. Nobody is doing this to him he did it to himself. People in this thing had a side they could choose to be on and he chose the losing side and he’s going to be going to prison for a very long time.

the fantasy world you people live in is just fascinating.
Read that back to yourself.

You’ve said you’re a man of God. Pray to him and ask him to show you the truth.

So, god told you this guy was going to be going to prison for a very long time?


have you ever thought about seeking professional help for your delusions?
No, my understanding of the rule of law tells me he’s going to prison for a very long time. My faith in god is simply my faith in god.
How are any of these fictional would-be assassins supposed to tell him apart from the millions of other identical soyboys out there? Like I said, he will be fine. He's surrounded by CIA agents unlike the average Joe who gets his name and face plastered all over the place with the headline RACIST for the crime of being recorded doing something lefties don't like.

That misses the whole point of why we have WB rules. The only reason you want him named is because he dared to say something bad about your god in the White House.

you really should not let your politics dictate your morals

I don't really care about all of this Ukraine stuff, I'm not following it and I'm not taking it personal. But I have had a BIG problem with the irresponsible media for a long time dating to way back before Trump derangement syndrome was even a thing. Now all of a sudden they're so worried about someone's safety that they resort to censorship? Worried about setting a bad precedent and making innocent people feel afraid? Really? Tell that to "BBQ becky" and the other white women who were targeted for destruction for calling the police on people who happened to be black.
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.
No..you know who they say he is..YOU..have no knowledge at all---it is just as likely that it is someone else entirely..for all YOU know.

Why is it ok for FB and the MSM to publish slanderous lies about a teenage boy and drag his reputation through the mud but it's not ok for us common people to speculate on the identity of a person who is trying to "save democracy"...?
slanderous lies about a teenage boy
Like David Hogg you mean?
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.
No..you know who they say he is..YOU..have no knowledge at all---it is just as likely that it is someone else entirely..for all YOU know.

Why is it ok for FB and the MSM to publish slanderous lies about a teenage boy and drag his reputation through the mud but it's not ok for us common people to speculate on the identity of a person who is trying to "save democracy"...?
Speculation is one thing....but it would appear that this is being taken as gold-plated fact by many.

I note that it is almost required in these days..that anyone who is unlucky enough to come into the fire of our cultural wars is instantly objectified, victimized and ground into a thin meme paste. Don't like it/ don't do it.
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.
No..you know who they say he is..YOU..have no knowledge at all---it is just as likely that it is someone else entirely..for all YOU know.

Why is it ok for FB and the MSM to publish slanderous lies about a teenage boy and drag his reputation through the mud but it's not ok for us common people to speculate on the identity of a person who is trying to "save democracy"...?
slanderous lies about a teenage boy
Like David Hogg you mean?

David Hogg wanted his name out there.
How are any of these fictional would-be assassins supposed to tell him apart from the millions of other identical soyboys out there? Like I said, he will be fine. He's surrounded by CIA agents unlike the average Joe who gets his name and face plastered all over the place with the headline RACIST for the crime of being recorded doing something lefties don't like.

That misses the whole point of why we have WB rules. The only reason you want him named is because he dared to say something bad about your god in the White House.

you really should not let your politics dictate your morals

I don't really care about all of this Ukraine stuff, I'm not following it and I'm not taking it personal. But I have had a BIG problem with the irresponsible media for a long time dating to way back before Trump derangement syndrome was even a thing. Now all of a sudden they're so worried about someone's safety that they resort to censorship? Worried about setting a bad precedent and making innocent people feel afraid? Really? Tell that to "BBQ becky" and the other white women who were targeted for destruction for calling the police on people who happened to be black.

So, your answer to irresponsible media is for it to become even more irresponsible?
Speculation is one thing....but it would appear that this is being taken as gold-plated fact by many.

I note that it is almost required in these days..that anyone who is unlucky enough to come into the fire of our cultural wars is instantly objectified, victimized and ground into a thin meme paste. Don't like it/ don't do it.

The "reputable" media should hold itself to a higher standard than do trolls on social media. Washington Post even ran a story about friggin' BBQ becky.

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