Facebook Issues Fatwa Against Paul Joseph Watson -- Seriously

Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.
It's unfair to a large percentage of people.
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Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.

The First Amendment isn't a law. It's a constitutional rule that government must follow. No one else. That's why it starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." - it doesn't say anything about Facebook or Twitter.

I'm as fed up with them as anyone else. That's why I don't use them. But the calls for a police state crackdown are far more disturbing. You can't boycott the government.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.

The First Amendment isn't a law. It's a constitutional rule that government must follow. No one else. That's why it starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." - it doesn't say anything about Facebook or Twitter.

I'm as fed up with them as anyone else. That's why I don't use them. But the calls for a police state crackdown are far more disturbing. You can't boycott the government.

Yeah but, allowing and encouraging people to make death threats against a person on their platform is criminal.

That's inciting violence.
Facebook? I wouldn't doubt any of the crap that Facebook starts; Fatwas included.

I registered on Facebook aka Fakebook in 2007, looooooooooong B4 most anyone had ever heard of Facebook aka Fakebook.

What did I do on Facebook akak Fakebook? I posted about ten photos & that's it. NEVER used Facebook aka Fakebook to communicate with anyone, ever.

Facebook aka Fakebook can go to Hell.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.
It's unfair to a large percentage of people.

Silence opinions they disagree with? I guess you never saw a right wing talk show host talk over or pull the mike from a guest they disagreed with, have you?
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.
It's unfair to a large percentage of people.

Silence opinions they disagree with? I guess you never saw a right wing talk show host talk over or pull the mike from a guest they disagreed with, have you?
No, because I don't watch them. :dunno:

I've seen CNN do that several times.
I guess we'll find out if these tech giants really are bigger than the US government
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.
It's unfair to a large percentage of people.

Silence opinions they disagree with? I guess you never saw a right wing talk show host talk over or pull the mike from a guest they disagreed with, have you?
No, because I don't watch them. :dunno:

I've seen CNN do that several times.
No. I havent.

But that's not the thread topic.

Facebook is allowing its PLATFORM to invite calls to violence against those they disagree with. That violates the law. Expect big lawsuits minimun.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.

The First Amendment isn't a law. It's a constitutional rule that government must follow. No one else. That's why it starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." - it doesn't say anything about Facebook or Twitter.

I'm as fed up with them as anyone else. That's why I don't use them. But the calls for a police state crackdown are far more disturbing. You can't boycott the government.
When they are covered by blanket immunities given by the Government then YES the Government can tell them to follow the rules.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

It is almost criminally against the 1st amendment. They let everyone speak on their platform, then silence opinions they disagree with. That's pretty messed up.

The First Amendment isn't a law. It's a constitutional rule that government must follow. No one else. That's why it starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." - it doesn't say anything about Facebook or Twitter.

I'm as fed up with them as anyone else. That's why I don't use them. But the calls for a police state crackdown are far more disturbing. You can't boycott the government.
When they are covered by blanket immunities given by the Government then YES the Government can tell them to follow the rules.

Nope. The government should revoke any 'blanket immunities', and refrain from using them as an excuse to violate the First Amendment by regulating speech.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

Not really a threat to free speech.. It's arguably illegal and could be called inciting violence, or harm to others or any NUMBER of criminal statutes...

The problem comes in when sites are NOT SPECIFIC about their content rules and just use euphemisms like "hate speech" and go about enforcing that by "I knows it when I sees it" rule...


"I just come back from a week on Bali... "

"I hate you"

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