Facebook Issues Fatwa Against Paul Joseph Watson -- Seriously

Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

Not really a threat to free speech.. It's arguably illegal and could be called inciting violence, or harm to others or any NUMBER of criminal statutes...

The problem comes in when sites are NOT SPECIFIC about their content rules and just use euphemisms like "hate speech" and go about enforcing that by "I knows it when I sees it" rule...


"I just come back from a week on Bali... "

"I hate you"

Note from System Adminstration

"Our algorithms have determined that your content contains Hate Speech.. We've taken action to limit the distribution of your content to the general FaceBook membership"

There are no hate speech laws in the US, though.
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

Not really a threat to free speech.. It's arguably illegal and could be called inciting violence, or harm to others or any NUMBER of criminal statutes...

The problem comes in when sites are NOT SPECIFIC about their content rules and just use euphemisms like "hate speech" and go about enforcing that by "I knows it when I sees it" rule...


"I just come back from a week on Bali... "

"I hate you"

Note from System Adminstration

"Our algorithms have determined that your content contains Hate Speech.. We've taken action to limit the distribution of your content to the general FaceBook membership"

There are no hate speech laws in the US, though.

There's no legal definition of "hate speech" either.. Well there's an "operational" definition of it but not BASED on law.. It's sweeping the liberal land OUTSIDE the US tho.. England is the worst. You can be fined, jail, restricted for ASBOs.. (anti-social behavior orders).. Another nebulous term that empowers folks that love to censor uncomfortable speech or actions..

It's just an excuse for censors to act arbitrarily like the big SocMedia companies do and keep the members GUESSING at what the limits are and whether it's fairly enforced...
Facebook is such a joke now...
I am sure they will shadow ban anyone that doesn't fit their TOS, as the have been. But in much larger scales during the 2020 Election. They are only copying Twitter and Google with their algorithms.
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

Not really a threat to free speech.. It's arguably illegal and could be called inciting violence, or harm to others or any NUMBER of criminal statutes...

The problem comes in when sites are NOT SPECIFIC about their content rules and just use euphemisms like "hate speech" and go about enforcing that by "I knows it when I sees it" rule...


"I just come back from a week on Bali... "

"I hate you"

Note from System Adminstration

"Our algorithms have determined that your content contains Hate Speech.. We've taken action to limit the distribution of your content to the general FaceBook membership"

There are no hate speech laws in the US, though.

There's no legal definition of "hate speech" either.. Well there's an "operational" definition of it but not BASED on law.. It's sweeping the liberal land OUTSIDE the US tho.. England is the worst. You can be fined, jail, restricted for ASBOs.. (anti-social behavior orders).. Another nebulous term that empowers folks that love to censor uncomfortable speech or actions..

It's just an excuse for censors to act arbitrarily like the big SocMedia companies do and keep the members GUESSING at what the limits are and whether it's fairly enforced...
There are people of power at local levels who are not Progs who abuse people also. Just being on the internet and somehow they get the words typed sent to them. They can and have destroyed others. Used other people who are civilians working as the stooges they can be to stroke their egos over nothing. And actually even moving those people away from their orbit. Facebook and others are pushing their for of another government we are heading to. But we will end up with something else. Something more vicious to set up.
It IS okay to issue calls of violence on Facebook against individuals Facebook seems "dangerous"

I'm sure that Facebook doesn't care about complaints. There jobs is to control everyone's thoughts. Facebook has started off for corporations use only. But then the government see it as a tool to collect data on all of the people. And so, if any organization does what the government wants. That the government gives them tax exemption status 501(c)(3) for being a good little boy. And then Obama had legalized fake news. And so any organization that works under them to help spread fake news. can receive a paycheck. Mark Zuckerberg might have diplomatic immunity.

Facebook earned about $1.1 billion in their first year as a public corporation. The corporate income tax rate is 35%. That means Facebook should have forked over about $385 million in taxes, but instead is getting a tax refund of about $429 million.

In order to pay for that $814 million subsidy, the Federal Government would have to fire more than 10,000 workers.

To put this in perspective, Facebook employs about 3500 workers.
Thoughts on Facebook's $814 million taxpayer subsidy

US cities and states give big tech $9.3bn in subsidies in five years



It IS okay to issue calls of violence on Facebook against individuals Facebook seems "dangerous"

I'm sure that Facebook doesn't care about complaints. There jobs is to control everyone's thoughts. Facebook has started off for corporations use only. But then the government see it as a tool to collect data on all of the people. And so, if any organization does what the government wants. That the government gives them tax exemption status 501(c)(3) for being a good little boy. And then Obama had legalized fake news. And so any organization that works under them to help spread fake news. can receive a paycheck. Mark Zuckerberg might have diplomatic immunity.

Facebook earned about $1.1 billion in their first year as a public corporation. The corporate income tax rate is 35%. That means Facebook should have forked over about $385 million in taxes, but instead is getting a tax refund of about $429 million.

In order to pay for that $814 million subsidy, the Federal Government would have to fire more than 10,000 workers.

To put this in perspective, Facebook employs about 3500 workers.
Thoughts on Facebook's $814 million taxpayer subsidy

US cities and states give big tech $9.3bn in subsidies in five years



"Complaints" 8snt where this is heading.

These leftist orgs are about to do 5hemselves in
It's not a "joke." It's CRIMINAL

No, it's a joke. Calling it criminal isn't a joke however. It's a dangerous threat to freedom of speech.

Not really a threat to free speech.. It's arguably illegal and could be called inciting violence, or harm to others or any NUMBER of criminal statutes...

The problem comes in when sites are NOT SPECIFIC about their content rules and just use euphemisms like "hate speech" and go about enforcing that by "I knows it when I sees it" rule...


"I just come back from a week on Bali... "

"I hate you"

Note from System Adminstration

"Our algorithms have determined that your content contains Hate Speech.. We've taken action to limit the distribution of your content to the general FaceBook membership"

There are no hate speech laws in the US, though.

There's no legal definition of "hate speech" either.. Well there's an "operational" definition of it but not BASED on law.. It's sweeping the liberal land OUTSIDE the US tho.. England is the worst. You can be fined, jail, restricted for ASBOs.. (anti-social behavior orders).. Another nebulous term that empowers folks that love to censor uncomfortable speech or actions..

It's just an excuse for censors to act arbitrarily like the big SocMedia companies do and keep the members GUESSING at what the limits are and whether it's fairly enforced...
There are people of power at local levels who are not Progs who abuse people also. Just being on the internet and somehow they get the words typed sent to them. They can and have destroyed others. Used other people who are civilians working as the stooges they can be to stroke their egos over nothing. And actually even moving those people away from their orbit. Facebook and others are pushing their for of another government we are heading to. But we will end up with something else. Something more vicious to set up.

I don't get unsolicited "words" sent to me about politics or current events or public policy.. Don't know where this "threat" is that you describe... Hard to care about a nebulous problem that "some group" is doing that I have no evidence of...

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