Facebook permanently locks conservative children books publisher

Yes, you are a low IQ Stalinist who loves censorship.

This has already been established.
No, that is embarrassing, childish whining for a grown man.

You wingnut babies have the mental fortitude of a wet fart. Look at the two of you.
If ANY "Conservative" is still using Farcebook, they are NOT a true Conservative.
The handwriting was on the wall at least a decade ago that this was coming.
People who claim to be conservative but still use FB or Twatter are part Liberal / part conservative....at best
Yeah, not really. I use FB to keep track of extended family and distant friends. I don't do politics there.
He's A guy. Not plural.
When people are incapable of anything resembling original thought and see themselves as part of a hive, they project their own feelings onto others, and so see them as part of a different hive.

This is why they work so diligently to keep their minds as free of knowledge as possible. Seeking any kind of knowledge outside the parameters of their hive risks the unease of cognitive dissonance as what they know contradicts what they are being told. They prefer ignorance because that gives them security.
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When people are incapable of anything resembling original thought and see themselves as part of a hive, they project their own feelings onto others. And so see them as part of a different hive.

This is why they work so diligently to keep their minds as free of knowledge as possible. Seeking any kind of knowledge outside the parameters of their hive risks the unease of cognitive dissonance as what they know contradicts what they are being told. They prefer ignorance because that gives them security.
Sometimes, a hive is really…a hive. I notice that with rightists a lot.
He's A guy. Not plural.
Maybe, maybe not. I do see constant redefining of what a real conservative is. For example a conservative can have a 100% conservative voting record…but if he speaks up against Trump, poof, he is a RINO.
FB allows antisemitism and Jihadists to post, so the next Republican President can shutdown all of FB, right?
Try a Xanax.

You're all over the map deflecting from thread topic
I looked at your link and saw nothing factual, just clickbait. We have no idea what they said from it That got them censored. There is so much hateful bologna out there it's ridiculous, most of which you believe I suppose. The world is horrified...

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