Facebook permanently locks conservative children books publisher

Stating that they are a private company and can do as they please doesn't mean I agree with them. Your kind of thinking is quite ignorant. Are you completely unable to understand that others can legally do things I don't necessarily agree with but legally they can?
Bull crap.

You KNOW you would not be taking the same stand if there were a concerted effort among these super rich technobrats to silence YOUR views, instead.

They have simply conditioned you buy into their agenda and so you are just fine with it.

All a plaintiff would need to do is make a prima facia case that government encouraged such action. Then, Government would have the burden to prove that its actions did not lead to the businesses actions.

Is there a precedent you're relying on here?
Facebook strikes again.

Now let's hear the whines "it's a private business!"

Fox Business: Facebook 'permanently' locks account of conservative children's book publisher.

Next Republican President needs to ban Facebook and Twitter from our Internet
FB isn’t silencing all conservative opinions. Just go on and look for yourself.

I clicked on one single link from Newsmax, just to read up on the crazy. My feed immediately filled up with right-wing lies from sources I've never heard of. It gave me a little glimpse into the fantasy land that these goobers are living in.
Next Republican President needs to ban Facebook and Twitter from our Internet
That is what Fascists do. As a matter of fact that is exactly what Red China is doing now, closing websites.
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If ANY "Conservative" is still using Farcebook, they are NOT a true Conservative.
The handwriting was on the wall at least a decade ago that this was coming.
People who claim to be conservative but still use FB or Twatter are part Liberal / part conservative....at best
If ANY "Conservative" is still using Farcebook, they are NOT a true Conservative.
The handwriting was on the wall at least a decade ago that this was coming.
People who claim to be conservative but still use FB or Twatter are part Liberal / part conservative....at best
You guys keep redefining conservative.
Bull crap.

You KNOW you would not be taking the same stand if there were a concerted effort among these super rich technobrats to silence YOUR views, instead.

They have simply conditioned you buy into their agenda and so you are just fine with it.


I would absolutely take the same stand. We have already covered this. I supported the right of the baker to not make a wedding cake for a gay marriage also.

We all are not extreme partisan mindless dolts.

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