Facebook permanently locks conservative children books publisher

The same total BS about stolen elections, vaccine hoax And all the other garbage conspiracies you ignoramuses believe? Damn straight, you people are a disgrace after all this time listening to obvious garbage from international pariah / scumbag Rupert Murdoch and your internet nut jobs...

Someone pee in your Fruit Loops this morning?
Reagan did two things the left can never forgive him for:

1. Win the Cold War.
2. Tell people it's okay to be proud of America.
Gorbachev And did the Cold war, we're lucky Reagan did not bring back the hardliners with his garbage jingoism...

And bologna, he started a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else along with the worst propaganda machine that is killing our country with lies and hate....
I'm not duped at all. The whole world believes you are insane politically... Change the channel. Have a nice day get some real news. I know it's tough, cable news is a talking head devisive joke but at least it's not Gop hate and missinformation.... Cheerio!

Try a Xanax.

You're all over the map deflecting from thread topic
I'm not duped at all. The whole world believes you are insane politically... Change the channel. Have a nice day get some real news. I know it's tough, cable news is a talking head devisive joke but at least it's not Gop hate and missinformation.... Cheerio!
The "whole world" can go promptly fuck itself up the goddamn ass.
Backpedal bitch.

Oh come on now, surely you can see the humor here since that is the claim every time any company does anything the right does not agree with.

I have nothing to backpedal on, I supported FBs right to make their own business decisions, that would include this one as well.

I am the only person in this thread that has been consistent on the issue of businesses making their own business decisions
Oh come on now, surely you can see the humor here since that is the claim every time any company does anything the right does not agree with.

I have nothing to backpedal on, I supported FBs right to make their own business decisions, that would include this one as well.

I am the only person in this thread that has been consistent on the issue of businesses making their own business decisions
You know I was just playing with you.

And I agree that a business has the right to make its own decisions, as long as it is not being coerced, threatened, asked, prompted, encouraged, or advised by any government entity or politician to censor protected speech.
And I agree that a business has the right to make its own decisions, as long as it is not being coerced, threatened, asked, prompted, encouraged, or advised by any government entity or politician to censor protected speech.
Does a business lose the right to make its own decisions if a government entity happens to encourage them to make such a decision?
Does a business lose the right to make its own decisions if a government entity happens to encourage them to make such a decision?
No, but we can assume that they have done so at the behest of government and a civil rights violation by said government entity has occurred.

No, but we can assume that they have done so at the behest of government and a civil rights violation by said government entity has occurred.

No, you can't assume that. You'd have to actually prove it before you can assert a violation of civil rights.
It's a private company.
and if nearly the entirety of social media were silencing your opinions, instead, all you repulsive Stalinist fucks would be singing quite a different tune.

I realize you are completely uneducated, but why do you hate liberal values, anyway? The ability of free citizens to express their opinions without being placed in a straight jacket by the rich and powerful has ALWAYS been a liberal value, yet you pukes oppose it simply you are too stupid to know any better.
This is awesome.....FB is teh devil for censoring people.....I hope my side starts to do the same thing soon!

And of course you see no irony in your post at all.
1) I am Independent. There is a great variety of Independent Sides.

2) I hope Conservatives will allow us on their media.
No, you can't assume that. You'd have to actually prove it before you can assert a violation of civil rights.
All a plaintiff would need to do is make a prima facia case that government encouraged such action. Then, Government would have the burden to prove that its actions did not lead to the businesses actions.

and if nearly the entirety of social media were silencing your opinions, instead, all you repulsive Stalinist fucks would be singing quite a different tune.

I realize you are completely uneducated, but why do you hate liberal values, anyway? The ability of free citizens to express their opinions without being placed in a straight jacket by the rich and powerful has ALWAYS been a liberal value, yet you pukes oppose it simply you are too stupid to know any better.

Stating that they are a private company and can do as they please doesn't mean I agree with them. Your kind of thinking is quite ignorant. Are you completely unable to understand that others can legally do things I don't necessarily agree with but legally they can?

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