Facebook wants to now read your thoughts.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Facebook Wants To Now Read Your Thoughts!
Facebook wants to know your deepest, darkest thoughts. In April, the site revealed the existence of a new division, known only as ‘Building 8’ which is dedicated to creating ground-breaking products at the intersection of hardware, software, and content. And a new job advert posting suggests that the mysterious division could be working on mind-reading

Marky, Marky here is a thought for you to read you can fuck off and shove it up your ass.
Because it is you who will screw yourself in the end. LOL.
I can't believe some of the stupid things I read on Facebook. Facebook totally sucks. It is disgusting how wealthy some have become from it. We the people are sometimes asinine.
^ Money hater!!!

Also, the younger peeps love that trash. They cajoled me into joining FB like idk ten ago or something to keep in touch. A decision they are presently rather regretting as I keep tearing gaping holes into their echo chamber bubble. (They're mostly millennial's and about half are socialists [I'm an old school capitalist with far more experience and knowledge - worst part for their circle jerks is they respect my opinions so can't just tell me I'm an idiot, racist, sexist, etc. or to shut up. One of them called me elevator music - "that crappy music you can't fucking wait to get away from, then you catch yourself humming it later" LOL)

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