Faced With Record Illegal Immigration, the White House Wants To Expedite Border Crossings


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just more anti-American garbage from the Biden Junta.

They hate America and are hell-bent on the 'great reset'. As they work feverishly to destroy America and our civil society.

As illegal border crossings reach record highs, the Biden administration is considering a novel idea: make it even easier for migrants to enter the country.

A senior official familiar with the plan told the Washington Free Beacon that the Department of Homeland Security wants to dispatch Customs and Border Protection agents to areas of Mexico that have seen large influxes of migrants. There, documents obtained by the Free Beacon show, law enforcement would begin the screening process for migrants and expedite their final journey across the southern border.

Such a program is virtually unprecedented, and represents an escalation of what critics call the Biden administration’s facilitation of illegal immigration.

"What the Department of Homeland Security wants to do is send customs officers to Mexico so we can pre-clear surges of migrants ostensibly in hopes they stop crossing illegally," the DHS official told the Free Beacon. "They would be doing background vetting so migrants can be waved through."

But the plan could put further strain on Border Patrol, which already faces a staffing shortage ahead of an expected winter surge. Staff who spoke with the Free Beacon said miles of the southern border have gone unguarded because agents have been relegated to processing migrants.

President Joe Biden has overseen the largest immigration crisis in U.S. history, with law enforcement recording more than five million illegal crossings on the southern border since he took office. Blue state governors say the record number of migrants coming to their cities is straining their welfare systems, and cities including New York and Chicago are considering budget cuts to offset the cost of housing and feeding migrants.

The Department of Homeland Security declined to comment.

There is ample evidence the Biden administration is well aware of large groups of migrants heading to the United States well before they reach the southern border. Since September, the Free Beacon reported, senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been in communication with Mexican immigration authorities over large caravans traveling to the United States but have seemingly done little to prepare.

Biden has implemented measures he says will create a more orderly immigration system, such as a program that would allow migrants to apply for asylum remotely. Biden claimed the program would "make things better but will not fix the border problem completely," while Republicans say it is illegal.

The program has not led to a decrease in border crossings. The 2023 fiscal year, which ended in October, saw 2.47 million migrant encounters on the southern border—the most in U.S. history.


Just more anti-American garbage from the Biden Junta.

They hate America and are hell-bent on the 'great reset'. As they work feverishly to destroy America and our civil society.

As illegal border crossings reach record highs, the Biden administration is considering a novel idea: make it even easier for migrants to enter the country.
A senior official familiar with the plan told the Washington Free Beacon that the Department of Homeland Security wants to dispatch Customs and Border Protection agents to areas of Mexico that have seen large influxes of migrants. There, documents obtained by the Free Beacon show, law enforcement would begin the screening process for migrants and expedite their final journey across the southern border.
Such a program is virtually unprecedented, and represents an escalation of what critics call the Biden administration’s facilitation of illegal immigration.
"What the Department of Homeland Security wants to do is send customs officers to Mexico so we can pre-clear surges of migrants ostensibly in hopes they stop crossing illegally," the DHS official told the Free Beacon. "They would be doing background vetting so migrants can be waved through."
But the plan could put further strain on Border Patrol, which already faces a staffing shortage ahead of an expected winter surge. Staff who spoke with the Free Beacon said miles of the southern border have gone unguarded because agents have been relegated to processing migrants.
President Joe Biden has overseen the largest immigration crisis in U.S. history, with law enforcement recording more than five million illegal crossings on the southern border since he took office. Blue state governors say the record number of migrants coming to their cities is straining their welfare systems, and cities including New York and Chicago are considering budget cuts to offset the cost of housing and feeding migrants.
The Department of Homeland Security declined to comment.
There is ample evidence the Biden administration is well aware of large groups of migrants heading to the United States well before they reach the southern border. Since September, the Free Beacon reported, senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been in communication with Mexican immigration authorities over large caravans traveling to the United States but have seemingly done little to prepare.
Biden has implemented measures he says will create a more orderly immigration system, such as a program that would allow migrants to apply for asylum remotely. Biden claimed the program would "make things better but will not fix the border problem completely," while Republicans say it is illegal.
The program has not led to a decrease in border crossings. The 2023 fiscal year, which ended in October, saw 2.47 million migrant encounters on the southern border—the most in U.S. history.

This is exactly what a Democrat means when they say "immigration reform."
I see drugged up zombies walking on my streets, sleeping in tents on main boulevards, when I see 16-year-old migrant kids pushing a pram in the cruel American winter, I can't help but think how inhumane and illiberal American Democrats have become.
Europe is moviing in the other direction.

It's a little late for Europe, they've pretty much cemented their future.
In fact the entire west seems determined to exterminate themselves, by allowing people to flood in from shitholes, where crime and violence is second nature.
It's astonishing to watch, and none of us have the balls to do a goddamn thing about it.
I would love to see Biden taken out, but it seems his entire party hates the west so bad, that whoever takes his place will be no different anyway.
Just more anti-American garbage from the Biden Junta.

They hate America and are hell-bent on the 'great reset'. As they work feverishly to destroy America and our civil society.

As illegal border crossings reach record highs, the Biden administration is considering a novel idea: make it even easier for migrants to enter the country.
A senior official familiar with the plan told the Washington Free Beacon that the Department of Homeland Security wants to dispatch Customs and Border Protection agents to areas of Mexico that have seen large influxes of migrants. There, documents obtained by the Free Beacon show, law enforcement would begin the screening process for migrants and expedite their final journey across the southern border.
Such a program is virtually unprecedented, and represents an escalation of what critics call the Biden administration’s facilitation of illegal immigration.
"What the Department of Homeland Security wants to do is send customs officers to Mexico so we can pre-clear surges of migrants ostensibly in hopes they stop crossing illegally," the DHS official told the Free Beacon. "They would be doing background vetting so migrants can be waved through."
But the plan could put further strain on Border Patrol, which already faces a staffing shortage ahead of an expected winter surge. Staff who spoke with the Free Beacon said miles of the southern border have gone unguarded because agents have been relegated to processing migrants.
President Joe Biden has overseen the largest immigration crisis in U.S. history, with law enforcement recording more than five million illegal crossings on the southern border since he took office. Blue state governors say the record number of migrants coming to their cities is straining their welfare systems, and cities including New York and Chicago are considering budget cuts to offset the cost of housing and feeding migrants.
The Department of Homeland Security declined to comment.
There is ample evidence the Biden administration is well aware of large groups of migrants heading to the United States well before they reach the southern border. Since September, the Free Beacon reported, senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been in communication with Mexican immigration authorities over large caravans traveling to the United States but have seemingly done little to prepare.
Biden has implemented measures he says will create a more orderly immigration system, such as a program that would allow migrants to apply for asylum remotely. Biden claimed the program would "make things better but will not fix the border problem completely," while Republicans say it is illegal.
The program has not led to a decrease in border crossings. The 2023 fiscal year, which ended in October, saw 2.47 million migrant encounters on the southern border—the most in U.S. history.

We need a hard coup for this alone.

Just more anti-American garbage from the Biden Junta.

They hate America and are hell-bent on the 'great reset'. As they work feverishly to destroy America and our civil society.

As illegal border crossings reach record highs, the Biden administration is considering a novel idea: make it even easier for migrants to enter the country.
A senior official familiar with the plan told the Washington Free Beacon that the Department of Homeland Security wants to dispatch Customs and Border Protection agents to areas of Mexico that have seen large influxes of migrants. There, documents obtained by the Free Beacon show, law enforcement would begin the screening process for migrants and expedite their final journey across the southern border.
Such a program is virtually unprecedented, and represents an escalation of what critics call the Biden administration’s facilitation of illegal immigration.
"What the Department of Homeland Security wants to do is send customs officers to Mexico so we can pre-clear surges of migrants ostensibly in hopes they stop crossing illegally," the DHS official told the Free Beacon. "They would be doing background vetting so migrants can be waved through."
But the plan could put further strain on Border Patrol, which already faces a staffing shortage ahead of an expected winter surge. Staff who spoke with the Free Beacon said miles of the southern border have gone unguarded because agents have been relegated to processing migrants.
President Joe Biden has overseen the largest immigration crisis in U.S. history, with law enforcement recording more than five million illegal crossings on the southern border since he took office. Blue state governors say the record number of migrants coming to their cities is straining their welfare systems, and cities including New York and Chicago are considering budget cuts to offset the cost of housing and feeding migrants.
The Department of Homeland Security declined to comment.
There is ample evidence the Biden administration is well aware of large groups of migrants heading to the United States well before they reach the southern border. Since September, the Free Beacon reported, senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been in communication with Mexican immigration authorities over large caravans traveling to the United States but have seemingly done little to prepare.
Biden has implemented measures he says will create a more orderly immigration system, such as a program that would allow migrants to apply for asylum remotely. Biden claimed the program would "make things better but will not fix the border problem completely," while Republicans say it is illegal.
The program has not led to a decrease in border crossings. The 2023 fiscal year, which ended in October, saw 2.47 million migrant encounters on the southern border—the most in U.S. history.

dementia joe has his head up his a--

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