Faces of Truth: Prominent People World Wide Say Bad Things About America and 9/11


Your intelligence is reflective on your response to intellectual information...
And your intelligence is reflective on your failure to discern intellectual information from bullshit.

All these prominent people are intelligent enough to wrap their brain around the indisputable facts...unfortunately you are denied that ability which leaves you in denial of facts...

But I guess in your mind somehow you are the one smarter than all these, and many, many, more prominent people...LOL...:lol:
Your intelligence is reflective on your response to intellectual information...
And your intelligence is reflective on your failure to discern intellectual information from bullshit.

All these prominent people are intelligent enough to wrap their brain around the indisputable facts...unfortunately you are denied that ability which leaves you in denial of facts...

But I guess in your mind somehow you are the one smarter than all these, and many, many, more prominent people...LOL...:lol:
Have an adult explain to you the difference between an opinion and a fact.
And your intelligence is reflective on your failure to discern intellectual information from bullshit.

All these prominent people are intelligent enough to wrap their brain around the indisputable facts...unfortunately you are denied that ability which leaves you in denial of facts...

But I guess in your mind somehow you are the one smarter than all these, and many, many, more prominent people...LOL...:lol:
Have an adult explain to you the difference between an opinion and a fact.

the word opinion is used many times in the NIST report...ever read it ????
All these prominent people are intelligent enough to wrap their brain around the indisputable facts...unfortunately you are denied that ability which leaves you in denial of facts...

But I guess in your mind somehow you are the one smarter than all these, and many, many, more prominent people...LOL...:lol:
Have an adult explain to you the difference between an opinion and a fact.

the word opinion is used many times in the NIST report...ever read it ????

So do you believe the Opinions of the NIST report?
Insofar as they are coupled with the Facts of it, yes.

See the difference? Probably not.
The facts of the NIST are countered by credible scientific minds using the facts of the NIST report that form opinions using laws of physics as the foundation of their hypothesis.
Do you understand that difference?
Yes, and you choose to pick the opinions that correspond with your preconceived notions of the facts in order to make yourself feel better about the fact that you never lost your virginity.
Insofar as they are coupled with the Facts of it, yes.

See the difference? Probably not.
The facts of the NIST are countered by credible scientific minds using the facts of the NIST report that form opinions using laws of physics as the foundation of their hypothesis.
Do you understand that difference?
Yes, and you choose to pick the opinions that correspond with your preconceived notions of the facts in order to make yourself feel better about the fact that you never lost your virginity.

Preconceived notions? How the fuck can you prove that? Fact is, I believed all the BS and hype at first, my family members enlisted and fought in Iraq and most everyone I knew supported these military moves and official explanations at first.
Then upon further review and spending some serious time studying and discussing different opinions and reading scientific reports and links, I know a lot more then I did then, and the OCT and the reputation of institutes like NIST and my government are forever tarnished.
Perhaps you would do well taking this topic more serious instead of your stupid juvenile remarks and resorting to personal attacks when you get your ass handed to you and you are left with nothing intelligent to rebuttal with.
Seriously dude...posting gifs of little turds and the like shows you are intellectually unable to reply to this thread topic and your comments about virginity are a subconscious self reflection of your own deeper inadequacies.
Preconceived notions? How the fuck can you prove that? Fact is, I believed all the BS and hype at first, my family members enlisted and fought in Iraq and most everyone I knew supported these military moves and official explanations at first.
Then upon further review and spending some serious time studying and discussing different opinions and reading scientific reports and links, I know a lot more then I did then, and the OCT and the reputation of institutes like NIST and my government are forever tarnished.
Perhaps you would do well taking this topic more serious instead of your stupid juvenile remarks and resorting to personal attacks when you get your ass handed to you and you are left with nothing intelligent to rebuttal with.
Seriously dude...posting gifs of little turds and the like shows you are intellectually unable to reply to this thread topic and your comments about virginity are a subconscious self reflection of your own deeper inadequacies.
I think someone just farted in here ...
two more farts in a row from you candyass.:poop::clap2: I know what you are going to do next,your so predictable so I will wait when l you do it before I announce it since if i tell you,you wont do it.

Ah crap. This thread isn't what I thought it was. Just more 9/11 conspiracy shit...


yeah 9/11 conspiracy shit revealing the official story is bullshit.
You should really see a doctor about your obsession with feces. It's unhealthy.

Preconceived notions? How the fuck can you prove that? Fact is, I believed all the BS and hype at first, my family members enlisted and fought in Iraq and most everyone I knew supported these military moves and official explanations at first.
Then upon further review and spending some serious time studying and discussing different opinions and reading scientific reports and links, I know a lot more then I did then, and the OCT and the reputation of institutes like NIST and my government are forever tarnished.
Perhaps you would do well taking this topic more serious instead of your stupid juvenile remarks and resorting to personal attacks when you get your ass handed to you and you are left with nothing intelligent to rebuttal with.
Seriously dude...posting gifs of little turds and the like shows you are intellectually unable to reply to this thread topic and your comments about virginity are a subconscious self reflection of your own deeper inadequacies.
I think someone just farted in here ...

Take your own advice hypocrite, is this the best you can do...? Copy someone elses line that you disparage? :clap2:
two more farts in a row from you candyass.:poop::clap2: I know what you are going to do next,your so predictable so I will wait when l you do it before I announce it since if i tell you,you wont do it.

Preconceived notions? How the fuck can you prove that? Fact is, I believed all the BS and hype at first, my family members enlisted and fought in Iraq and most everyone I knew supported these military moves and official explanations at first.
Then upon further review and spending some serious time studying and discussing different opinions and reading scientific reports and links, I know a lot more then I did then, and the OCT and the reputation of institutes like NIST and my government are forever tarnished.
Perhaps you would do well taking this topic more serious instead of your stupid juvenile remarks and resorting to personal attacks when you get your ass handed to you and you are left with nothing intelligent to rebuttal with.
Seriously dude...posting gifs of little turds and the like shows you are intellectually unable to reply to this thread topic and your comments about virginity are a subconscious self reflection of your own deeper inadequacies.
I think someone just farted in here ...

Take your own advice hypocrite, is this the best you can do...? Copy someone elses line that you disparage? :clap2:
When in Rome ...

I think someone just farted in here ...

Take your own advice hypocrite, is this the best you can do...? Copy someone elses line that you disparage? :clap2:
When in Rome ...

This isn't Rome this is USMB, I believe you must be at least 13 to register and the thread topic at hand is about 9-11 and the prominent people and minds that have spoken out on the fairytale OCT you obviously deem as factual and credible, but searching pages and pages back I still cannot find anything you posted that resembles anything about what the OP and his thread is about.
C'mon grow a pair, put down the game controller and see if you can muster anything that will at least pass what a 1st grader would reply with... Hurry before mommy and daddy come home and catch you cutting school...again. :lol:

"If you are under the age of 13, the administrator may require that a parent or guardian provide consent before allowing you to complete the registration process. More information about this is available during the registration process."
US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - FAQ: General Forum Usage
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Take your own advice hypocrite, is this the best you can do...? Copy someone elses line that you disparage? :clap2:
When in Rome ...

This isn't Rome this is USMB, I believe you must be at least 13 to register and the thread topic at hand is about 9-11 and the prominent people and minds that have spoken out on the fairytale OCT you obviously deem as factual and credible, but searching pages and pages back I still cannot find anything you posted that resembles anything about what the OP and his thread is about.
C'mon grow a pair, put down the game controller and see if you can muster anything that will at least pass what a 1st grader would reply with... Hurry before mommy and daddy come home and catch you cutting school...again. :lol:

"If you are under the age of 13, the administrator may require that a parent or guardian provide consent before allowing you to complete the registration process. More information about this is available during the registration process."
US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - FAQ: General Forum Usage
You seem to think I'm here for your entertainment. Quite to the contrary.

Re-read the parts where I said opinions are not the same as facts. Then read it again until you get it.
Many people say if 9/11 was an inside job then someone would have come forward by now out the many that must have been involved.

I say not if our government can do things like they do below.

The investigations go like this in American government...here is a perfect example on how investigations get manipulated in U.S. government.

Below are a couple paragraphs from a long article recently in Asian Times and an actual part of the 9/11 investigation and how it was manipulated:

Senators trapped forever into silence and organized group:
Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs
"The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reported that the SEC took the unprecedented step to deputize hundreds, if not even thousands of key stakeholders in the private sector for their investigation. In a statement that was sent to almost all listed companies in the US, the SEC asked the addressed companies to assign senior staff for the investigation, who would be aware of "the sensitive nature" of the case and could be relied on to "exercise appropriate discretion".

In essence, it was about controlling information, not about provision and disclosure of facts. Such a course of action involves compromising consequences. Ruppert: What happens when you deputize someone in a national security or criminal investigation is that you make it illegal for them to disclose publicly what they know. Smart move. In effect, they become government agents and are controlled by government regulations rather than their own conscience. In fact, they can be thrown into jail without a hearing if they talk publicly. I have seen this implied threat time after time with federal investigators, intelligence agents, and even members of United States Congress who are bound so tightly by secrecy oaths and agreements that they are not even able to disclose criminal activities inside the government for fear of incarceration."

Watch Online | The Man Who Knew | FRONTLINE | PBS
When in Rome ...

This isn't Rome this is USMB, I believe you must be at least 13 to register and the thread topic at hand is about 9-11 and the prominent people and minds that have spoken out on the fairytale OCT you obviously deem as factual and credible, but searching pages and pages back I still cannot find anything you posted that resembles anything about what the OP and his thread is about.
C'mon grow a pair, put down the game controller and see if you can muster anything that will at least pass what a 1st grader would reply with... Hurry before mommy and daddy come home and catch you cutting school...again. :lol:

"If you are under the age of 13, the administrator may require that a parent or guardian provide consent before allowing you to complete the registration process. More information about this is available during the registration process."
US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - FAQ: General Forum Usage
You seem to think I'm here for your entertainment. Quite to the contrary.

Re-read the parts where I said opinions are not the same as facts. Then read it again until you get it.

You're here to act like a juvenile and find entertainment in derailing serious topics, while I'm here to discuss these facts and opinions you taut as showing the NIST hypothesis is correct but you bring nothing but little gifs of turds and stupidity.

The opinions of both sides of the issue should be based on sound facts, NIST opinions are based on flawed or disingenuous facts
the deliberate suppression of facts, and relied on ignorance and complacency, such as you display, and this is an opinion based on factual evidence that has been brought into light by and for those paying attention and that actually give a damn about their nation and the state that it is in.
I don't expect you to understand this though.
This isn't Rome this is USMB, I believe you must be at least 13 to register and the thread topic at hand is about 9-11 and the prominent people and minds that have spoken out on the fairytale OCT you obviously deem as factual and credible, but searching pages and pages back I still cannot find anything you posted that resembles anything about what the OP and his thread is about.
C'mon grow a pair, put down the game controller and see if you can muster anything that will at least pass what a 1st grader would reply with... Hurry before mommy and daddy come home and catch you cutting school...again. :lol:

"If you are under the age of 13, the administrator may require that a parent or guardian provide consent before allowing you to complete the registration process. More information about this is available during the registration process."
US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - FAQ: General Forum Usage
You seem to think I'm here for your entertainment. Quite to the contrary.

Re-read the parts where I said opinions are not the same as facts. Then read it again until you get it.

You're here to act like a juvenile and find entertainment in derailing serious topics, while I'm here to discuss these facts and opinions you taut as showing the NIST hypothesis is correct but you bring nothing but little gifs of turds and stupidity.

The opinions of both sides of the issue should be based on sound facts, NIST opinions are based on flawed or disingenuous facts
the deliberate suppression of facts, and relied on ignorance and complacency, such as you display, and this is an opinion based on factual evidence that has been brought into light by and for those paying attention and that actually give a damn about their nation and the state that it is in.
I don't expect you to understand this though.
I'm so sorry, please go on talking about serious topics with such luminaries as 9/11 rim job and 7derpever.

I forgot that the Internets is for serious people only, I guess. :tinfoil:

Mr Jones and Max,you two guys are making wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much sense for the official conspiracy theory apologists here to comprehend.Be careful,you will overload their warped minds with too much credible evidence and facts so much so that they will have to check themselves into a hospital and have to to be operated
on from common sense and logic overload.thats too much for their feeble minds to take.

Hey Mr Jones,you might head on over to my thread and try to explain to this poster named Light what you just said.He really needs to change his user name to I CANT SEE THE LIGHT because it is so much the truth.

He is obviously in denial and afraid to admit that he slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol: I told him that when he decided to go back to 7th grade and take some science classes,i would debate him again in a year from now but he wont admit he knows nothing at all about the laws of physics.

I tried as best as I could dummies style to explain it to him but had no luck,maybe YOU will.:D Just got over there and look at his posts and how he replied when I tried to reason with him and how he constantly ignored everything I said.Ypu'll see what I mean.Trying to talk to him is like trying to talk to a wall.thats the way it is with all Bush dupes though of course so no surprise there.

Your intelligence is reflective on your response to intellectual information...

yeah great rebuttals from crackerkid on your posts.:lol::lol::lol: for sure a very intellectual reply.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D

I cant believe you guys even TRY to reason with this kid troll.
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The facts of the NIST are countered by credible scientific minds using the facts of the NIST report that form opinions using laws of physics as the foundation of their hypothesis.
Do you understand that difference?
Yes, and you choose to pick the opinions that correspond with your preconceived notions of the facts in order to make yourself feel better about the fact that you never lost your virginity.

Preconceived notions? How the fuck can you prove that? Fact is, I believed all the BS and hype at first, my family members enlisted and fought in Iraq and most everyone I knew supported these military moves and official explanations at first.
Then upon further review and spending some serious time studying and discussing different opinions and reading scientific reports and links, I know a lot more then I did then, and the OCT and the reputation of institutes like NIST and my government are forever tarnished.
Perhaps you would do well taking this topic more serious instead of your stupid juvenile remarks and resorting to personal attacks when you get your ass handed to you and you are left with nothing intelligent to rebuttal with.
Seriously dude...posting gifs of little turds and the like shows you are intellectually unable to reply to this thread topic and your comments about virginity are a subconscious self reflection of your own deeper inadequacies.

yeah same here,for three years I was a loyal Bush dupe as well but unlike the many trolls here that post,I started reading books that had an opposing view point on it a couple years later after it all happened and the information in there consisted of many prominent distinguised credible people like the ones mentioned throughout this thread and once I learned the true facts and the evidence the 9/11 coverup commission and the lamestream media left out in their report and in the news broadcasts,it was easy as pie to see that it was an inside job especially when the truth was revealed that Bush,Cheney and Jew Larry Silverstein all proffited immensely from the attacks.

you got to be one wacky weird coincidence theorist after all to believe the fairy tale that the only towers that collapsed that day were all owned by silverstein.That the others that were not owned by him did not collapse along with these wacky coincidences in this video.you got to be on drugs to believe the official version after watching this video.:lol::lol:

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