Facial Hair

Blah, a lot of my peers run around with that "Duck Ny-Nasty" look now.

The things that they have in common is their wives have either runn-oft or died and they tool around in old Ford Ranger PUs....Bonus points for the older flat front ones. ;)

I'll admit that since I retired I go longer between shaves (a couple days) but I'll be damned if I'll run around like that.
I dated a woman that brokeup with her boyfriend because of his scraggly beard and poor hygiene. She was embarrassed to be seen with him.
I had a mustache in my twenties and when I see pictures of that, I think I look stupid. Was trying to look older, I guess.
Got rid of that sucker when I started working outdoors in the winter. The frozen snot was disgusting.

Now I stay clean shaven as whiskers come in gray and my hair hasn't turned yet. I now look younger than if I had facial hair.
Most women like clean shaven men and are turned off by men with beards. I could grow a nice beard but prefer the clean shaven look.

I have had a mustache, since old enough to grow one. The military would not let me have a beard. Since military retirement, have experimented with beards of various types, usually trimmed relatively neat, never ZZ Top style. Now, I typically only grow a beard at the end of summer, when it is starting to turn cold, as it helps protect from the elements, in the cold and wind on slopes and trails.
Why do people assume that a female PHD is an expert in men's facial hair?
She isn't, and you take "studies" like these with a grain of salt. Women love my trimmed beard, and I take care of myself, so a beard is not a turn off. It mainly comes down to good grooming in regards to beards.

Some people believe everything they read on the internet, I guess.
Most women like clean shaven men and are turned off by men with beards. I could grow a nice beard but prefer the clean shaven look.

OH NO- Sooty thinks beards are hot. I have known so many men who are hot with beards- They shave them off- They look icky. Then they don't look so good. You grow a beard if you think it looks good! just keep it a bit short... dont grow a 6 inch long one! lol
You'll pick up more women. My chiro a younger guy - looks so cute with a beard- his mother makes him shave it off.... because he's a doctor... lol
I had a mustache in my twenties and when I see pictures of that, I think I look stupid. Was trying to look older, I guess.
Got rid of that sucker when I started working outdoors in the winter. The frozen snot was disgusting.

Now I stay clean shaven as whiskers come in gray and my hair hasn't turned yet. I now look younger than if I had facial hair.
This is true with anyone our age who has facial hair. I look very young for my age and have my entire life, hated it when young but like it now. However, my chin is all grey now and it reveals my true age, even though my hair hasn't started yet. I don't care it makes me look my age.

And since I've lost some hair topside, I like to keep a little extra below deck.
You see these prissy guys who have very neatly trimmed facial hair, which I believe to be an effort to make it more palatable to women.

I shave every day.!
Just speaking for myself, not all women, but I'm not a fan of beards. BUT if you are going to have a beard... at least trim it as opposed to looking like Rip Van Winkle. Scraggly, long or bushy beards (with food stuck in them) is NOT attractive 🤮 to me anyway, lol.
This is true with anyone our age who has facial hair. I look very young for my age and have my entire life, hated it when young but like it now. However, my chin is all grey now and it reveals my true age, even though my hair hasn't started yet. I don't care it makes me look my age.

And since I've lost some hair topside, I like to keep a little extra below deck.
Well being an older woman- I don't care about the grey either- It makes a man look extinguished- I wouldn't worry about it either!
She isn't, and you take "studies" like these with a grain of salt. Women love my trimmed beard, and I take care of myself, so a beard is not a turn off. It mainly comes down to good grooming in regards to beards.

Some people believe everything they read on the internet, I guess.
I bet you are handsome. LOL
Women love my trimmed beard, and I take care of myself, so a beard is not a turn off.
It is a turn off to most women. Most of the ladies I've dated like a clean shaven man.
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I guess I am old fashioned. I dislike the look of any facial hair on women.


It is a turn off to most women. Most of the ladies I've dated like a clean shaven man.
PJ likes my looks with the beard, but it takes maintenance. Are you sure you don't just look shitty with a beard? I am glad, I am not single, dating, having to look appealing women, I don't know well.
In today's world "studies" has a broad meaning and it usually has a political agenda. Next thing you know men who can't grow a beard are going to claim victimhood and discrimination.
Shave a few times a week in the summer, let it grow out during the winter. My shop isn’t the best climate controlled area so it’s nice to keep the checks warm. My wife like the routine says about the time summer hits she’s tired of the beard and when the leaves turn color she’s tired of the somewhat shaved look. If a woman other than my wide tells me i need to shave I let the know we have something in common
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the more I see of it on a man's face the more sensual he appears. It looks soft and palpable and that is very attractive to me. Unless a man is trying to disguise a facial or chin (s) disfigurement or feature he does not like, I would like to see most men clean-shaven. Manly!!!! :bow2:

I do know women who like to see men in short well-trimmed beards. I just never have. The bottom line though is I would hope a man suits himself when it comes to sporting a beard or not. It's most important to be and look how you want. Please yourself first, and the self-confidence will shine through, and that in itself is very appealing to most women, in my opinion.

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