Facing the Truth

I fully support awarding 1,000,000.00 to every living former slave in the US.

Fair eneough?

How about you support reading the article so as not to look like a complete idiot for talking about slavery as if that was the end?
How about you support reading the article so as not to look like a complete idiot for talking about slavery as if that was the end.
I read it and responded accordingly.

The only think keeping blacks from succeeding today is the Democratic Party and their fellow blacks who would rather keep them living as a permanent dependent underclass that will vote Democrat for another hundred years.
you and a couple of other Jews here have decided to diss us almost every time a black person speaks on our experience

I had never "dissed" your experience.

I only find it a little bit naive and pretentious to state categorically that you group has suffered more than any other group.

I have great respect the the struggle of Blacks, both here and abroad. But, to claim an exclusive right to claim to have suffered the most isn't something any decent person could let pass without comment.
I had never "dissed" your experience.

I only find it a little bit naive and pretentious to state categorically that you group has suffered more than any other group.

I have great respect the the struggle of Blacks, both here and abroad. But, to claim an exclusive right to claim to have suffered the most isn't something any decent person could let pass without comment.
He's obviously never visited any of the reservations out west like the Hopi, Zuni, Apache and Navaho.
Really? Did that happen in America?

Because that's what this thread is about. And they got reparations.

If you want to go that route... um, yeah. Then we should establish a new African Homeland in Africa (just ignore the people you are displacing) like Europe did for its Jews in Palestine.

Actually, we kind of did try that on a limited scale. it was a fucking disaster.

If you want to go that route... um, yeah. Then we should establish a new African Homeland in Africa (just ignore the people you are displacing) like Europe did for its Jews in Palestine.

Actually, we kind of did try that on a limited scale. it was a fucking disaster.

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The Natives did not appreciate the rapid influx of immigrants from the US.
These things have been said here by blacks in this forum. Now you guys can squawk all you want, but it's time to face the truth. Slavery didn't end anything and reparations are being paid to people who have not suffered. Whether you owned slaves or not, you have benefitted from things blacks have been denied. The damage was caused by government policy and the government at every level has done nothing to fix the damage. There was no 40 trillion, there has not been government giving blacks ANYTHING for 60 years. NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Despite this blacks have survived. There is no black victimhood and a subculture of people so weak that they storm the nation's capital over some stuff that was made up because one of them lost an election and could not be president anymore is the epitome of a victim mentality. So man up, because this is the start. The reckoning for America and its relationship with 40 plus million black citizens has come.

Works on the assumption that being white has always been a walk in the park in this country.

Well. No. Until the 1940's or so, being white for most people kind of sucked.



So yeah, the immigrants in the north weren't slaves, but they were often held in debt, worked under dangerous conditions, and had very little in terms of rights.

My grandfather lost his ring finger in an industrial accident. My dad died of lung cancer from asbestos he encountered at work. Where's my reparations?
Works on the assumption that being white has always been a walk in the park in this country.

Well. No. Until the 1940's or so, being white for most people kind of sucked.

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So yeah, the immigrants in the north weren't slaves, but they were often held in debt, worked under dangerous conditions, and had very little in terms of rights.

My grandfather lost his ring finger in an industrial accident. My dad died of lung cancer from asbestos he encountered at work. Where's my reparations?
Actually a fair number of Northern States were once slave states as well.
Spate me. I don't live in California and it gets real tiring reading all of these rejections, denials, dismissals and disagreements with documented history. Now it's time to discredit the evidence of this study. Nobody is telling me what I want to hear fool, I knew this shit 35 years ago. Grow the hell up! U.S. history is documented. Every policy is documented. Every legislative action is documented. Every court decision is documented. The people doing this study will not be paying anything. In the end it's going to be the State of California. And since I live in Kansas, I'm an onlooker and won't be getting a mf-ing dime. So spare me the lecture idiot and drop the white paternalism. What that group determined we told your ass years ago.

Um yeah, history is documented. Every group has had it's hard luck story... but most of us don't keep whining about it.

I'm a second generation German-American, and frankly, stuff my father and grandfather had to deal with was a bit rough, but I'd be daft to ask for reparations because of it.
Good luck getting Hispanics in CA to vote for it.....But I suspect it will be forced on them without a referendum vote.....Just something their leftist representatives think they should have to pay for.

I'll bet they will take it out of covid relief funds that they have not sent yet.

The last I read CA was sitting on 15 billion worth, most of which is American Rescue Plan Act money.
Easy ... the one with the most voters.

That's what pandering is for.
thx , guess i missed the obvious there.....
I guess but one thing is for certain, it will be used to buy votes instead of being returned to the US Treasury as it's supposed to be.....The ARPA is the biggest dem slush fund ever approved.
Good lord yes, even my small town (pop 3100) received almost 1 mil.

They had a special meeting full of locals with visions of sugar plums in their heads

I pointed out ARPA was the gub'mit's apology for ruining the economy with our great grandkids $$$ , and we oughta send it back

So California released a study on reparations. And while we have seen the expected moaning and groaning from the usuals, how about we look at the study?

California’s unprecedented reparations report details 150 years of anti-Black harm

A new report from California’s first-in-the-country reparations task force details how slavery touched nearly every aspect of Black life in America, producing “innumerable harms” that are still felt today.

The report, which will be released Wednesday, offers a comprehensive look at the impacts of enslavement and generations of discrimination on Black Californians and Black Americans more broadly. It finds that the damage to Black communities is extensive and that a variety of intentionally crafted policy, judicial decisions and racism by private actors has created a widespread exclusion of Black people that has not been sufficiently addressed at any level of government.

“Almost 150 years of active, conscious federal, state, and local government action and neglect of duty have resulted in compounded harms that are unique to Black Americans,”

These things have been said here by blacks in this forum. Now you guys can squawk all you want, but it's time to face the truth. Slavery didn't end anything and reparations are being paid to people who have not suffered. Whether you owned slaves or not, you have benefitted from things blacks have been denied. The damage was caused by government policy and the government at every level has done nothing to fix the damage. There was no 40 trillion, there has not been government giving blacks ANYTHING for 60 years. NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Despite this blacks have survived. There is no black victimhood and a subculture of people so weak that they storm the nation's capital over some stuff that was made up because one of them lost an election and could not be president anymore is the epitome of a victim mentality. So man up, because this is the start. The reckoning for America and its relationship with 40 plus million black citizens has come.
Will those reparations also be given to Chinese and Mexican descendants in California?
So California released a study on reparations. And while we have seen the expected moaning and groaning from the usuals, how about we look at the study?

California’s unprecedented reparations report details 150 years of anti-Black harm

A new report from California’s first-in-the-country reparations task force details how slavery touched nearly every aspect of Black life in America, producing “innumerable harms” that are still felt today.

The report, which will be released Wednesday, offers a comprehensive look at the impacts of enslavement and generations of discrimination on Black Californians and Black Americans more broadly. It finds that the damage to Black communities is extensive and that a variety of intentionally crafted policy, judicial decisions and racism by private actors has created a widespread exclusion of Black people that has not been sufficiently addressed at any level of government.

“Almost 150 years of active, conscious federal, state, and local government action and neglect of duty have resulted in compounded harms that are unique to Black Americans,”

These things have been said here by blacks in this forum. Now you guys can squawk all you want, but it's time to face the truth. Slavery didn't end anything and reparations are being paid to people who have not suffered. Whether you owned slaves or not, you have benefitted from things blacks have been denied. The damage was caused by government policy and the government at every level has done nothing to fix the damage. There was no 40 trillion, there has not been government giving blacks ANYTHING for 60 years. NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Despite this blacks have survived. There is no black victimhood and a subculture of people so weak that they storm the nation's capital over some stuff that was made up because one of them lost an election and could not be president anymore is the epitome of a victim mentality. So man up, because this is the start. The reckoning for America and its relationship with 40 plus million black citizens has come.

Is this an admission that all the democrats programs and policies targeting helping the black community failed? If not can you name any government programs/policies that helped the black community?
Also can you explain how reparations will make a difference in the black communities productive progress?
The report also highlights that historical injustices have helped fuel modern-day disparities, noting that California’s stagnant rates of Black homeownership, racial disparities in police arrests and use of force, a large gap in the average wealth of Black and white families and unequal discipline of Black students compared to their white peers are least in part the results of decades of social engineering designed to exclude Black Californians from gaining access to the same political, financial, employment and educational opportunities as their white counterparts.

Such exclusion also had support at the federal level, which the report takes care to document, highlighting that in the years before enslavement and in the decades after its collapse, all levels of government worked with private actors to preserve and deeply entrench racial discrimination.

“Reparations is a federal responsibility first and foremost,” Moore said. “The report has nationwide breakdowns for each chapter to constantly remind people that even with the current California effort, this is primarily a federal responsibility.”


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