Facing the Truth

For what? A picture from Germany in a thread about America? Hate to tell you but more than 6 million blacks have died in the 150 years after slavery. And some of the people practicing discrimination against blacks here were Jews. Some still are. Ask Donald Sterling if he is still here.
With all the Asian attacks, it slipped my mind that Blacks are also anti-semetic...
For what? A picture from Germany in a thread about America? Hate to tell you but more than 6 million blacks have died in the 150 years after slavery. And some of the people practicing discrimination against blacks here were Jews. Some still are. Ask Donald Sterling if he is still here.
And you all practiced discrimination against women...

This is the California study. It is the thread topic. From this point on, this is what will be discussed. I am reading it and it is 492 pages. We will no longer be discussing your feelings about black people. If you disagree with the facts presented in this study, produce facts from credible sources to support your disagreement. After this post all off topic threads will be immediately reported. So if discussing this report is not something you can do, then please refrain from posting in this thread.
With all the Asian attacks, it slipped my mind that Blacks are also anti-semetic...
It also slipped your mind that most of the attacks were not done by blacks.
So California released a study on reparations. And while we have seen the expected moaning and groaning from the usuals, how about we look at the study?

California’s unprecedented reparations report details 150 years of anti-Black harm

A new report from California’s first-in-the-country reparations task force details how slavery touched nearly every aspect of Black life in America, producing “innumerable harms” that are still felt today.

The report, which will be released Wednesday, offers a comprehensive look at the impacts of enslavement and generations of discrimination on Black Californians and Black Americans more broadly. It finds that the damage to Black communities is extensive and that a variety of intentionally crafted policy, judicial decisions and racism by private actors has created a widespread exclusion of Black people that has not been sufficiently addressed at any level of government.

“Almost 150 years of active, conscious federal, state, and local government action and neglect of duty have resulted in compounded harms that are unique to Black Americans,”

These things have been said here by blacks in this forum. Now you guys can squawk all you want, but it's time to face the truth. Slavery didn't end anything and reparations are being paid to people who have not suffered. Whether you owned slaves or not, you have benefitted from things blacks have been denied. The damage was caused by government policy and the government at every level has done nothing to fix the damage. There was no 40 trillion, there has not been government giving blacks ANYTHING for 60 years. NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Despite this blacks have survived. There is no black victimhood and a subculture of people so weak that they storm the nation's capital over some stuff that was made up because one of them lost an election and could not be president anymore is the epitome of a victim mentality. So man up, because this is the start. The reckoning for America and its relationship with 40 plus million black citizens has come.

I suppose this is fitting. California is one of the most dangerous places in the world for black people.
no sense continuing watching this thread.

The OP somehow believes that Blacks have been treated worse than any other group that ever existed in the US.

Completely ignoring the plights of indigenous Americans, Chinese, Mexicans, etc.
no sense continuing watching this thread.

The OP somehow believes that Blacks have been treated worse than any other group that ever existed in the US.

Completely ignoring the plights of indigenous Americans, Chinese, Mexicans, etc.
The OP is correct. Indigenous Americans were not taken from their homes. On top of that they owned black slaves. Every one of those groups you mention had it tough, but everything is not the same as what blacks endured.
Woman did what they were told, because we were owned by someone else, or we received the same treatment other slaves received. Except for voting. You got to do that way before we did...
White women participated in enslavement, they practiced JimCrow, their false accusations of being raped by black men started riots and got black men killed.
WTF? Your shitty blue city public education did you dirty, man.
No, because I recognize they were moved accross America, but they werren't loaded into the bowels of ships forced to sit in shit and urine, and transported accross an ocean. When people want to make comparisons to dismiss someone then its time to look at what actually happened. What happened to and continues to happen to indigenous people is caused by the white racism you deny. So don't start talking crap after denying racism, complaining about the offense native americans took to the name redskin, and all the blubbering about woke and cancel culture.because native americans have asked for the faces to be taken off Mt. Rushmore

I went to school in a red town and a red state.
I wonder if IM2 realizes there are other things to talk about other than racist acts generations ago?
Like for real. My gawd, what a fuckin chump
So California released a study on reparations. And while we have seen the expected moaning and groaning from the usuals, how about we look at the study?

California’s unprecedented reparations report details 150 years of anti-Black harm

A new report from California’s first-in-the-country reparations task force details how slavery touched nearly every aspect of Black life in America, producing “innumerable harms” that are still felt today.

The report, which will be released Wednesday, offers a comprehensive look at the impacts of enslavement and generations of discrimination on Black Californians and Black Americans more broadly. It finds that the damage to Black communities is extensive and that a variety of intentionally crafted policy, judicial decisions and racism by private actors has created a widespread exclusion of Black people that has not been sufficiently addressed at any level of government.

“Almost 150 years of active, conscious federal, state, and local government action and neglect of duty have resulted in compounded harms that are unique to Black Americans,”

These things have been said here by blacks in this forum. Now you guys can squawk all you want, but it's time to face the truth. Slavery didn't end anything and reparations are being paid to people who have not suffered. Whether you owned slaves or not, you have benefitted from things blacks have been denied. The damage was caused by government policy and the government at every level has done nothing to fix the damage. There was no 40 trillion, there has not been government giving blacks ANYTHING for 60 years. NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Despite this blacks have survived. There is no black victimhood and a subculture of people so weak that they storm the nation's capital over some stuff that was made up because one of them lost an election and could not be president anymore is the epitome of a victim mentality. So man up, because this is the start. The reckoning for America and its relationship with 40 plus million black citizens has come.
I will gladly pay reparations to any living former slave that I owned.
No, because I recognize they were moved accross America, but they werren't loaded into the bowels of ships forced to sit in shit and urine, and transported accross an ocean. When people want to make comparisons to dismiss someone then its time to look at what actually happened. What happened to and continues to happen to indigenous people is caused by the white racism you deny. So don't start talking crap after denying racism, complaining about the offense native americans took to the name redskin, and all the blubbering about woke and cancel culture.because native americans have asked for the faces to be taken off Mt. Rushmore

I went to school in a red town and a red state.
How many years were you enslaved, IM2?
Let's get down to the truth.
The report also highlights that historical injustices have helped fuel modern-day disparities
no it doesn't IM2

you do realize the root of all racism is classism?

and that MLK got shot shortly after he preached the concept......

Really? Did that happen in America?

Because that's what this thread is about. And they got reparations.
They probably did NOT. Children were gassed within hours of their arrivals at the camps.
How many years were you enslaved, IM2?
Let's get down to the truth.
The truth is that reparations aren't owed just for slavery. This tired right wing dodge has outlived it's usefulness. Talk about something being overused, that silly question to avoid recognizing modern damage is the epitome of overused.

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