FACT CHECK: Palin's Book Goes Rogue on Some Facts

I think it's really wrong of you people to be dissing Palin for her new book. It's not like she wrote it.

Right. And President Obama didn't write his books either. We have good reason to believe that he had his domestic terrorist scumbag friend, Bill Ayers (a friend he denies having as a friend), write it for him.

You see what I'm saying about swine?

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard and wrote two best sellers. No one has ever accused him of not writing them. Those books paid off his student loans.

Palin earned her money for college the old fashioned way. She paraded down a runway in stilettos and big hair and little else, her "talents" on display for all the world to see.

I totally understand why you guys want to bring Obama down to her level. We all get it.

So says another in a long line of America Haters.

WHY do you hate your country as much as you seem to HATE palin?

I'll answer it for you fuckstick. Because YOU are threatened by people who THINK, and applaud Individualism, people who belive in Limitied Government.

YOU are threatened because folks like Palin threaten your existence on Foodstamps and whatever assistance YOU are on.

Congrats fuckstick. I've nailed you. Now get out of your mother's basement, and get a fuckin' JOB.
Talk about disappointing. :doubt:

When I read the thread title I got excited, thinking it might actually be damning.

Instead I get two inconsequential exceptions to the admitted general rule.

Woooopdie freeeeeeeeakin doo. :rolleyes:
Right. And President Obama didn't write his books either. We have good reason to believe that he had his domestic terrorist scumbag friend, Bill Ayers (a friend he denies having as a friend), write it for him.

You see what I'm saying about swine?

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard and wrote two best sellers. No one has ever accused him of not writing them. Those books paid off his student loans.

Palin earned her money for college the old fashioned way. She paraded down a runway in stilettos and big hair and little else, her "talents" on display for all the world to see.

I totally understand why you guys want to bring Obama down to her level. We all get it.

So says another in a long line of America Haters.

WHY do you hate your country as much as you seem to HATE palin?

I'll answer it for you fuckstick. Because YOU are threatened by people who THINK, and applaud Individualism, people who belive in Limitied Government.

YOU are threatened because folks like Palin threaten your existence on Foodstamps and whatever assistance YOU are on.

Congrats fuckstick. I've nailed you. Now get out of your mother's basement, and get a fuckin' JOB.

Oh you are so right. I am so, so scared of her and what she stands for. Not her "vision", not her "incredible insight". Oh, no. I'm afraid of her "stilettos and that big hair. She is the mediocre the right strives to be. Their ideal. Looks good, but about as "deep" and "thoughtful" as the paper "her" book was printed on. The book with her name that someone else wrote. All five chapters.

Love America? Not the "secessionist" Palins.
Right. And President Obama didn't write his books either. We have good reason to believe that he had his domestic terrorist scumbag friend, Bill Ayers (a friend he denies having as a friend), write it for him.

You see what I'm saying about swine?

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard and wrote two best sellers. No one has ever accused him of not writing them. Those books paid off his student loans.

Palin earned her money for college the old fashioned way. She paraded down a runway in stilettos and big hair and little else, her "talents" on display for all the world to see.

I totally understand why you guys want to bring Obama down to her level. We all get it.

So says another in a long line of America Haters.

WHY do you hate your country as much as you seem to HATE palin?

I'll answer it for you fuckstick. Because YOU are threatened by people who THINK, and applaud Individualism, people who belive in Limitied Government.

YOU are threatened because folks like Palin threaten your existence on Foodstamps and whatever assistance YOU are on.

Congrats fuckstick. I've nailed you. Now get out of your mother's basement, and get a fuckin' JOB.

Boozin' it up early tonight Tommy Toughpants?
You think Palin didn't have the experience to be Vice President and you think that Joe Biden does???????????????? Joe Biden is older, but he never had any executive experience and neither does Obama, they are both legislatures. Palin had more executive experience than John McCain, he is a legislature too.

There's a huge difference between being a legislature and having executive experience.
Executives make the decisions, they are decisive, they have to be. A legislature just writes and votes on legislation, they make no decisions. Obama has none of this experience, that's why he is dithering on Afghanistan, that is also why for the majority of time we elect former GOVERNORS to the office of President. Example

George Bush- governor of Texas
Bill Clinton- governor of Arkansas
Reagan- governor of California.
Carter- Governor of Georgia, even though it did not help him.

The above had to balance state budgets, they had to make spending cuts, they had to make decisions. I will never again vote for anyone who has not been a former governor, because as evidenced today with this President, they are absolutely and totally clueless.:cuckoo:

Out of all the people you mentioned, who quit to write a book? Who quit from their responsibilities?

I am forming a new club, it's entitled, " The nit wit liberal loon nut club." You have just won first place and have been selected as poster child for "The nit wit liberal loon nut club." Please submit a recent photo so we can all see what "stupid" looks like.:lol:
Pictures of idiots...here ya are...



Your leaders?
Palin goes adrift, at times, on more contemporary issues, too. She criticizes President Barack Obama for pushing through a bailout package that actually was achieved by his Republican predecessor George W. Bush -- a package she seemed to support at the time.

(left out mal)

PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking ''only'' for reasonably priced rooms and not ''often'' going for the ''high-end, robe-and-slippers'' hotels.

THE FACTS: Although travel records indicate she usually opted for less-pricey hotels while governor, Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel (robes and slippers come standard) overlooking New York City's Central Park for a five-hour women's leadership conference in October 2007. With air fare, the cost to Alaska was well over $3,000. Event organizers said Palin asked if she could bring her daughter. The governor billed her state more than $20,000 for her children's travel, including to events where they had not been invited, and in some cases later amended expense reports to specify that they had been on official business.

PALIN: Boasts that she ran her campaign for governor on small donations, mostly from first-time givers, and turned back large checks from big donors if her campaign perceived a conflict of interest.

THE FACTS: Of the roughly $1.3 million she raised for her primary and general election campaigns for governor, more than half came from people and political action committees giving at least $500, according to an AP analysis of her campaign finance reports. The maximum that individual donors could give was $1,000; $2,000 for a PAC.

Of the rest, about $76,000 came from Republican Party committees.


The facts are out. PDS is toxic.

Just another helpful public service announcement because, damnit, conservatives CARE about the mental imbalances of our liberoidals.

Do you have anything useful to say that would in any way counter the facts stated in the article or are you just trolling again?

I phear the Phalin like I phear the Phred. :eek:
Right. And President Obama didn't write his books either. We have good reason to believe that he had his domestic terrorist scumbag friend, Bill Ayers (a friend he denies having as a friend), write it for him.

You see what I'm saying about swine?

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard and wrote two best sellers. No one has ever accused him of not writing them. Those books paid off his student loans.

Palin earned her money for college the old fashioned way. She paraded down a runway in stilettos and big hair and little else, her "talents" on display for all the world to see.

I totally understand why you guys want to bring Obama down to her level. We all get it.

So says another in a long line of America Haters.

WHY do you hate your country as much as you seem to HATE palin?

I'll answer it for you fuckstick. Because YOU are threatened by people who THINK, and applaud Individualism, people who belive in Limitied Government.

YOU are threatened because folks like Palin threaten your existence on Foodstamps and whatever assistance YOU are on.

Congrats fuckstick. I've nailed you. Now get out of your mother's basement, and get a fuckin' JOB.

Boo Hoo! Everyone hates America except for Tommy tonite. Boo Hoo.

Go cry in your beer. and your beer. and your beer. and your beer. and your beer.
You see what I'm saying about swine?

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard and wrote two best sellers. No one has ever accused him of not writing them. Those books paid off his student loans.

Palin earned her money for college the old fashioned way. She paraded down a runway in stilettos and big hair and little else, her "talents" on display for all the world to see.

I totally understand why you guys want to bring Obama down to her level. We all get it.

So says another in a long line of America Haters.

WHY do you hate your country as much as you seem to HATE palin?

I'll answer it for you fuckstick. Because YOU are threatened by people who THINK, and applaud Individualism, people who belive in Limitied Government.

YOU are threatened because folks like Palin threaten your existence on Foodstamps and whatever assistance YOU are on.

Congrats fuckstick. I've nailed you. Now get out of your mother's basement, and get a fuckin' JOB.

Boo Hoo! Everyone hates America except for Tommy tonite. Boo Hoo.

Go cry in your beer. and your beer. and your beer. and your beer. and your beer.

For real. I only see one person in this thread "hating" Americans.
Thing is? I don't think SHE i a Republican any longer, or has gone outside the circle until Republicans wake the Hell UP.

Down to brass Tacks? She's Conservative, and this is what you fruckers cannot stand.

What's Conservative about her drunkie?
[Yup. I am a Republican as well. I liked Palin all of 48 hours, maximum, after she was named as running mate (woman, yadayadayda, historic competition, yadayadayada), until I learned more about her. Yet to some, one being a Republican automatically means they must love Palin.

The right anointed her their saviour in that first 48 hours, before they knew what they were getting.
But unfortunately for most rightwingers, even after they found out they'd signed on with an imbecile, their affliction of never being able to admit they are wrong (and the left was right) meant they were stuck with her. Till death do them part. :lol::lol::lol:
I really like Palin, she is the best thing to help knock down the republicans since Bush.

Thing is? I don't think SHE i a Republican any longer, or has gone outside the circle until Republicans wake the Hell UP.

Down to brass Tacks? She's Conservative, and this is what you fruckers cannot stand.

Really? I'm a conservative and I'd just as soon she dry up and blow away.
I think it's really wrong of you people to be dissing Palin for her new book. It's not like she wrote it.

Right. And President Obama didn't write his books either. We have good reason to believe that he had his domestic terrorist scumbag friend, Bill Ayers (a friend he denies having as a friend), write it for him.

You see what I'm saying about swine?

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard and wrote two best sellers. No one has ever accused him of not writing them. Those books paid off his student loans.

Palin earned her money for college the old fashioned way. She paraded down a runway in stilettos and big hair and little else, her "talents" on display for all the world to see.

I totally understand why you guys want to bring Obama down to her level. We all get it.


You might well be a swine. I dunno. But you are flatly wrong about the questioning of whether President Obama wrote "his" books.

It is unlikely that he did.

And He Is A Fucking Scumbag, too.
The facts are out. PDS is toxic.

Just another helpful public service announcement because, damnit, conservatives CARE about the mental imbalances of our liberoidals.

Do you have anything useful to say that would in any way counter the facts stated in the article or are you just trolling again?

I phear the Phalin like I phear the Phred. :eek:

You fear soap and water, skanky.
Right. And President Obama didn't write his books either. We have good reason to believe that he had his domestic terrorist scumbag friend, Bill Ayers (a friend he denies having as a friend), write it for him.

You see what I'm saying about swine?

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard and wrote two best sellers. No one has ever accused him of not writing them. Those books paid off his student loans.

Palin earned her money for college the old fashioned way. She paraded down a runway in stilettos and big hair and little else, her "talents" on display for all the world to see.

I totally understand why you guys want to bring Obama down to her level. We all get it.


You might well be a swine. I dunno. But you are flatly wrong about the questioning of whether President Obama wrote "his" books.

It is unlikely that he did.

And He Is A Fucking Scumbag, too.

Considering how much the "White" Party hates the black guy, if Obama's book had been ghost written, I suspect everyone would know.
* * * *
Considering how much the "White" Party hates the black guy, if Obama's book had been ghost written, I suspect everyone would know.

The "White" Party? You mean the KKK, supported by friendly Democratics like Sen. Byrd?


That was almost honest of you.

The fact that you DON't know -- haven't even heard, until now, in fact -- that there is very real substantial doubt that President Obama actually authored the books nominally "written by" him is only evidence of how wrong you are in suggesting that "everyone" would know.

You and the other simpletons (i.e., liberals) who blindly accept as truth the spew offered by the Main Stream Propagandists of the Democrat Parody (such as The New York Slimes and SeeB.S.) would NEVER "know." Nobody you recognize has "told" you -- or is ever likely to do so.

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