'Fact checker" busted trying to cover for Biden.

So Biden checked his watch, I heard he passed gas also, better get the butthurt cream back out.
You definitely love defending this loser. Talk about loyalty.

Of course to be fair his replacement is Kamala and she has the potential to make Slow Joe look like a good president.
Joe Biden screwed over Americans in Afghanistan. He left them behind. He left key Afghan allies behind. The chaotic scene at the airport in Kabul was primed for a terror attack that occurred. A suicide bomber killed 13 US service members, most of them US Marines, along with at least 60 Afghan civilians. Joe Biden ventured to Dover for the transfer of the bodies and looked at his watch—multiple times. He apparently had better places to be, or he was merely counting down the minutes to when he can say how he helmed the most successful and most awesome airlift ever—that still left Americans stranded in that terrorist hell hole. The Taliban control it. It will become a haven from Islamic fundamentalism. Oh, and protected with US-made weapons since we left scores of them around. Joe looked at his watch we all saw it. And yet, USA Today decided to do a fact check. They should have just let it go because they stepped on a rake big league on this one. They initially deemed it partly false before having to bite the bullet and admit defeat. They now say it’s “missing context,” which is liberal code for “true.” They were wrong and got owned.
Fact checker just means someone that is being paid to make sure they remove anything their employer doesn't agree with.

It's a position in title only. I mean what makes them qualified to check facts? Who is making sure they are actually checking and being unbiased? How do they prove the facts they checked are honest?
Me too, it's not like I can spend all day at a funeral procession.
If you were responsible for the deaths, it would be nice if you were as sincere about recieving the bodies as their families were. Were family members in a hurry too? Do you suppose they had somewhere else to be also?
You better save some for the next time. *biden still has 3+ years left.........More to come.
No...they are use him as the scapegoat as the US crashes from his policy...he'll step down for being senile hoping that this will appease the masses and keep them from going after dirty politicians, lobbyists, Soros, Chinese etc not thinking that the american people know that the dirty judges, fbi, and prosecutors are in on it. This was always the plan.....then they are going to put the HO in as the secondary scapegoat...No one is supposed to know that Jo wasn't doing this alone....
Biden showed disrespect to our fallen soldiers

do libs care?


And we all know how this would be going down had it been President Trump. The MSM would be apoplectic. With Pelosi fighting with Schumer for the cameras and microphones every day.

And here we had Pelosi blocking the reading of the names of the 13 dead servicemen into the House record.
So Biden checked his watch, I heard he passed gas also, better get the butthurt cream back out.
I would have more respect for him when honoring the fallen soldier if he stood there and shit his pants yet stayed focused in the matter at hand. What is so goddamn important you need to check your watch as President of the United States, Commander-in-Chief? Where else does he need to be? Clearly, he wanted to be someplace else.
How did this clown think he was going to get away with claiming Biden checked his watch one time, after the ceremony was over?

Lefty fact checkers are a joke.

Why is whether Biden checked his watch or not even an issue? What a stupid article
Snopes is the best fact checker they have..... <snicker>

If you get a chance, do a little "background check" on this soulless sheep-fucker.... it's worth it, you'll thank me later.

It's the kind of satanic shit that would make Hunter blush, if you follow me.....
You fucking assholes

Biden wears a rosary to honor his dead son ON THAT HAND
They were killed by a suicide bomber(s) that no one knew was coming.
Seems odd since the Biden regime claimed to know the two guys who planned it and blowed them up just hours later (still no names)...and the next day blew up a car that supposedly had bombs in it.
You dont seem to be upset by his offensive behavior. Everyone else is livid, so i guess it doesnt matter what you think.
Nor you. 'Everyone' isn't livid, or looking for bullshit to be outraged about. Still speaking like a sixth grader, I see. So I will retort in kind.

Opinions are like assholes.
When he should be respecting and honoring Americans, Biden always seems to have somewhere else to be, disrespectful, self centered bitch that he is.

Say unlike Donald Trump who would have just jumped on his plane leaving everyone standing in the middle of field in the freezing cold, with no way back to their cars. 37 people were taken to hospital. Because he cares so much for his voters.

This is the guy you think would have left no one behind in Afghanistan.

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