Fact Checker Lie of the year Turns out to be TRUE!

The lying liars in the WH..

What a truly corrupt and sick Administration this is.. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Mali, lying about dead Amish kids, Jeep, women in the coming Administration.. IT NEVER STOPS.. This Administration are sociopathic.
Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

Mitt Romney once again vindicated.. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA = HABITUAL LIAR


Perhaps Romney knew of developments that were not yet common knowledge, but both Chrysler and Fiat were saying very clearly in October, the time of the Romney ad, that operations were not moving to China. A simple google search for articles concerning the move will turn up article after article about it. If Chrysler and Fiat were announcing that they were not moving operations even though they were, then the liars were Chrysler and Fiat, not Fact Checker. Given Romney's history in business, it would not surprise me if he knew of something that was not yet disclosed to the public. Perhaps he should have revealed his source.
I was just reading this somewhere else, notice how the ObamaBots don't touch this?

Politifact should not be taken as a serious source..
You already got proven wrong in the other thread you started on this same BS. Starting another one isn't going to vindicate you or Romney. /thread
I was just reading this somewhere else, notice how the ObamaBots don't touch this?

Politifact should not be taken as a serious source..

It won't ever be again.. It's nothing but a leftist propaganda source.
Leftist propaganda source. Right.

Never mind that the Lie of the Year from the same organization from the year before bashed the Dems claim that the Reps voted to end Medicare.

Never mind that at the time of the Romney ad that both Chrysler and Fiat were vehemently denying that operations were moving to China.

If there were any liars, it was Chrysler and Fiat, not Politifact.

We don't have anything better to do with our time?
It does look like Fiat is going to build Jeeps in China, which simply indicates that particular utterance by Willard was not a lie. It does nothing to diminish the fact that Willard is a filthy lying bottom feeding scum who was part of turning a device for family business succession into a method of looting public companies.

And it changes nothing about Obama, who is clearly part of the ReagaNUT drive to turn US labor into corporate chattel for the benefit of public sector pension funds, government employees and rounded up to 20% of Americans including private sector Americans very much like me.

It's not all bad in other words. White trash voting the political extremes are the big losers, followed by liberals too stupid to realize the Clintons and Obama are wholly owned corporatists aka ReagaNUTs who <s>hate America</s>, er, respond more to corporate money than citizens' needs for well paying jobs and opportunity to share in the nation's prosperity because America's workforce makes it possible.
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Holy crap, I'll bet this is really gonna change the tide in the upcoming 2012 election.


Nope, but it might help everyone who voted Obama realize some level of buyer's remorse. It also might open their eyes a little and give them a different perspective and thus a more subjective view when they see one of Obama's speeches rather than taking it at face value.

Holy crap, I'll bet this is really gonna change the tide in the upcoming 2012 election.


Nope, but it might help everyone who voted Obama realize some level of buyer's remorse. It also might open their eyes a little and give them a different perspective and thus a more subjective view when they see one of Obama's speeches rather than taking it at face value.

I don't think they care that he's a liar..I really don't.

Holy crap, I'll bet this is really gonna change the tide in the upcoming 2012 election.


Nope, but it might help everyone who voted Obama realize some level of buyer's remorse. It also might open their eyes a little and give them a different perspective and thus a more subjective view when they see one of Obama's speeches rather than taking it at face value.

I don't think they care that he's a liar..I really don't.

Some of them do.

Problem is Obama uses us against each other. That's his primary goal.

As long as he has us at each other's throats we can't focus on what he's up to.
Nope, but it might help everyone who voted Obama realize some level of buyer's remorse. It also might open their eyes a little and give them a different perspective and thus a more subjective view when they see one of Obama's speeches rather than taking it at face value.

I don't think they care that he's a liar..I really don't.

Some of them do.

Problem is Obama uses us against each other. That's his primary goal.

As long as he has us at each other's throats we can't focus on what he's up to.

I'll never understand this. I'm not a fan of our current President, but what the fuck. The extremists righties are either claiming he is a moron completely incompetent or unqualified to be in the White House, or he is a diabolical mastermind of the destruction of America.

Decide which and let us know when you figure it out.
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