Fact Checking Donald Trump's Many Lies About Hillary Clinton

Of course it did and someone needs to make him responsible for returning those companies back to the United States before the election.

Yeah, it's just that there's this pesky little thing called a Constitution.

I've got a better plan... why don't YOU move to Nova Scotia and live with Bubbles in his shed with his cats? You'd be so much happier there and wouldn't be so concerned with what us Americans do. You and Bubs could work on shopping carts and get stoned with Ricky... you may even get to bang Lucy or Sara! Nahh... even trailer park trash has it's standards.
Of course it did and someone needs to make him responsible for returning those companies back to the United States before the election.

Yeah, it's just that there's this pesky little thing called a Constitution.

I've got a better plan... why don't YOU move to Nova Scotia and live with Bubbles in his shed with his cats? You'd be so much happier there and wouldn't be so concerned with what us Americans do. You and Bubs could work on shopping carts and get stoned with Ricky... you may even get to bang Lucy or Sara! Nahh... even trailer park trash has it's standards.

The constitution is keeping Donald Trump from bringing his own companies home? LOL It must be a really good feeling knowing you'll never have to worry about dying from brain cancer.
Trumpbots are dumber than a rock. Understanding Trump's hypocrisy is so far beyond their capacity to process a complex thought its shameful. In fact, they're so dumb they don't even know they're Trumpbots.

poor pathetic little creatures
The constitution is keeping Donald Trump from bringing his own companies home?

No... the Constitution prevents you from forcing him to... which is what you claimed needed to happen.

Now.... I actually like the idea of bringing American companies back to America. But I think the way you have to do that is by addressing the reasons they left in the first place. Mainly, taxation and regulation. I guarantee you, if we eliminated corporate taxation and declared a tax moratorium on repatriated wealth abroad, it would bring home almost every company who has ever left America as well as a bunch of foreign companies who would LOVE to tap into the huge consumer market in America. Millions and millions of jobs would be created and as a result, billions of tax dollars would be generated.

But we're not a Fascist country... we don't mandate what free people can do. When you have totalitarian authority like that, you end up with a terribly corrupt ruling class and it generally results in mass genocide.
Trumpbots are dumber than a rock.

Yes... because the truly SMART people of the world are able to make their arguments through insulting and denigrating others like YOU are doing... right?
The constitution is keeping Donald Trump from bringing his own companies home?

No... the Constitution prevents you from forcing him to... which is what you claimed needed to happen.

Now.... I actually like the idea of bringing American companies back to America. But I think the way you have to do that is by addressing the reasons they left in the first place. Mainly, taxation and regulation. I guarantee you, if we eliminated corporate taxation and declared a tax moratorium on repatriated wealth abroad, it would bring home almost every company who has ever left America as well as a bunch of foreign companies who would LOVE to tap into the huge consumer market in America. Millions and millions of jobs would be created and as a result, billions of tax dollars would be generated.

But we're not a Fascist country... we don't mandate what free people can do. When you have totalitarian authority like that, you end up with a terribly corrupt ruling class and it generally results in mass genocide.

Donald Trump promised to bring back business to America more than a year ago. He's broken his own promise.
The constitution is keeping Donald Trump from bringing his own companies home?

No... the Constitution prevents you from forcing him to... which is what you claimed needed to happen.

Now.... I actually like the idea of bringing American companies back to America. But I think the way you have to do that is by addressing the reasons they left in the first place. Mainly, taxation and regulation. I guarantee you, if we eliminated corporate taxation and declared a tax moratorium on repatriated wealth abroad, it would bring home almost every company who has ever left America as well as a bunch of foreign companies who would LOVE to tap into the huge consumer market in America. Millions and millions of jobs would be created and as a result, billions of tax dollars would be generated.

But we're not a Fascist country... we don't mandate what free people can do. When you have totalitarian authority like that, you end up with a terribly corrupt ruling class and it generally results in mass genocide.

I totally disagree.

workers in China will make Trump a tie for $2 an hour (if that much) ... the same worker here would make min wage ... 4-5 times more to make the same tie .. corporate taxes be damned.

allow me to correct myself ....

Partly, it can be explained by China’s cheaper workers: The average hourly wage for Chinese manufacturing workers is less than a tenth that of their average U.S. counterparts, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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The constitution is keeping Donald Trump from bringing his own companies home?

No... the Constitution prevents you from forcing him to... which is what you claimed needed to happen.

Now.... I actually like the idea of bringing American companies back to America. But I think the way you have to do that is by addressing the reasons they left in the first place. Mainly, taxation and regulation. I guarantee you, if we eliminated corporate taxation and declared a tax moratorium on repatriated wealth abroad, it would bring home almost every company who has ever left America as well as a bunch of foreign companies who would LOVE to tap into the huge consumer market in America. Millions and millions of jobs would be created and as a result, billions of tax dollars would be generated.

But we're not a Fascist country... we don't mandate what free people can do. When you have totalitarian authority like that, you end up with a terribly corrupt ruling class and it generally results in mass genocide.

Donald Trump promised to bring back business to America more than a year ago. He's broken his own promise.

No, I think he said he will bring back business if he is elected president. So if that's what you want, you should vote for him. But I am sure you'd rather have a corrupt lying bitch who is bought and paid for by globalists, corporatists, banks and brokers because she is good at blowing smoke up your ass.
The constitution is keeping Donald Trump from bringing his own companies home?

No... the Constitution prevents you from forcing him to... which is what you claimed needed to happen.

Now.... I actually like the idea of bringing American companies back to America. But I think the way you have to do that is by addressing the reasons they left in the first place. Mainly, taxation and regulation. I guarantee you, if we eliminated corporate taxation and declared a tax moratorium on repatriated wealth abroad, it would bring home almost every company who has ever left America as well as a bunch of foreign companies who would LOVE to tap into the huge consumer market in America. Millions and millions of jobs would be created and as a result, billions of tax dollars would be generated.

But we're not a Fascist country... we don't mandate what free people can do. When you have totalitarian authority like that, you end up with a terribly corrupt ruling class and it generally results in mass genocide.

Donald Trump promised to bring back business to America more than a year ago. He's broken his own promise.

No, I think he said he will bring back business if he is elected president. So if that's what you want, you should vote for him. But I am sure you'd rather have a corrupt lying bitch who is bought and paid for by globalists, corporatists, banks and brokers because she is good at blowing smoke up your ass.

If he won't bring back his own damn business why should I believe he'll do it for America? Trump's Scampaign: cut and run and make yourself rich first.
The constitution is keeping Donald Trump from bringing his own companies home?

No... the Constitution prevents you from forcing him to... which is what you claimed needed to happen.

Now.... I actually like the idea of bringing American companies back to America. But I think the way you have to do that is by addressing the reasons they left in the first place. Mainly, taxation and regulation. I guarantee you, if we eliminated corporate taxation and declared a tax moratorium on repatriated wealth abroad, it would bring home almost every company who has ever left America as well as a bunch of foreign companies who would LOVE to tap into the huge consumer market in America. Millions and millions of jobs would be created and as a result, billions of tax dollars would be generated.

But we're not a Fascist country... we don't mandate what free people can do. When you have totalitarian authority like that, you end up with a terribly corrupt ruling class and it generally results in mass genocide.

I totally disagree.

workers in China will make Trump a tie for $2 an hour (if that much) ... the same worker here would make min wage ... 4-5 times more to make the same tie .. corporate taxes be damned.

allow me to correct myself ....

Partly, it can be explained by China’s cheaper workers: The average hourly wage for Chinese manufacturing workers is less than a tenth that of their average U.S. counterparts, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Yes, it's a problem for us, having to put up with labor unions demanding higher wages constantly while the Commies can get away with slave labor. That's why we need better trade deals. I will say this, however... our technology enables the American worker to produce 10x more ties per hour than the Chinese. There is also less shipping costs and the ruling class government isn't skimming off the top like they do in China.
The leading super PAC backing Hillary Clinton for president released an ad Thursday targeting Donald Trump's treatment of disabled people.

The 30-second ad from Priorities USA features a boy named Dante who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on his spine that disabled him when he was one year old.

In the ad, Dante alludes to Trump's apparent mockery of a reporter from The New York Times with a physical handicap at a rally in South Carolina last November, and it shows a clip of Trump imitating him.

"I don't want a president who makes fun of me," Dante says. "I want a president who inspires me."

New anti-Donald Trump ad features disabled boy
Just cause someone has a company or part of their companies operations overseas doesn't mean they necessarily want to. In competitive business though, you can't have your operating costs substantially higher than your competitor and expect to put out a similar quality product at the same price. That's why so much stuff is made in countries with labor costs a fraction of what it is here. If you don't do it, you can't compete, simple as that. The very high minimum wage in America is one factor that contributes to why American companies have to move somewhere else to stay competitive, but that's a product of the high standard of living we have as well.

So lambasting Trump or anyone for "sending jobs overseas" is a stupid and a waste of time. Until we as a country give these companies and businesses incentive to keep their operations or manufacturing or whatever here in America, expect more of the same.
Just cause someone has a company or part of their companies operations overseas doesn't mean they necessarily want to. In competitive business though, you can't have your operating costs substantially higher than your competitor and expect to put out a similar quality product at the same price. That's why so much stuff is made in countries with labor costs a fraction of what it is here. If you don't do it, you can't compete, simple as that. The very high minimum wage in America is one factor that contributes to why American companies have to move somewhere else to stay competitive, but that's a product of the high standard of living we have as well.

So lambasting Trump or anyone for "sending jobs overseas" is a stupid and a waste of time. Until we as a country give these companies and businesses incentive to keep their operations or manufacturing or whatever here in America, expect more of the same.
Why are there 20 tie manufacturing companies in America producing and selling ties and competing with Trump's Chinese made crap?
Just cause someone has a company or part of their companies operations overseas doesn't mean they necessarily want to. In competitive business though, you can't have your operating costs substantially higher than your competitor and expect to put out a similar quality product at the same price. That's why so much stuff is made in countries with labor costs a fraction of what it is here. If you don't do it, you can't compete, simple as that. The very high minimum wage in America is one factor that contributes to why American companies have to move somewhere else to stay competitive, but that's a product of the high standard of living we have as well.

So lambasting Trump or anyone for "sending jobs overseas" is a stupid and a waste of time. Until we as a country give these companies and businesses incentive to keep their operations or manufacturing or whatever here in America, expect more of the same.

you don't get it either ... nobody is lambasting Trump for outsourcing, I'm personally am lambasting his ass for his hypocrisy. He promises do do something he won't do because it affects HIS bottom line in the majority of his business ventures ...
Your post is of course correct.

But Trumpster's don't care about what he says- only that he is Trump.

He can say anything- do anything- as even he said

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.

Trumpster's don't care what Trump says or does- they only care about the image they have of Trump.

What can I say? Donald Trump is a parasite who stumbled into the perfect host.

Hillary is a filthy LIAR, should we play the video of her again LYING about landing under sniper fire? It might be easier to ask what she hasn't LIED about.
Bullshit. He doesn't need to wait until after the election. What if he isn't elected? What then? Just forget the promise?

You're not making a lick of sense here... he promised to bring back jobs to America if he is elected president... he did not promise he would bring back jobs to America whether elected or not. So the promise was contingent upon him being elected... of course, if he is NOT elected, there is no promise.

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