Fact Checking Donald Trump's Many Lies About Hillary Clinton

you dont have to be POTUS to pull out of China and bring those jobs back to america ...

One guy or one company bringing all their operations back to America and therefore making their operations costs skyrocket wouldn't do a damn thing. All it would do is employ some people just long enough for the company to fold because they can't compete due to having too high of operating costs.

All this is business 101. Not sure what's so hard to understand.

Then say so and don't be a damn liar about it.
Bullshit. He doesn't need to wait until after the election. What if he isn't elected? What then? Just forget the promise?

You're not making a lick of sense here... he promised to bring back jobs to America if he is elected president... he did not promise he would bring back jobs to America whether elected or not. So the promise was contingent upon him being elected... of course, if he is NOT elected, there is no promise.

if Donnie doesn't want to make America great again UNLESS he's elected POTUS then you can add another reason why he can kiss my ASS.

Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.
How many private-sector jobs have Bernie and the Beast created? How many has Trump?
you dont have to be POTUS to pull out of China and bring those jobs back to america ...

One guy or one company bringing all their operations back to America and therefore making their operations costs skyrocket wouldn't do a damn thing. All it would do is employ some people just long enough for the company to fold because they can't compete due to having too high of operating costs.

All this is business 101. Not sure what's so hard to understand.

you not being sure is quite obvious .. take a bow.
Looks like Donald Trump lied like the devil to cast a shadow upon Hillary Clinton. Too bad the major news networks weren't having any of it. FACT: You cannot lie to the American people without being caught in that lie.

"CLAIM: "Now, because I have pointed out why [TPP] would be such a disastrous deal, she is pretending that she is against it. She has even deleted this record of total support from her book."

The facts: Clinton walked back her support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership last October — saying the final deal wasn't what she'd hoped for when she advocated for it during negotiations as Secretary of State. In April, several months before she reversed course on the deal, some passages supporting the partnership were edited out of the paperback version of her book, "Hard Choices." The cuts were part of 96 pages of cuts made to account for the paperback's smaller size, according to a publisher's note. But not all of them were cut: there's still two pages praising the deal, or at least the idea of it. "It's safe to say that the TPP won't be perfect - no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be — but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers," she wrote.

Trump has adamantly opposed TPP since before his campaign began; there's no indication that his remarks changed her mind."

CLAIM: Hillary Clinton "is a world class liar"

The facts: According to PolitiFact, 59% of Trump's checked claims have been deemed false or "Pants on Fire" false, versus 12% for Clinton.

Donald Trump:

  • True: 2%
  • Mostly True: 7%
  • Half True: 15%
  • Mostly False: 17%
  • False: 40%
  • Pants on Fire: 19%
Hillary Clinton:

  • True: 23%
  • Mostly True: 28%
  • Half True: 21%
  • Mostly False: 15%
  • False: 11%
  • Pants on Fire: 1%
CLAIM: "It all started with her bad judgment in supporting the War in Iraq in the first place. Though I was not in government service, I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war, and yes, even before the war ever started."

The facts: Politifact ranks this oft-repeated claim False. More: In September 2002, Trump said he supported the Iraq invasion during an interview with Howard Stern. Then, in September 2003 — several months after the invasion, he said "It wasn't a mistake to fight terrorism and fight it hard, and I guess maybe if I had to do it, I would have fought terrorism but not necessarily Iraq."

CLAIM: "Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments — perhaps even by her financial backers in Communist China — putting all of America in danger."

The facts: U.S. officials have told NBC News that there is no evidence of penetration of the servers by hackers, although there is evidence of phishing attempts. Clinton's campaign says that there is no evidence that her private server was ever hacked.

CLAIM: "Hillary Clinton took up to $25 million from Saudi Arabia, where being gay is also punishable by death. Hillary took millions from Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and many other countries that horribly abuse women and LGBT citizens."

As of March 2016, records showed that Saudi Arabia has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the foundation. Here's a list of everyone who has ever donated to the Clinton Foundation — as provided by the Clinton Foundation website.

This list is broken into the following categories:

  • Greater than $25 million (7 donors, including Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada) & Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation)
  • $10 to $25 million (11 donors, including Saudi Arabia & Norway)
  • $5 to $10 million (17 donors, including Australia, Netherlands, Kuwait & a prominent Saudi businessman)
  • $1 to $5 million (133 donors, including Qatar, Oman, UAE)
By law, the foundation does not have to release the specific donors and amounts. They are required to give the list to the IRS but that info is redacted when released to the public — though the Clinton Foundation COULD release if it desired.

Many more Trump lies at the link: Fact-Checking Trump's Speech
Trump supporters are not looking truth so why should he give it to them?
Do what he said he would do and bring his business back to the United States.
Based on what he's saying, it sounds like he's ready and willing to do so, with just about every other American company, so long as it doesn't put them at a competitive disadvantage. Until then, no one is going to do that. It would be like putting a bullet in the proverbial head of the company. Labor costs are just way too damn high in the U.S. if you're a company that makes anything that could remotely be considered a commodity.
Bullshit. He doesn't need to wait until after the election. What if he isn't elected? What then? Just forget the promise?

You're not making a lick of sense here... he promised to bring back jobs to America if he is elected president... he did not promise he would bring back jobs to America whether elected or not. So the promise was contingent upon him being elected... of course, if he is NOT elected, there is no promise.

if Donnie doesn't want to make America great again UNLESS he's elected POTUS then you can add another reason why he can kiss my ASS.

Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.
How many private-sector jobs have Bernie and the Beast created? How many has Trump?

How many got fired when he declared bankruptcy six times?
Looks like Donald Trump lied like the devil to cast a shadow upon Hillary Clinton. Too bad the major news networks weren't having any of it. FACT: You cannot lie to the American people without being caught in that lie.

"CLAIM: "Now, because I have pointed out why [TPP] would be such a disastrous deal, she is pretending that she is against it. She has even deleted this record of total support from her book."

The facts: Clinton walked back her support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership last October — saying the final deal wasn't what she'd hoped for when she advocated for it during negotiations as Secretary of State. In April, several months before she reversed course on the deal, some passages supporting the partnership were edited out of the paperback version of her book, "Hard Choices." The cuts were part of 96 pages of cuts made to account for the paperback's smaller size, according to a publisher's note. But not all of them were cut: there's still two pages praising the deal, or at least the idea of it. "It's safe to say that the TPP won't be perfect - no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be — but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers," she wrote.

Trump has adamantly opposed TPP since before his campaign began; there's no indication that his remarks changed her mind."

CLAIM: Hillary Clinton "is a world class liar"

The facts: According to PolitiFact, 59% of Trump's checked claims have been deemed false or "Pants on Fire" false, versus 12% for Clinton.

Donald Trump:

  • True: 2%
  • Mostly True: 7%
  • Half True: 15%
  • Mostly False: 17%
  • False: 40%
  • Pants on Fire: 19%
Hillary Clinton:

  • True: 23%
  • Mostly True: 28%
  • Half True: 21%
  • Mostly False: 15%
  • False: 11%
  • Pants on Fire: 1%
CLAIM: "It all started with her bad judgment in supporting the War in Iraq in the first place. Though I was not in government service, I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war, and yes, even before the war ever started."

The facts: Politifact ranks this oft-repeated claim False. More: In September 2002, Trump said he supported the Iraq invasion during an interview with Howard Stern. Then, in September 2003 — several months after the invasion, he said "It wasn't a mistake to fight terrorism and fight it hard, and I guess maybe if I had to do it, I would have fought terrorism but not necessarily Iraq."

CLAIM: "Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments — perhaps even by her financial backers in Communist China — putting all of America in danger."

The facts: U.S. officials have told NBC News that there is no evidence of penetration of the servers by hackers, although there is evidence of phishing attempts. Clinton's campaign says that there is no evidence that her private server was ever hacked.

CLAIM: "Hillary Clinton took up to $25 million from Saudi Arabia, where being gay is also punishable by death. Hillary took millions from Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and many other countries that horribly abuse women and LGBT citizens."

As of March 2016, records showed that Saudi Arabia has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the foundation. Here's a list of everyone who has ever donated to the Clinton Foundation — as provided by the Clinton Foundation website.

This list is broken into the following categories:

  • Greater than $25 million (7 donors, including Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada) & Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation)
  • $10 to $25 million (11 donors, including Saudi Arabia & Norway)
  • $5 to $10 million (17 donors, including Australia, Netherlands, Kuwait & a prominent Saudi businessman)
  • $1 to $5 million (133 donors, including Qatar, Oman, UAE)
By law, the foundation does not have to release the specific donors and amounts. They are required to give the list to the IRS but that info is redacted when released to the public — though the Clinton Foundation COULD release if it desired.

Many more Trump lies at the link: Fact-Checking Trump's Speech
Trump supporters are not looking truth so why should he give it to them?

He should give it to voters who are considering him. Absent a commitment to honor his promise they should reject him and look elsewhere for a candidate.
Do what he said he would do and bring his business back to the United States.
Based on what he's saying, it sounds like he's ready and willing to do so, with just about every other American company, so long as it doesn't put them at a competitive disadvantage. Until then, no one is going to do that. It would be like putting a bullet in the proverbial head of the company. Labor costs are just way too damn high in the U.S. if you're a company that makes anything that could remotely be considered a commodity.

Right, make a promise and then make like it never happened. We judge candidates by their words in this country and when they turn out to be worthless, that should be a wake up call to even the hardest headed partisan.
Hiliary is pond scum! You can always tell when she is lying because her lips are moving. She belongs in prison not in the White House!
Bullshit. He doesn't need to wait until after the election. What if he isn't elected? What then? Just forget the promise?

You're not making a lick of sense here... he promised to bring back jobs to America if he is elected president... he did not promise he would bring back jobs to America whether elected or not. So the promise was contingent upon him being elected... of course, if he is NOT elected, there is no promise.

if Donnie doesn't want to make America great again UNLESS he's elected POTUS then you can add another reason why he can kiss my ASS.

Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.
They don't have businesses, period. All they've done is suck off the government titty and Hillary is the crony pick. Libs bitch about pay inequality then put the same people in power. We need a businessman to fix this shit, it isn't going to happen doing the same thing.
If Donnie cared about American workers and was such a good businessman he could produce his ties right here in the USA with American workers and companies like at least twenty American tie manufacturers do. Actually, there is a list of 96 of them, but I could not verify them all individually. The twenty are verifiable with links.
Donnie cares about the bottom lines and greed motivates him, not patriotism or concern about American workers.
Bullshit. He doesn't need to wait until after the election. What if he isn't elected? What then? Just forget the promise?

You're not making a lick of sense here... he promised to bring back jobs to America if he is elected president... he did not promise he would bring back jobs to America whether elected or not. So the promise was contingent upon him being elected... of course, if he is NOT elected, there is no promise.

if Donnie doesn't want to make America great again UNLESS he's elected POTUS then you can add another reason why he can kiss my ASS.

Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.

Doesn't matter, that's not what you're talking about... You are expecting Trump to fulfill campaign promises BEFORE he is elected... so which campaign promises has Hillary and Bernie fulfilled? You don't have a double-standard going here, do ya? :dunno:
Hiliary is pond scum! You can always tell when she is lying because her lips are moving. She belongs in prison not in the White House!

Shameless, self righteous goofballs like Desperado are not born - they are excreted.
Right, make a promise and then make like it never happened. We judge candidates by their words in this country and when they turn out to be worthless, that should be a wake up call to even the hardest headed partisan.
Clearly you wouldn't consider voting for Trump no matter what he did. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. So, have fun, i guess.
"Politifact" is just a name created by the left leaning Tampa Bay Times newspaper. It's nothing but editorialized spin. Lefties like it because they rely on bias.
Bullshit. He doesn't need to wait until after the election. What if he isn't elected? What then? Just forget the promise?

You're not making a lick of sense here... he promised to bring back jobs to America if he is elected president... he did not promise he would bring back jobs to America whether elected or not. So the promise was contingent upon him being elected... of course, if he is NOT elected, there is no promise.

if Donnie doesn't want to make America great again UNLESS he's elected POTUS then you can add another reason why he can kiss my ASS.

Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.

Doesn't matter, that's not what you're talking about... You are expecting Trump to fulfill campaign promises BEFORE he is elected... so which campaign promises has Hillary and Bernie fulfilled? You don't have a double-standard going here, do ya? :dunno:

I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.
How many got fired when he declared bankruptcy six times?
Four actually out of 500 businesses is damn good. That's why he's a winner and you're a whiner.

I don't care if you didn't get hugged enough as a child.

Now, how many private sector jobs have Bernie and the Beast created?
I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.
...except Trump has put a lot of money in a lot of American pockets, Bernie and Hillary, not so much. Your priorities are fucked up. You must be a paid shill.
You're not making a lick of sense here... he promised to bring back jobs to America if he is elected president... he did not promise he would bring back jobs to America whether elected or not. So the promise was contingent upon him being elected... of course, if he is NOT elected, there is no promise.

if Donnie doesn't want to make America great again UNLESS he's elected POTUS then you can add another reason why he can kiss my ASS.

Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.

Doesn't matter, that's not what you're talking about... You are expecting Trump to fulfill campaign promises BEFORE he is elected... so which campaign promises has Hillary and Bernie fulfilled? You don't have a double-standard going here, do ya? :dunno:

I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.
My God your jealousy is showing. Just another never was that can't stand to see Trump's success

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