Fact Checking Donald Trump's Many Lies About Hillary Clinton

I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.

More power to him! He is a businessman in business to make a profit. That's what they do. Sorry you don't like businesses making profits. Guess you need to go find some country where businesses don't make profits and live there! :dunno:
Most entrepreneurs won't make it. Or they'll fail numerous times before hitting on something that becomes successful. Trump isn't the normal person out there looking to start a business and become successful, but the attitude expressed toward him about the failures of some of his ventures is just dumb. It's much more commendable to have tried and failed than to not have tried at all.
If Donnie cared about American workers and was such a good businessman he could produce his ties right here in the USA with American workers and companies like at least twenty American tie manufacturers do. Actually, there is a list of 96 of them, but I could not verify them all individually. The twenty are verifiable with links.
Donnie cares about the bottom lines and greed motivates him, not patriotism or concern about American workers.
Damn right! Bring the sweat shops back to America now!
"Politifact" is just a name created by the left leaning Tampa Bay Times newspaper. It's nothing but editorialized spin. Lefties like it because they rely on bias.
It is very easy to verify Politifact or other fact checkers. You can use them as a lead to do your own search. To imply that the fact checkers are lying and spinning when they report confirmed and verified lies made by Trump is beyond ridiculous and being brainwashed.
How many got fired when he declared bankruptcy six times?
Four actually out of 500 businesses is damn good. That's why he's a winner and you're a whiner.

I don't care if you didn't get hugged enough as a child.

Now, how many private sector jobs have Bernie and the Beast created?

Actually it is six. Six too many for someone who claims he is the world's greatest businessman. Anyone agreeing with him must be truly deluded.
If Donnie cared about American workers and was such a good businessman he could produce his ties right here in the USA with American workers and companies like at least twenty American tie manufacturers do. Actually, there is a list of 96 of them, but I could not verify them all individually. The twenty are verifiable with links.
Donnie cares about the bottom lines and greed motivates him, not patriotism or concern about American workers.
Damn right! Bring the sweat shops back to America now!
There is absolutely no evidence or even suggestion that any of the 20 tie manufacturers operate sweat shops.
if Donnie doesn't want to make America great again UNLESS he's elected POTUS then you can add another reason why he can kiss my ASS.

Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.

Doesn't matter, that's not what you're talking about... You are expecting Trump to fulfill campaign promises BEFORE he is elected... so which campaign promises has Hillary and Bernie fulfilled? You don't have a double-standard going here, do ya? :dunno:

I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.
My God your jealousy is showing. Just another never was that can't stand to see Trump's success

Success? Until he shows his taxes he is just a House of Cards.
I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.

More power to him! He is a businessman in business to make a profit. That's what they do. Sorry you don't like businesses making profits. Guess you need to go find some country where businesses don't make profits and live there! :dunno:

Now you're getting stupid. He said he would bring jobs to America and he can't, he is a fraud and it's just another Trump scampaign.
A summary of candidate statement ratings from Politifact.


That is, Hillary Clinton is one of the more honest politicians of our lifetimes, and Donald Trump is one of the least honest.

Yes, I understand that facts and evidence will have no effect on Hillary-haters. After all, if they were rational, they wouldn't be Hillary-haters in the first place. In the mind of a conspiracy theorist, any evidence disproving the conspiracy is instantly taken to be further proof of the conspiracy. Those Politifact results contradict their sacred cult dogma, therefore they will declare the rather conservative Politifact is actually some kind of a liberal shill organization.
If Donnie cared about American workers and was such a good businessman he could produce his ties right here in the USA with American workers and companies like at least twenty American tie manufacturers do. Actually, there is a list of 96 of them, but I could not verify them all individually. The twenty are verifiable with links.
Donnie cares about the bottom lines and greed motivates him, not patriotism or concern about American workers.
Damn right! Bring the sweat shops back to America now!
There is absolutely no evidence or even suggestion that any of the 20 tie manufacturers operate sweat shops.
No, of course not. We all know that all garments are made by overpaid workers in luxurious conditions.

It makes sense.
That is, Hillary Clinton is one of the more honest politicians of our lifetimes, and Donald Trump is one of the least honest.
Come on now! This is funny!!!

Couldn't refute it, I see. Didn't even try. Typical Hillary-hating bedwetter, too terrified to not blindly go along with his herd.

All Hillary-haters are intellectual cowards. After all, a brave person would look at the facts, instead of just brainlessly parroting the lies they'd been fed.
I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.

More power to him! He is a businessman in business to make a profit. That's what they do. Sorry you don't like businesses making profits. Guess you need to go find some country where businesses don't make profits and live there! :dunno:

Now you're getting stupid. He said he would bring jobs to America and he can't, he is a fraud and it's just another Trump scampaign.

Well no... you're being dishonest like your idol Hillary. He said he would bring back jobs if elected president. He never promised anything if he doesn't win. You're the one running a scam on the public and you're doing it rather poorly, in my opinion.

Now, I have spent wayyy too much time addressing your stupidity. I've honestly got better things to do than this. If you want to keep on droning your lies and distortions, go right ahead. I don't need to respond further.

You started this little thread because Trump torched the Hildabeast pretty good and you know it. Everyone pretty much expects this kind of response whenever your candidate is eviscerated the way she was. And hey... I don't blame you! You HAVE to do something, right? Can't let this stand! No way!
I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.

More power to him! He is a businessman in business to make a profit. That's what they do. Sorry you don't like businesses making profits. Guess you need to go find some country where businesses don't make profits and live there! :dunno:

Now you're getting stupid. He said he would bring jobs to America and he can't, he is a fraud and it's just another Trump scampaign.

Well no... you're being dishonest like your idol Hillary. He said he would bring back jobs if elected president. He never promised anything if he doesn't win. You're the one running a scam on the public and you're doing it rather poorly, in my opinion.

Now, I have spent wayyy too much time addressing your stupidity. I've honestly got better things to do than this. If you want to keep on droning your lies and distortions, go right ahead. I don't need to respond further.

You started this little thread because Trump torched the Hildabeast pretty good and you know it. Everyone pretty much expects this kind of response whenever your candidate is eviscerated the way she was. And hey... I don't blame you! You HAVE to do something, right? Can't let this stand! No way!
I started this thread because Donald Trump distorted the truth and should be called on it. Donald Trump makes a profit every single day his businesses operate offshore. Americans need jobs, he said so himself. Either he is a hypocrite of the highest order or he is a scam artist. I'll let the people decide and I hope to raise the issue every day he doesn't do something.

You aren't responding further because you can't beat back the lie Donald Trump throws at the willing public.
That is, Hillary Clinton is one of the more honest politicians of our lifetimes, and Donald Trump is one of the least honest.
Come on now! This is funny!!!

Couldn't refute it, I see. Didn't even try. Typical Hillary-hating bedwetter, too terrified to not blindly go along with his herd.

All Hillary-haters are intellectual cowards. After all, a brave person would look at the facts, instead of just brainlessly parroting the lies they'd been fed.
Please mooth, tell us more about Hillary's honesty. I understand she is inspiring people across the country to lead more ethical lives :)
You started this little thread because Trump torched the Hildabeast pretty good and you know it

We know Trump was reamed, and you strongly emotionally identify with Trump, so you're feeling the butthurt as well.

And we can see you fully approve of Trump's lies.

Just making it clear where each of us stand. You proudly suck the ass of a liar, and we don't. Oh, is it not PC for me to point that out? Too bad.

Jesus would be so proud of you. After all, the ten commandments do say "Lying is okay, if it's attacking the dirty liberals."

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