Fact Checking Donald Trump's Many Lies About Hillary Clinton

"I don't want a president who makes fun of me," Dante says. "I want a president who inspires me."

New anti-Donald Trump ad features disabled boy

Trump never mocked a disabled boy or anyone else.

Trump mocked a disabled reporter.
Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video
Hillary should not be elected president because she can be compromised for the papers our enemies hacked. Imagine what Putin can do with our secrets stolen from Hillary's server. He can tell her he'll reveal secrets if she doesn't comply with his demands. Hilary not wanting to get caught will sell us out to the Russians or Chi-coms.

Well it doesn't really matter with her... she'll do it for a little cash money as well... she has no loyalty to America. She has already sold herself like a prostitute to the highest bidder... we know that for a fact already. What did all those countries get for shelling out millions in speaking fees?

This bitch is as crooked and corrupt as the day is long and she's been doing it for over 40 years... and getting away with it. That's not going to suddenly change.
Why can't she take money from the Saudis and when did this start to be a problem with you?

It's always been a problem with me... I thought it was a problem with everybody. Since when do we allow our presidents to be bribed by foreign countries? :dunno:

Fucking moron.
Why can't she take money from the Saudis and when did this start to be a problem with you?

It's always been a problem with me... I thought it was a problem with everybody. Since when do we allow our presidents to be bribed by foreign countries? :dunno:

Fucking moron.
trump owes millions to a german bank. that would be awesome leverage for said bank, if trump were president. lol
Your post is of course correct.

But Trumpster's don't care about what he says- only that he is Trump.

He can say anything- do anything- as even he said

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.

Trumpster's don't care what Trump says or does- they only care about the image they have of Trump.

I've noticed that the average drumpf supporter here (except for a few) have popped the cyanide capsule that they were given when they signed up with the guy who wants to bang his daughter and have accepted that he is toast. bucs90 and jwoodie among others have given up.

S.J. will only write a two sentence maximum showing the shallowest of support.

Mcfaggot is one of the few who still believes and sounds more ridiculous with each passing moment. It will be good to see his racist ass blown out of the water. @dannysboys is around the bend also as is kaz and dotcom but swear they are not.

The next 5 months will be fun-fun-fun if HRC just keeps on doing what she is doing.

Just more inane opining from the Democrat mouthpiece
Well, apparently you and Bubbles are the only two morons on the planet who think campaign promises apply BEFORE the election. Shall we go down the list of things Hillary and Bernie have promised that they haven't yet done? I mean, you two are off in La-la-land with this craziness.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders don't have businesses in China and Mexico counting profits while Americans are out of work. This isn't La La Land, this is a fact.

Doesn't matter, that's not what you're talking about... You are expecting Trump to fulfill campaign promises BEFORE he is elected... so which campaign promises has Hillary and Bernie fulfilled? You don't have a double-standard going here, do ya? :dunno:

I told you already, Hillary and Bernie are not counting profits made overseas while American families suffer. Donald Trump is, every single day.
My God your jealousy is showing. Just another never was that can't stand to see Trump's success

Success? Until he shows his taxes he is just a House of Cards.
Why do you say that? He's operated all this time and bought some of the best properties on Earth at a loss? Oh wait, you're a libturd, you don't really care.
Yeah, CNN 'Fact Checked' Trump's speech and declared he 'lied' about quite a few things, like how Hillary got PAID $145 MILLION and Willy got paid $550k to give a speech in Russia before she approved the sale of 20% of the US' uranium to Russia. Since then CNN has been absolutely HAMMERED for their biased BS, as the information proving Trump did NOT lie has come poring out. 9 prominent donors who all benefitted from the sale have been proven to have given her the $145 Million in 'donations'.

CNN has no more credibility as an unbiased news source.

Hillary sold out her country for cash - plain and simple. She had done it before. She will do it again.

'Nuff said.
Since when did donations become bribes? When Hilary did it? Obama? GW Bush? Bill? Bush Sr?

Please show us evidence Bush or his father received "donations" from foreign countries while still in the public eye? First of all, and foremost, it is a major conflict of interest... Secondly, I think it's against the law. But those little pesky details never bothered the Hildabeast.
Please show us evidence Bush or his father received "donations" from foreign countries while still in the public eye?

Please show us any evidence Hillary ever received such donations. After all, it's not legal for election campaigns in the USA to accept foreign donations. If you know of such a thing happening, you need to report it.

Mind you, don't pretend that The Clinton Foundation is the Hillary Clinton campaign, as everyone instantly sees through that big whopper.

Go on, explain it to everyone. Why do foreign donations to a charitable foundation that helps people around the world reflect badly on Hillary? Please don't dig deeper and pretend the charity is funneling money to Hillary, as some lies are so extreme that even you shouldn't stoop to telling them.

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