Fact Checking Donald Trump's Many Lies About Hillary Clinton

Your linking an op ed from Britain far left tabloid, the Guardian is no less absurd than the honesty of the Beast.

I already mentioned how cultists instantly classify any evidence contradicting their conspiracy theories as further proof of their conspiracy theories. Thanks for providing another example of that.

Why don't you just admit it was particularly stupid of you to fall for the "Hillary is dishonest" conspiracy cult yarns? It's not like that isn't obvious to everyone, and crying at me won't change that.
Can anyone imagine the mentality of Trump followers questioning Hillary Clinton's integrity and they are supporting a dude who will go on trial for Fraud in November ... a guy who pretends to be John Miller and calls Media to praise himself ...a guy with six personal bankruptcies and 3500 law suits and who is being sued for rape...
Your linking an op ed from Britain far left tabloid, the Guardian is no less absurd than the honesty of the Beast.

I already mentioned how cultists instantly classify any evidence contradicting their conspiracy theories as further proof of their conspiracy theories. Thanks for providing another example of that.

Why don't you just admit it was particularly stupid of you to fall for the "Hillary is dishonest" conspiracy cult yarns? It's not like that isn't obvious to everyone, and crying at me won't change that.
I am not sure what "crying at" someone means and I certainly cannot understand why anyone, even you, would contend that Hillary is honest.

It's beyond just being a hack, it is being abjectly disingenuous.

Believe me, the Beast's honesty problems were not borne when Trump labelled her Crooked Hillary. It was as apparent as Bill's peccadilloes a long time ago.
Donald Trump Accused of Rape in Federal Court Lawsuit
Looks like Donald Trump lied like the devil to cast a shadow upon Hillary Clinton. Too bad the major news networks weren't having any of it. FACT: You cannot lie to the American people without being caught in that lie.

"CLAIM: "Now, because I have pointed out why [TPP] would be such a disastrous deal, she is pretending that she is against it. She has even deleted this record of total support from her book."

The facts: Clinton walked back her support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership last October — saying the final deal wasn't what she'd hoped for when she advocated for it during negotiations as Secretary of State. In April, several months before she reversed course on the deal, some passages supporting the partnership were edited out of the paperback version of her book, "Hard Choices." The cuts were part of 96 pages of cuts made to account for the paperback's smaller size, according to a publisher's note. But not all of them were cut: there's still two pages praising the deal, or at least the idea of it. "It's safe to say that the TPP won't be perfect - no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be — but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers," she wrote.

Trump has adamantly opposed TPP since before his campaign began; there's no indication that his remarks changed her mind."

CLAIM: Hillary Clinton "is a world class liar"

The facts: According to PolitiFact, 59% of Trump's checked claims have been deemed false or "Pants on Fire" false, versus 12% for Clinton.

Donald Trump:

  • True: 2%
  • Mostly True: 7%
  • Half True: 15%
  • Mostly False: 17%
  • False: 40%
  • Pants on Fire: 19%
Hillary Clinton:

  • True: 23%
  • Mostly True: 28%
  • Half True: 21%
  • Mostly False: 15%
  • False: 11%
  • Pants on Fire: 1%
CLAIM: "It all started with her bad judgment in supporting the War in Iraq in the first place. Though I was not in government service, I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war, and yes, even before the war ever started."

The facts: Politifact ranks this oft-repeated claim False. More: In September 2002, Trump said he supported the Iraq invasion during an interview with Howard Stern. Then, in September 2003 — several months after the invasion, he said "It wasn't a mistake to fight terrorism and fight it hard, and I guess maybe if I had to do it, I would have fought terrorism but not necessarily Iraq."

CLAIM: "Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments — perhaps even by her financial backers in Communist China — putting all of America in danger."

The facts: U.S. officials have told NBC News that there is no evidence of penetration of the servers by hackers, although there is evidence of phishing attempts. Clinton's campaign says that there is no evidence that her private server was ever hacked.

CLAIM: "Hillary Clinton took up to $25 million from Saudi Arabia, where being gay is also punishable by death. Hillary took millions from Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and many other countries that horribly abuse women and LGBT citizens."

As of March 2016, records showed that Saudi Arabia has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the foundation. Here's a list of everyone who has ever donated to the Clinton Foundation — as provided by the Clinton Foundation website.

This list is broken into the following categories:

  • Greater than $25 million (7 donors, including Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada) & Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation)
  • $10 to $25 million (11 donors, including Saudi Arabia & Norway)
  • $5 to $10 million (17 donors, including Australia, Netherlands, Kuwait & a prominent Saudi businessman)
  • $1 to $5 million (133 donors, including Qatar, Oman, UAE)
By law, the foundation does not have to release the specific donors and amounts. They are required to give the list to the IRS but that info is redacted when released to the public — though the Clinton Foundation COULD release if it desired.

Many more Trump lies at the link: Fact-Checking Trump's Speech
Trump supporters are not looking truth so why should he give it to them?

He should give it to voters who are considering him. Absent a commitment to honor his promise they should reject him and look elsewhere for a candidate.
Too late for that. Trump has the delegates. A commitment from Trump to honor his promises is meaningless. I don't think most of his supporters expect him to follow through. They just like to hear him tell his fairy tales. The smart ones know that Trump's policy would throw the country into a recession, create a huge deficit, and create an international crisis. However, both Republicans and Democrats in congress won't let it happen.
spin? try outright lies.

no, try lying fucking RW SOB

no, all you have to say is Trump ... the world knows what he is.

I don't see a single "outright lie" in that whole list. I see things that the lefties explain away and spin like they always do. Oh, she didn't take $25 million from the Saudi's... it was really between $10 and $24 million! ...and if we count for inflation it was probably much less! lmfao

thats because you're a Trumpbot ...

  • Trump falsely claimed that Clinton would “end virtually all immigration enforcement and thus create totally open borders for the United States.” Clinton supported a Senate immigration bill that would create a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally, but it also would have included large investments in border security.
  • Trump falsely claimed that the private server that Clinton used as secretary of state “was easily hacked by foreign governments.” Attempts were made to hack into Clinton’s server, but the identity of the hackers has not been determined and there has been no evidence to date that any of them were successful.
  • Trump falsely claimed that “Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia.” The transfer was approved by a committee headed by the Treasury Department and made up of nine voting members throughout government, including one from the State Department.

or was it because Trumpbots are too dumb to read?
It's funny when spambots post cut and paste arguments while whining about Trumpbots
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S.

Our ruling

Trump said Clinton "plans to massively increase admissions (of Middle East refugees) … including a 500 percent increase in Syrian refugees coming into our country."

Clinton has, in fact, said that in response to the refugee crisis she would raise Obama's limit of 10,000 to 65,000. That's 550 percent more, a bit higher than what Trump said.

But Clinton has also made it clear that they would have to first be vetted by a screening process, an important detail in the context of Trump's larger point that would-be terrorists have to be kept out of the country.

Because the statement is mostly accurate but needs clarification or additional information, we rate it Mostly True.

Would Clinton boost Syrian refugees 500 percent?
Your post is of course correct.

But Trumpster's don't care about what he says- only that he is Trump.

He can say anything- do anything- as even he said

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.

Trumpster's don't care what Trump says or does- they only care about the image they have of Trump.

I've noticed that the average drumpf supporter here (except for a few) have popped the cyanide capsule that they were given when they signed up with the guy who wants to bang his daughter and have accepted that he is toast. bucs90 and jwoodie among others have given up.

S.J. will only write a two sentence maximum showing the shallowest of support.

Mcfaggot is one of the few who still believes and sounds more ridiculous with each passing moment. It will be good to see his racist ass blown out of the water. @dannysboys is around the bend also as is kaz and dotcom but swear they are not.

The next 5 months will be fun-fun-fun if HRC just keeps on doing what she is doing.
Hillary should not be elected president because she can be compromised for the papers our enemies hacked. Imagine what Putin can do with our secrets stolen from Hillary's server. He can tell her he'll reveal secrets if she doesn't comply with his demands. Hilary not wanting to get caught will sell us out to the Russians or Chi-coms.
Just cause someone has a company or part of their companies operations overseas doesn't mean they necessarily want to. In competitive business though, you can't have your operating costs substantially higher than your competitor and expect to put out a similar quality product at the same price. That's why so much stuff is made in countries with labor costs a fraction of what it is here. If you don't do it, you can't compete, simple as that. The very high minimum wage in America is one factor that contributes to why American companies have to move somewhere else to stay competitive, but that's a product of the high standard of living we have as well.

So lambasting Trump or anyone for "sending jobs overseas" is a stupid and a waste of time. Until we as a country give these companies and businesses incentive to keep their operations or manufacturing or whatever here in America, expect more of the same.

If he cared about American jobs so much he'd make it happen.
Hillary should not be elected president because she can be compromised for the papers our enemies hacked. Imagine what Putin can do with our secrets stolen from Hillary's server. He can tell her he'll reveal secrets if she doesn't comply with his demands. Hilary not wanting to get caught will sell us out to the Russians or Chi-coms.

And Trump should not be elected President because Putin may have proof of Trump's corrupt business practices that would result in Trump being impeached and thrown in jail. Trump not wanting to get caught will sell us out to the Venezuelans or the Cubans or the Russians(Trump is a great admirer of Putin)
Just cause someone has a company or part of their companies operations overseas doesn't mean they necessarily want to. In competitive business though, you can't have your operating costs substantially higher than your competitor and expect to put out a similar quality product at the same price. That's why so much stuff is made in countries with labor costs a fraction of what it is here. If you don't do it, you can't compete, simple as that. The very high minimum wage in America is one factor that contributes to why American companies have to move somewhere else to stay competitive, but that's a product of the high standard of living we have as well.

So lambasting Trump or anyone for "sending jobs overseas" is a stupid and a waste of time. Until we as a country give these companies and businesses incentive to keep their operations or manufacturing or whatever here in America, expect more of the same.

If he cared about American jobs so much he'd make it happen.

If he cared about American jobs he would be importing foreign workers to work in his Florida resorts, rather than hiring Americans.

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