FACT: Elizabeth Warren's brother was 86 years old.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"
I agree with this entirely. If you are over 75 (I'm 70), they should not be counted as COVID-19. They died. It's a tragedy (or not) for the family, but as a matter of public information it is meaningless.

Just as the stats about the high percentage of women who die of heart disease. IF THEY DIE OF HEART DISEASE AT 90, SO WHAT? It is meaningless what they died of. They were one foot in the grave to start with.
Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

not impressed with your theory. Very few kids die of lightening strikes-----but in the face of a thunder storm------I still extract the toddlers from the inflatable wading pool situated under the apple tree. So far
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu. Old people is human beings too------old in medical books starts at 70. That is why
the age 70 got STUCK in your mind. -----people in
their thirties and forties are dying. The proclamation
"don't trust anyone over 30 is outmoded"----it dates back to the time of Sanders and STILL HOLDS FOR HIM-----but no one else. There are viruses and viruses------the various strains have minds of
their own.
Polio is caused by a virus too------OFTEN the infections went UNSYMPTOMATIC Syphilis is caused by a spirochete which is a bacterium. People who "get it"
sometimes do not contract any illness at all---it remits
spontaneously----sometimes it hangs around for DECADES before it manifests all kinds of horrors-----
but it REMAINS an issue of public health. It is actually not easy to CATCH tuberculosis----still an issue.
It is almost impossible to CATCH leprosy----still an issue.
I heard Trump gave her brother blankets and cloth contaminated with Covid-19.
Warren said "He joined the Air Force at 19 and spent his career in the military, including five and a half years off and on in combat in Vietnam. He was charming and funny, a natural leader,"
Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

not impressed with your theory. Very few kids die of lightening strikes-----but in the face of a thunder storm------I still extract the toddlers from the inflatable wading pool situated under the apple tree. So far
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu. Old people is human beings too------old in medical books starts at 70. That is why
the age 70 got STUCK in your mind. -----people in
their thirties and forties are dying. The proclamation
"don't trust anyone over 30 is outmoded"----it dates back to the time of Sanders and STILL HOLDS FOR HIM-----but no one else. There are viruses and viruses------the various strains have minds of
their own.
Polio is caused by a virus too------OFTEN the infections went UNSYMPTOMATIC Syphilis is caused by a spirochete which is a bacterium. People who "get it"
sometimes do not contract any illness at all---it remits
spontaneously----sometimes it hangs around for DECADES before it manifests all kinds of horrors-----
but it REMAINS an issue of public health. It is actually not easy to CATCH tuberculosis----still an issue.
It is almost impossible to CATCH leprosy----still an issue.

I'm 77.
What stuck in my mind is this chart and my chance of getting COVID is 8% as I also suffer from diabetes, heart conditions, etc.
while I'm 40 times the chance versus my 20 year old granddaughter.
And the general public doesn't know this as the MSM is using COVID as a political tool. Pure and simple.
Why don't you hear from the MSM that 95% of the people with COVID survive? Because that's good news and the MSM and Democrats
are using COVID as a political tool. And they still don't understand. We don't believe the MSM simply for the above reasons!
That don't share the whole story. Did you know Warren's brother was 86? NO... the BIASED MSM won't tell you that!

While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu.

How do you know that? Unlike the flu, we have no clue how many people have had covid19 and recovered or had it without symptoms so really had no rocovery to speak of and were never counted because they never went to a doctor. So we have no clue what the actual death rate is from this virus and anyone who says otherwise is lying.
Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

Now we will have to hear about this for the next 30 years every time she gives a speech......just like Al Gore and his sister when he lied about how she died.
Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

not impressed with your theory. Very few kids die of lightening strikes-----but in the face of a thunder storm------I still extract the toddlers from the inflatable wading pool situated under the apple tree. So far
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu. Old people is human beings too------old in medical books starts at 70. That is why
the age 70 got STUCK in your mind. -----people in
their thirties and forties are dying. The proclamation
"don't trust anyone over 30 is outmoded"----it dates back to the time of Sanders and STILL HOLDS FOR HIM-----but no one else. There are viruses and viruses------the various strains have minds of
their own.
Polio is caused by a virus too------OFTEN the infections went UNSYMPTOMATIC Syphilis is caused by a spirochete which is a bacterium. People who "get it"
sometimes do not contract any illness at all---it remits
spontaneously----sometimes it hangs around for DECADES before it manifests all kinds of horrors-----
but it REMAINS an issue of public health. It is actually not easy to CATCH tuberculosis----still an issue.
It is almost impossible to CATCH leprosy----still an issue.

I'm 77.
What stuck in my mind is this chart and my chance of getting COVID is 8% as I also suffer from diabetes, heart conditions, etc.
while I'm 40 times the chance versus my 20 year old granddaughter.
And the general public doesn't know this as the MSM is using COVID as a political tool. Pure and simple.
Why don't you hear from the MSM that 95% of the people with COVID survive? Because that's good news and the MSM and Democrats
are using COVID as a political tool. And they still don't understand. We don't believe the MSM simply for the above reasons!
That don't share the whole story. Did you know Warren's brother was 86? NO... the BIASED MSM won't tell you that!

While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

you have AGAIN posted NOTHING
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu.

How do you know that? Unlike the flu, we have no clue how many people have had covid19 and recovered or had it without symptoms so really had no rocovery to speak of and were never counted because they never went to a doctor. So we have no clue what the actual death rate is from this virus and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

BS "UNLIKE THE FLU" what is unlike? "because they never went to a doctor" MOST people with seasonal flu do not go to a doctor----and among those who do----very few DIE. Death from flu----not unheard of even in young people with the everyday
brand----but rare. Like Covid---when it kills---it is
usually a respiratory death----OR a reaction to some
med that should not have been prescribed anyway.
Most people who get infected with syphilis never go
to a doctor too-----but we know LOTS about that one.
Hospitals ARE seeing respiratory deaths BECAUSE OF COVID-----across the board-----the older and the sicker to start with------the worse the outcome-----
WHAT ELSE IS NEW ???? The young can transmit it
to the older sick and the sicker youngsters. THUS--the gloves and masks. Remember the POLIO epidemic circa 1940s and 50s. Ask your parents
how they protected their kids so UNNECESSARILY

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