FACT: Elizabeth Warren's brother was 86 years old.

anyone who served this country deserves our gratitude!

I absolutely HATE that. Most "serve" their country. How does making yourself a SLAVE to the federal government make you more noble than the rest.

So many SERVE in ways you seem unable to understand.
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death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu.

How do you know that? Unlike the flu, we have no clue how many people have had covid19 and recovered or had it without symptoms so really had no rocovery to speak of and were never counted because they never went to a doctor. So we have no clue what the actual death rate is from this virus and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

BS "UNLIKE THE FLU" what is unlike? "because they never went to a doctor" MOST people with seasonal flu do not go to a doctor----and among those who do----very few DIE. Death from flu----not unheard of even in young people with the everyday
brand----but rare. Like Covid---when it kills---it is
usually a respiratory death----OR a reaction to some
med that should not have been prescribed anyway.
Most people who get infected with syphilis never go
to a doctor too-----but we know LOTS about that one.
Hospitals ARE seeing respiratory deaths BECAUSE OF COVID-----across the board-----the older and the sicker to start with------the worse the outcome-----
WHAT ELSE IS NEW ???? The young can transmit it
to the older sick and the sicker youngsters. THUS--the gloves and masks. Remember the POLIO epidemic circa 1940s and 50s. Ask your parents
how they protected their kids so UNNECESSARILY
OH I remember as I'm 77 years old now but I still remember my Mom warning me when I was 7....
.Don't walk past that house as the girl has polio and I don't want you to get it"!

Far worse than today. No swimming pool. No being around other kids. And this was for KIDS... adults didn't seem to get polio.
The Epidemic That Preyed on Children
“Do you want to spend the rest of your life in an iron lung?”
Children heard these words during polio outbreaks when they begged to play outside.
Known for its neighborliness, San Angelo quickly ditched the niceties that it once took for granted. “We got to the point that nobody could comprehend,” a pediatrician recalled, “when people would not even shake hands.”
“Do you want to spend the rest of your life in an iron lung?” Children heard these words when they begged to go swimming or play outside, when they jumped through a puddle or licked a friend’s ice-cream cone, when they refused to take a nap or balked at the daily home polio test (“Chin to chest, touch your toes”). Hitting with full force at the very height of the Baby Boom era, a time of unprecedented prosperity and population growth, polio became the crack in the middle-class picture window, a summer plague dotted with visual reminders: wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, breathing devices, withered limbs.
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu.

How do you know that? Unlike the flu, we have no clue how many people have had covid19 and recovered or had it without symptoms so really had no rocovery to speak of and were never counted because they never went to a doctor. So we have no clue what the actual death rate is from this virus and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

BS "UNLIKE THE FLU" what is unlike? "because they never went to a doctor" MOST people with seasonal flu do not go to a doctor

Ok so you admit you don't know the true death rate of the flu or coronavirus so how do you determine that one is deadlier than the other when you have no idea how many people catch either one?

I don't even think you realize that the reason you gave to try to justify your answer just solidified mine. Thank you.
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Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

not impressed with your theory. Very few kids die of lightening strikes-----but in the face of a thunder storm------I still extract the toddlers from the inflatable wading pool situated under the apple tree. So far
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu. Old people is human beings too------old in medical books starts at 70. That is why
the age 70 got STUCK in your mind. -----people in
their thirties and forties are dying. The proclamation
"don't trust anyone over 30 is outmoded"----it dates back to the time of Sanders and STILL HOLDS FOR HIM-----but no one else. There are viruses and viruses------the various strains have minds of
their own.
Polio is caused by a virus too------OFTEN the infections went UNSYMPTOMATIC Syphilis is caused by a spirochete which is a bacterium. People who "get it"
sometimes do not contract any illness at all---it remits
spontaneously----sometimes it hangs around for DECADES before it manifests all kinds of horrors-----
but it REMAINS an issue of public health. It is actually not easy to CATCH tuberculosis----still an issue.
It is almost impossible to CATCH leprosy----still an issue.
...40,000 die EVERY year in cars --where's the headlines everyday???!!!!
...how come we don't see a death list at the top of every news station about car deaths
...with thousands more injured
....the MSM makes $$$ with headlines..they are going to milk this for a loooooong time
Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"
When he realized who his sister was, he ran to CVS and bought a bottle of COVID19.
Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

not impressed with your theory. Very few kids die of lightening strikes-----but in the face of a thunder storm------I still extract the toddlers from the inflatable wading pool situated under the apple tree. So far
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu. Old people is human beings too------old in medical books starts at 70. That is why
the age 70 got STUCK in your mind. -----people in
their thirties and forties are dying. The proclamation
"don't trust anyone over 30 is outmoded"----it dates back to the time of Sanders and STILL HOLDS FOR HIM-----but no one else. There are viruses and viruses------the various strains have minds of
their own.
Polio is caused by a virus too------OFTEN the infections went UNSYMPTOMATIC Syphilis is caused by a spirochete which is a bacterium. People who "get it"
sometimes do not contract any illness at all---it remits
spontaneously----sometimes it hangs around for DECADES before it manifests all kinds of horrors-----
but it REMAINS an issue of public health. It is actually not easy to CATCH tuberculosis----still an issue.
It is almost impossible to CATCH leprosy----still an issue.

I'm 77.
What stuck in my mind is this chart and my chance of getting COVID is 8% as I also suffer from diabetes, heart conditions, etc.
while I'm 40 times the chance versus my 20 year old granddaughter.
And the general public doesn't know this as the MSM is using COVID as a political tool. Pure and simple.
Why don't you hear from the MSM that 95% of the people with COVID survive? Because that's good news and the MSM and Democrats
are using COVID as a political tool. And they still don't understand. We don't believe the MSM simply for the above reasons!
That don't share the whole story. Did you know Warren's brother was 86? NO... the BIASED MSM won't tell you that!

While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"
I have a thread on who doesn't get it:
Liz needs her base to blame COVID-19 for her 86 year old brother's death.

Here are the facts: SNIP:

The Globe reports that Herring, who was diagnosed with cancer several years prior to his death and had undergone treatment, was hospitalized for pneumonia in February. Herring was then moved to a rehabilitation center to recover.

Public health experts and data alike have confirmed that elderly patients with preexisting conditions are at high risk for a severe infection of the coronavirus, as well as individuals in inpatient care facilities.

Now the MSM including Elizabeth Warren is stating her brother died of COVID-19.
He was 86.
We totally have empathy with her regarding specifically when she says...
"And now there's no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close,' Warren said.
We truly sympathize with her over that.
But the Reality:
While that may seem concerning, it’s important to note that the vast majority of COVID-19-related mortality is for those individuals with pre-existing conditions and over the age of 70.
Fatality Rate by Age / Comorbidity
At the time of this report, the following fatality rates for respective age groups were found:
80+ years old: 14.80%
70–79 years old: 8.00%
60–69 years old: 3.60%
50–59 years old: 1.30%
40–49 years old: 0.40%
30–39 years old: 0.20%
20–29 years old: 0.20%
10–19 years old: 0.20%
0–9 years old: 0.00%
Now hopefully you will understand that:
"So, unless you happen to be in your golden years with one or more of these pre-existing conditions, you really shouldn’t be stocking up on respirators, gloves, etc… the fact is that this is a highly contagious virus which will likely infect just as many people as the seasonal flu"

not impressed with your theory. Very few kids die of lightening strikes-----but in the face of a thunder storm------I still extract the toddlers from the inflatable wading pool situated under the apple tree. So far
death from Covid is far more common than is death
from seasonal flu. Old people is human beings too------old in medical books starts at 70. That is why
the age 70 got STUCK in your mind. -----people in
their thirties and forties are dying. The proclamation
"don't trust anyone over 30 is outmoded"----it dates back to the time of Sanders and STILL HOLDS FOR HIM-----but no one else. There are viruses and viruses------the various strains have minds of
their own.
Polio is caused by a virus too------OFTEN the infections went UNSYMPTOMATIC Syphilis is caused by a spirochete which is a bacterium. People who "get it"
sometimes do not contract any illness at all---it remits
spontaneously----sometimes it hangs around for DECADES before it manifests all kinds of horrors-----
but it REMAINS an issue of public health. It is actually not easy to CATCH tuberculosis----still an issue.
It is almost impossible to CATCH leprosy----still an issue.
...40,000 die EVERY year in cars --where's the headlines everyday???!!!!
...how come we don't see a death list at the top of every news station about car deaths
...with thousands more injured
....the MSM makes $$$ with headlines..they are going to milk this for a loooooong time
All these people running around with used and contaminated masks because they really have no idea how to properly use these adult pacifiers really shouldn't be driving. They face the same risk as this media hyped "crisis."

Get off the damn roads Democrat voters and stay under your damn bed! The world is just too scary for you to participate!

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