FACT: There will be a RECKONING......... or not


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
FACT: 32 people have been charged with over 100 felonies. The one thing they have in common is that they are all in the Trump orbit.

FACT: There have been 16 felony convictions.

FACT: There have been dozens of documented Russian meetings between trump affiliates and the Russian government, Russian agents and Russian oligarchs

FACT: Donald Trump refuses to say anything critical of Vladimir Putin and even publicly admits he believes Putin over American intelligence agencies. Fully documented live on video at the Helsinki press conference with Trump and Putin.

FACT: Two of trumps closest people have been given immunity. One being the chief financial officer of trump enterprises and the other one being the editor of the national Inquirer.

FACT: The New York Attorney General has filed a civil suit against the Trump foundation naming Donald Trump Donald Trump Junior IVanka trump and Eric Trump and has forwarded the information to the New York criminal division

FACT: Michael Flynn trumps national security advisor is waiting for sentencing for prison

FACT: Michael Cohen trumps lawyer is waiting sentencing for prison

FACT: George Papadopoulos trumps former foriegn advisor is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is waiting for a second trial that deals with him being an unregistered Russian agent and money laundering

FACT: The Trump administration is having a difficult time getting people to work in the White House and as part of his administration because they all think that heā€™s going to be impeached

It all depends on whether or not Democrats take the House of Representatives.
If Republicans keep both the House and the Senate everything thatā€™s happened so far will be swept under the rug and thatā€™ll be the end of it.

So what do you think?
FACT: 32 people have been charged with over 100 felonies. The one thing they have in common is that they are all in the Trump orbit.

FACT: There have been 16 felony convictions.

FACT: There have been dozens of documented Russian meetings between trump affiliates and the Russian government, Russian agents and Russian oligarchs

FACT: Donald Trump refuses to say anything critical of Vladimir Putin and even publicly admits he believes Putin over American intelligence agencies. Fully documented live on video at the Helsinki press conference with Trump and Putin.

FACT: Two of trumps closest people have been given immunity. One being the chief financial officer of trump enterprises and the other one being the editor of the national Inquirer.

FACT: The New York Attorney General has filed a civil suit against the Trump foundation naming Donald Trump Donald Trump Junior IVanka trump and Eric Trump and has forwarded the information to the New York criminal division

FACT: Michael Flynn trumps national security advisor is waiting for sentencing for prison

FACT: Michael Cohen trumps lawyer is waiting sentencing for prison

FACT: George Papadopoulos trumps former foriegn advisor is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is waiting for a second trial that deals with him being an unregistered Russian agent and money laundering

FACT: The Trump administration is having a difficult time getting people to work in the White House and as part of his administration because they all think that heā€™s going to be impeached

It all depends on whether or not Democrats take the House of Representatives.
If Republicans keep both the House and the Senate everything thatā€™s happened so far will be swept under the rug and thatā€™ll be the end of it.

So what do you think?

Humans typically do not like to face the facts.
Trump has been screwing people over his entire life. His biggest mistake IMO? Becoming POTUS.
If Trump had never become POTUS then his entire life of deceit, screwing others over, and crime would have been kept a secret, as it has been for decades.
Becoming POTUS will be the undoing of Trump's criminal enterprise as this has allowed the DOJ to pry into every nook & cranny of Trump's criminal past.
Trump's greatest desire was to be POTUS, more than anything.

Let this be a lesson to all: Be careful what you wish for; you may get it & more.
FACT: 32 people have been charged with over 100 felonies. The one thing they have in common is that they are all in the Trump orbit.

FACT: There have been 16 felony convictions.

FACT: There have been dozens of documented Russian meetings between trump affiliates and the Russian government, Russian agents and Russian oligarchs

FACT: Donald Trump refuses to say anything critical of Vladimir Putin and even publicly admits he believes Putin over American intelligence agencies. Fully documented live on video at the Helsinki press conference with Trump and Putin.

FACT: Two of trumps closest people have been given immunity. One being the chief financial officer of trump enterprises and the other one being the editor of the national Inquirer.

FACT: The New York Attorney General has filed a civil suit against the Trump foundation naming Donald Trump Donald Trump Junior IVanka trump and Eric Trump and has forwarded the information to the New York criminal division

FACT: Michael Flynn trumps national security advisor is waiting for sentencing for prison

FACT: Michael Cohen trumps lawyer is waiting sentencing for prison

FACT: George Papadopoulos trumps former foriegn advisor is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is waiting for a second trial that deals with him being an unregistered Russian agent and money laundering

FACT: The Trump administration is having a difficult time getting people to work in the White House and as part of his administration because they all think that heā€™s going to be impeached

It all depends on whether or not Democrats take the House of Representatives.
If Republicans keep both the House and the Senate everything thatā€™s happened so far will be swept under the rug and thatā€™ll be the end of it.

So what do you think?
Well, you DID ask.....

I think one with such creative writing skills ought to be in paid employment. Good look in finding an employer who will be willing to accept the rest of the package.
After the FBI and DOJ swept every crime committed by the meat puppet faggot's minions the rug looks funny.

FACT: 32 people have been charged with over 100 felonies. The one thing they have in common is that they are all in the Trump orbit.

FACT: There have been 16 felony convictions.

FACT: There have been dozens of documented Russian meetings between trump affiliates and the Russian government, Russian agents and Russian oligarchs

FACT: Donald Trump refuses to say anything critical of Vladimir Putin and even publicly admits he believes Putin over American intelligence agencies. Fully documented live on video at the Helsinki press conference with Trump and Putin.

FACT: Two of trumps closest people have been given immunity. One being the chief financial officer of trump enterprises and the other one being the editor of the national Inquirer.

FACT: The New York Attorney General has filed a civil suit against the Trump foundation naming Donald Trump Donald Trump Junior IVanka trump and Eric Trump and has forwarded the information to the New York criminal division

FACT: Michael Flynn trumps national security advisor is waiting for sentencing for prison

FACT: Michael Cohen trumps lawyer is waiting sentencing for prison

FACT: George Papadopoulos trumps former foriegn advisor is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is waiting for a second trial that deals with him being an unregistered Russian agent and money laundering

FACT: The Trump administration is having a difficult time getting people to work in the White House and as part of his administration because they all think that heā€™s going to be impeached

It all depends on whether or not Democrats take the House of Representatives.
If Republicans keep both the House and the Senate everything thatā€™s happened so far will be swept under the rug and thatā€™ll be the end of it.

So what do you think?
Well, you DID ask.....

I think one with such creative writing skills ought to be in paid employment. Good look in finding an employer who will be willing to accept the rest of the package.
In other words you completely agree with all the facts.
Regardless of what Kellyanne Conway says there is no such thing as facts and Republican facts.
There are just facts.
FACT: 32 people have been charged with over 100 felonies. The one thing they have in common is that they are all in the Trump orbit.

FACT: There have been 16 felony convictions.

FACT: There have been dozens of documented Russian meetings between trump affiliates and the Russian government, Russian agents and Russian oligarchs

FACT: Donald Trump refuses to say anything critical of Vladimir Putin and even publicly admits he believes Putin over American intelligence agencies. Fully documented live on video at the Helsinki press conference with Trump and Putin.

FACT: Two of trumps closest people have been given immunity. One being the chief financial officer of trump enterprises and the other one being the editor of the national Inquirer.

FACT: The New York Attorney General has filed a civil suit against the Trump foundation naming Donald Trump Donald Trump Junior IVanka trump and Eric Trump and has forwarded the information to the New York criminal division

FACT: Michael Flynn trumps national security advisor is waiting for sentencing for prison

FACT: Michael Cohen trumps lawyer is waiting sentencing for prison

FACT: George Papadopoulos trumps former foriegn advisor is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is waiting for a second trial that deals with him being an unregistered Russian agent and money laundering

FACT: The Trump administration is having a difficult time getting people to work in the White House and as part of his administration because they all think that heā€™s going to be impeached

It all depends on whether or not Democrats take the House of Representatives.
If Republicans keep both the House and the Senate everything thatā€™s happened so far will be swept under the rug and thatā€™ll be the end of it.

So what do you think?

Humans typically do not like to face the facts.
Trump has been screwing people over his entire life. His biggest mistake IMO? Becoming POTUS.
If Trump had never become POTUS then his entire life of deceit, screwing others over, and crime would have been kept a secret, as it has been for decades.
Becoming POTUS will be the undoing of Trump's criminal enterprise as this has allowed the DOJ to pry into every nook & cranny of Trump's criminal past.
Trump's greatest desire was to be POTUS, more than anything.

Let this be a lesson to all: Be careful what you wish for; you may get it & more.
Trumps real problem was that he never read the constitution, he honestly thought he was being elected King.
Fact: Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in a race for the Presidency!

Fact: High ranking members of the FBI and the Justice Department actively opposed Trump's election!

Fact: Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluded with foreign nationals...paying them to have phony "dossiers" smearing Trump created and then given to a compliant press shortly before the election!

Fact: The Obama Justice Department used what they knew were phony dossiers paid for by the Clinton campaign as the basis to obtain not one but four FISA court warrants so they could spy on people associated with the Trump campaign...deliberately withholding from the FISA court judges the background on those dossiers!

Fact: Robert Mueller has investigated the Trump campaign for "collusion" for over a year and a half now and have come up with exactly ZERO evidence that any such collusion took place!
Fact: R-Derp will continue to spam this board with anti Trump strings because that's what he does!
Fact: R-Derp will continue to spam this board with anti Trump strings because that's what he does!
dean cant help it....its an obsession....it started in HS when a republican T-Bagged him in front of the girls...ever since then......
FACT: 32 people have been charged with over 100 felonies. The one thing they have in common is that they are all in the Trump orbit.

FACT: There have been 16 felony convictions.

FACT: There have been dozens of documented Russian meetings between trump affiliates and the Russian government, Russian agents and Russian oligarchs

FACT: Donald Trump refuses to say anything critical of Vladimir Putin and even publicly admits he believes Putin over American intelligence agencies. Fully documented live on video at the Helsinki press conference with Trump and Putin.

FACT: Two of trumps closest people have been given immunity. One being the chief financial officer of trump enterprises and the other one being the editor of the national Inquirer.

FACT: The New York Attorney General has filed a civil suit against the Trump foundation naming Donald Trump Donald Trump Junior IVanka trump and Eric Trump and has forwarded the information to the New York criminal division

FACT: Michael Flynn trumps national security advisor is waiting for sentencing for prison

FACT: Michael Cohen trumps lawyer is waiting sentencing for prison

FACT: George Papadopoulos trumps former foriegn advisor is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is awaiting sentencing for prison

FACT: Paul Manafort trumps campaign manager is waiting for a second trial that deals with him being an unregistered Russian agent and money laundering

FACT: The Trump administration is having a difficult time getting people to work in the White House and as part of his administration because they all think that heā€™s going to be impeached

It all depends on whether or not Democrats take the House of Representatives.
If Republicans keep both the House and the Senate everything thatā€™s happened so far will be swept under the rug and thatā€™ll be the end of it.

So what do you think?
It follows the blue print for a witch hunt to the letter...and clears trump of any wrong doing

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