Facts About The Ahmaud Arbery Case: Racism? Seems Not.

I'd say the thread title is neutral...."seems."
Perhaps that was too nuanced for you.
I use language with the precision of a UN translator.

And this from a trial witness:
"There have not been any racial sluts (slurs) toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Good to see you didn't deny that you fit the Coulter definition, the sort of virtue-signaling that hides the truth.

Yet you ignore the character of the deceased:
"Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law."

“Hogue also pointed out that given Arbery’s actual conduct, the conduct of which he was of course fully aware, there could be no real doubt that he knew exactly why he was being pursued on February 23, re-doubling his efforts at flight when informed that the police were coming—that he was reasonably suspected of being a felony burglar. An innocent recreational jogger has no need to fear a police response—a previously convicted felony burglar very much does."

So, what justified the reasonable perception of probable cause for the citizen’s arrest on February 23 was not just Arbery’s apparently felonious conduct on February 23, but his apparently felonious conduct on prior occasions, as well.

But in his 20s he went off the rails, and by the time of his encounter with Travis McMichael, he’d simply become a criminal thieving and plundering his way through life.

She noted that it was incontestable that it was Ahmaud Arbery returning night after night, repeatedly caught on camera, at the same time thousands of dollars worth of property was disappearing. Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law.” Arbery Case Trial: Based On Closing Arguments, Not Guilty Verdicts A Real Possibility

The character of the deceased far more important in this case than his race or the race of the defendants......except to racists and other apologists for the Democrats.

That would be you.

Under Georgia Law what they had done previously is irrelevant in the case of a citizens arrest. It is why his history was not allowed in the court case. The defense attorneys were prohibited from bringing it up.

The citizens arrest statute is relevant to what the accused has done to warrant immediate action. Which is nothing. Arbery did nothing.

You can’t point to a single thing he was accused of stealing. You can’t point to a single crime he committed that the police were interested in. Nada.

So you throw smoke and pretend that it isn’t about race. No problem. It’s nice to see you doing what the well educated racists do. This was all laid out as part of the Charlottesville trial.

Deny being a racist. Deny that your motives are race based to build the movement.
He was trapped like a rat, but only figuratively speaking. Literally speaking, there was plenty of open space he could go.

But Arbery knew the police were on the way and there were witnesses everywhere. He saw witnesses in vehicles who could easily follow him because although Arbery was an athlete with very significant foot speed, motor vehicles are faster.

And although he had gotten away in the past, this time it was broad daylight. He was going back to jail if he didn't steal that shotgun and that truck and get the hell out of Dodge before the police arrived.

Arbery had made a big mistake that many habitual criminals make. He got away with it so many times that he became overconfident and more brazen. On the other occasions, he did it under cover of the night and was able to easily get away. This time it was broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon.
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

Under Georgia Law what they had done previously is irrelevant in the case of a citizens arrest. It is why his history was not allowed in the court case. The defense attorneys were prohibited from bringing it up.

The citizens arrest statute is relevant to what the accused has done to warrant immediate action. Which is nothing. Arbery did nothing.

You can’t point to a single thing he was accused of stealing. You can’t point to a single crime he committed that the police were interested in. Nada.

So you throw smoke and pretend that it isn’t about race. No problem. It’s nice to see you doing what the well educated racists do. This was all laid out as part of the Charlottesville trial.I

Deny being a racist. Deny that your motives are race based to build the movement.

I believe we just proved you to be the racist, in total fear of the word.

Why else would you chose to ignore the facts about the deceased.


Good to see you didn't deny that you fit the Coulter definition, the sort of virtue-signaling that hides the truth.

Yet you ignore the character of the deceased:
"Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law."

“Hogue also pointed out that given Arbery’s actual conduct, the conduct of which he was of course fully aware, there could be no real doubt that he knew exactly why he was being pursued on February 23, re-doubling his efforts at flight when informed that the police were coming—that he was reasonably suspected of being a felony burglar. An innocent recreational jogger has no need to fear a police response—a previously convicted felony burglar very much does."

So, what justified the reasonable perception of probable cause for the citizen’s arrest on February 23 was not just Arbery’s apparently felonious conduct on February 23, but his apparently felonious conduct on prior occasions, as well.

But in his 20s he went off the rails, and by the time of his encounter with Travis McMichael, he’d simply become a criminal thieving and plundering his way through life.

She noted that it was incontestable that it was Ahmaud Arbery returning night after night, repeatedly caught on camera, at the same time thousands of dollars worth of property was disappearing. Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law.” Arbery Case Trial: Based On Closing Arguments, Not Guilty Verdicts A Real Possibility

The character of the deceased far more important in this case than his race or the race of the defendants......except to racists and other apologists for the Democrats.

That would be you.
I believe we just proved you to be the racist, in total fear of the word.

Why else would you chose to ignore the facts about the deceased.


Good to see you didn't deny that you fit the Coulter definition, the sort of virtue-signaling that hides the truth.

Yet you ignore the character of the deceased:
"Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law."

“Hogue also pointed out that given Arbery’s actual conduct, the conduct of which he was of course fully aware, there could be no real doubt that he knew exactly why he was being pursued on February 23, re-doubling his efforts at flight when informed that the police were coming—that he was reasonably suspected of being a felony burglar. An innocent recreational jogger has no need to fear a police response—a previously convicted felony burglar very much does."

So, what justified the reasonable perception of probable cause for the citizen’s arrest on February 23 was not just Arbery’s apparently felonious conduct on February 23, but his apparently felonious conduct on prior occasions, as well.

But in his 20s he went off the rails, and by the time of his encounter with Travis McMichael, he’d simply become a criminal thieving and plundering his way through life.

She noted that it was incontestable that it was Ahmaud Arbery returning night after night, repeatedly caught on camera, at the same time thousands of dollars worth of property was disappearing. Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law.” Arbery Case Trial: Based On Closing Arguments, Not Guilty Verdicts A Real Possibility

The character of the deceased far more important in this case than his race or the race of the defendants......except to racists and other apologists for the Democrats.

That would be you.

The verdict is in.

But to your point. Not in Georgia Law.

Citizens arrest was viewed as an immediate remedy to criminal actions. So the history of the individual was irrelevant. And always has been. What mattered was what crime the person was accused of doing.

Citizens were prohibited from grabbing someone with a warrant. They had no legal authority to enforce a warrant. They were prohibited from grabbing a guy because he might commit a crime. They were prohibited from grabbing someone for no reason.

You had to have a damned good reason to perform a citizens arrest. If the arrest was illegal. Then unlike the police the guy resisting was in the right. You have a right to resist an unlawful citizens arrest.
The verdict is in.

But to your point. Not in Georgia Law.

Citizens arrest was viewed as an immediate remedy to criminal actions. So the history of the individual was irrelevant. And always has been. What mattered was what crime the person was accused of doing.

Citizens were prohibited from grabbing someone with a warrant. They had no legal authority to enforce a warrant. They were prohibited from grabbing a guy because he might commit a crime. They were prohibited from grabbing someone for no reason.

You had to have a damned good reason to perform a citizens arrest. If the arrest was illegal. Then unlike the police the guy resisting was in the right. You have a right to resist an unlawful citizens arrest.

Not that I disagree with the verdicts, but they had real shitty legal representation. Especially Greg McMichael with his lawyer going after Arbery's "dirty long toenails." WTF??
Not that I disagree with the verdicts, but they had real shitty legal representation. Especially Greg McMichael with his lawyer going after Arbery's "dirty long toenails." WTF??

When the story broke I said they were guilty. Their defense attorneys were imported and have represented capital cases before. Well except Roddy. He went with a local lawyer thinking that the local lawyer would have a better read on local juries.

The long dirty toenails was an attempt to paint Arbery as subhuman. It might have worked. But not with so much evidence against them.

But with this case and the evidence and Georgia Law, I doubt the OJ Dream Team could have pulled it off.

I said earlier. Every decision made was the wrong one. From the moment it started. Every decision was the wrong one.
The verdict is in.

But to your point. Not in Georgia Law.

Citizens arrest was viewed as an immediate remedy to criminal actions. So the history of the individual was irrelevant. And always has been. What mattered was what crime the person was accused of doing.

Citizens were prohibited from grabbing someone with a warrant. They had no legal authority to enforce a warrant. They were prohibited from grabbing a guy because he might commit a crime. They were prohibited from grabbing someone for no reason.

You had to have a damned good reason to perform a citizens arrest. If the arrest was illegal. Then unlike the police the guy resisting was in the right. You have a right to resist an unlawful citizens arrest.

I'm not certain how I would have vote if on the jury....but it wouldn't have been on the basis of anyone's skin color.

"You had to have a damned good reason to perform a citizens arrest."

The actual statute: it is only two sentences long. Those two sentences are:

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.

As the original article that I quoted stated, that statute would have allowed a verdict in either direction.
I'm not certain how I would have vote if on the jury....but it wouldn't have been on the basis of anyone's skin color.

"You had to have a damned good reason to perform a citizens arrest."

The actual statute: it is only two sentences long. Those two sentences are:

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.

As the original article that I quoted stated, that statute would have allowed a verdict in either direction.

There was no felony.
There was no felony.

Then you don't know what a felony is.

I'm here to educate you, even if you are a racist.

"Sheffield hit on the important legal and evidentiary points. Felony burglary does not require that any property be actually stolen, for example, so all the State’s talk about Arbery not having stolen property in his possession was completely irrelevant."

Hogue also mocked the State’s characterization of Arbery as merely doing a “lookie-loo” in an “open unsecured construction site,” noting that it’s not a “lookie-loo” when thousands of dollars of property is being taken, and that “open unsecured construction site” was somebody’s dream home trying to be built, and fully sufficient for Georgia’s felony burglary statute.”
Arbery Case Trial: Based On Closing Arguments, Not Guilty Verdicts A Real Possibility

Be sure to let me know any other area you require instruction on.
I'm not certain how I would have vote if on the jury....but it wouldn't have been on the basis of anyone's skin color.

"You had to have a damned good reason to perform a citizens arrest."

The actual statute: it is only two sentences long. Those two sentences are:

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.

As the original article that I quoted stated, that statute would have allowed a verdict in either direction.
"I'm not certain how I would have vote if on the jury."

Then you weren't paying attention to the case.

And that law on citizen's arrest was never applicable in this case. That law required Arbery to have committed a felony which was never proven to have occurred.
Then you don't know what a felony is.

I'm here to educate you, even if you are a racist.

"Sheffield hit on the important legal and evidentiary points. Felony burglary does not require that any property be actually stolen, for example, so all the State’s talk about Arbery not having stolen property in his possession was completely irrelevant."

Hogue also mocked the State’s characterization of Arbery as merely doing a “lookie-loo” in an “open unsecured construction site,” noting that it’s not a “lookie-loo” when thousands of dollars of property is being taken, and that “open unsecured construction site” was somebody’s dream home trying to be built, and fully sufficient for Georgia’s felony burglary statute.”
Arbery Case Trial: Based On Closing Arguments, Not Guilty Verdicts A Real Possibility

Be sure to let me know any other area you require instruction on.

No it wasn’t. It wasn’t. Rash your Mia quoted cop said Arbery was never a suspect. Never a suspect. Shall I repeat that? Never a suspect.

Rash said all that was intended was to warn Arbery about going to the house. Warn him. Not even a citation. Not even disorderly conduct. Or disturbing the peace was contemplated.

No felony. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Then you don't know what a felony is.

I'm here to educate you, even if you are a racist.

"Sheffield hit on the important legal and evidentiary points. Felony burglary does not require that any property be actually stolen, for example, so all the State’s talk about Arbery not having stolen property in his possession was completely irrelevant."

Hogue also mocked the State’s characterization of Arbery as merely doing a “lookie-loo” in an “open unsecured construction site,” noting that it’s not a “lookie-loo” when thousands of dollars of property is being taken, and that “open unsecured construction site” was somebody’s dream home trying to be built, and fully sufficient for Georgia’s felony burglary statute.”
Arbery Case Trial: Based On Closing Arguments, Not Guilty Verdicts A Real Possibility

Be sure to let me know any other area you require instruction on.
Another swing an a miss by you. At the very least, Arbery had to have the intent to steal something from that property -- and it was never shown it was.

Greg McMichael's own voice was played in court where he acknowledged he suspected it was just merely criminal trespassing, a misdemeanor. And when he asked Officer Rash about intent, Rash replied something to the effect of, how the hell would I know what his intent was.

You lose again because you're a loser.
No it wasn’t. It wasn’t. Rash your Mia quoted cop said Arbery was never a suspect. Never a suspect. Shall I repeat that? Never a suspect.

Rash said all that was intended was to warn Arbery about going to the house. Warn him. Not even a citation. Not even disorderly conduct. Or disturbing the peace was contemplated.

No felony. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
A warning means next time we come won’t be a warning! Ever get one driving a car? It still goes on record.

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