facts about the economy's pathetic weaknesses.

May 21, 2015

21 milion people in school. 90% of them could not be there without the loans and grants paid by the taxpayers. 4 million MORE staff and faculty would lose their jobs, too. cause the colleges would have to close.

Number of college faculty and staff members flattens InsideHigherEd

So unemployment is at LEAST 20 million people worse than the gov't admits. In other words, unemployment is actually DOUBLE the admitted numbers. Also, milllion are living by black market activity, or just living off of charity from friends and family, etc. The economy is 3-4x as bad off as the gov't acknowldeges. Given that a minimum wage job, or parttime job at 2x the minimum, is just slow starvation, this county is in VERY deep doo-doo

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