Facts don’t care about feelings, but Democrats don’t care about facts


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I was looking for an existing thread to insert this into but..... It touches on so many topics that I couldn't find a good 'fit'.

I looked for the 'do yer own research' thread, then I thought about one of the many per, er, er prosecution threads, then I just gave up and started this one.

It's a good read for those interested in what's going on today. For those who are not........ C'ya!

I recommend it.

Troll OP: "Facts don’t care about feelings, but Democrats don’t care about facts"​

Response: Facts don’t care about feelings, but Republicans deny facts and are proud of it.​

example: 2020 election
Democrat example: Guys can be girls; guys in girl sports have no advantage; there is no illegal immigration problem; anti-semitic protestors threatening genocide is free speech; blm destroying the United States for 6 - 9 months were peaceful protests... and .. and .. and
I was looking for an existing thread to insert this into but..... It touches on so many topics that I couldn't find a good 'fit'.

I looked for the 'do yer own research' thread, then I thought about one of the many per, er, er prosecution threads, then I just gave up and started this one.

It's a good read for those interested in what's going on today. For those who are not........ C'ya!

I recommend it.
I have a question.

The Biden administration could prevent most of these deaths by enforcing immigration laws, but they don’t care; they are more interested in admitting people into the U.S. as fast as they can instead of doing their job.

What particular immigration laws aren't the Biden administration enforcing and how does it cause deaths? Seems the premise of the blog, but it's not specified. So, can you or they name them?
I was looking for an existing thread to insert this into but..... It touches on so many topics that I couldn't find a good 'fit'.

I looked for the 'do yer own research' thread, then I thought about one of the many per, er, er prosecution threads, then I just gave up and started this one.

It's a good read for those interested in what's going on today. For those who are not........ C'ya!

I recommend it.
The hypocrisy of some delusional whack-job of a tRumpling whining about Democrats and facts is absolutely epic.
I have a question.

The Biden administration could prevent most of these deaths by enforcing immigration laws, but they don’t care; they are more interested in admitting people into the U.S. as fast as they can instead of doing their job.

What particular immigration laws aren't the Biden administration enforcing and how does it cause deaths? Seems the premise of the blog, but it's not specified. So, can you or they name them?
May I recommend --

Prostate stretched is so far to the left, he can see the right coming up over the horizon.
May I recommend you just answering the question instead of posting a meme?

If you start an OP recommending a blog that makes a claim about Democrats. It would be helpful actually specifying the claim. It doesn't, and until it does, I'm going to assume the claim isn't so much facts as it is ... feelings. And as your OP so succinctly state "facts don't care about feelings."
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I was looking for an existing thread to insert this into but..... It touches on so many topics that I couldn't find a good 'fit'.

I looked for the 'do yer own research' thread, then I thought about one of the many per, er, er prosecution threads, then I just gave up and started this one.

It's a good read for those interested in what's going on today. For those who are not........ C'ya!

I recommend it.

Your blob lost.

And no...I don’t care that you “feel” like there was cheating.
More like magaturd projection about issues magaturd media tells magaturds the left cares about, when it's likely less than 10% of the extreme left consider these things 'issues'. :rolleyes:
10% is sure driving a lot of democrat policy, procedures and roles within the administration, and in the private arena. Now go drink your transheiser busch beer.
Nah, I don't see that at all. Any democrat policy covering any of the culture war nonsense magaturds whine about endlessly is usually retaliatory to right leaning policies created on the right.
Withholding school lunch funding if they don't let boys play on the girls team? How is that created by policies on the right?
I have a question.

The Biden administration could prevent most of these deaths by enforcing immigration laws, but they don’t care; they are more interested in admitting people into the U.S. as fast as they can instead of doing their job.

What particular immigration laws aren't the Biden administration enforcing and how does it cause deaths? Seems the premise of the blog, but it's not specified. So, can you or they name them?
Stay home!

Remain in Mexico, remain in Africa
I was looking for an existing thread to insert this into but..... It touches on so many topics that I couldn't find a good 'fit'.

I looked for the 'do yer own research' thread, then I thought about one of the many per, er, er prosecution threads, then I just gave up and started this one.

It's a good read for those interested in what's going on today. For those who are not........ C'ya!

I recommend it.

Wow, another NaziCon PROJECTION thread. Hilarious!

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