Facts show Trump misrembers 9-11

The Washington Post September 18, 2001 edition describes muslems holding tailgate parties in New Jersey celebrating 9-11. Google it up.
Fact-checkers are shredding Donald Trump's claims he saw people 'cheering' on 9/11 — Trump demands apology

He is either addled or a liar. There were no cheering crowds across the Hudson cheering the fall of the towers.

I remember that day IN DETAIL--------and the next day and the next day and the next day. IN DETAIL--------there were cheering crowds-------and the libels were went on for months --------it was disgusting--------the injured----the sick----and the filthy libels that you still applaud

Not across the river in New Jersey. It appears both you and Trump have created a false memory.

But you do so elegantly prove my point: His audience will just imagine alone with him. As they're quoting what they feel the Muslims in NJ were doing. Not what the facts actually support.

wrong-----Jersey City-----Paterson, New Jersey--------celebration. Atlantic Avenue---Brooklyn BIG CELEBRATION---- no celebration in Teaneck,
New Jersey or Ridgewood New Jersey No celebration in Coney Island, Brooklyn, No celebration in HOWARD BEACH
It seems that the fact checker employed by the Washington Post failed to check his own freaking mulch rag. The Washington Post reported Muslems cheering after 9-11

Can you quote the Washington Post doing this?

Actually he may be right. Many media outlets showed Muslims cheering on the 9/11 attacks... thousands of miles overseas. Notice how he avoided saying it ever happened in NJ?

Except when he does say it was in New Jersey:

Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

And in case there was any confusion:

There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.

Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

Trump is many things. Careful about the shit he says isn't one of them.
The Washington Post September 18, 2001 edition describes muslems holding tailgate parties in New Jersey celebrating 9-11. Google it up.

You already tried. You couldn't find shit. Which is why you're telling me about it rather than showing me.

Fact-checkers are shredding Donald Trump's claims he saw people 'cheering' on 9/11 — Trump demands apology

He is either addled or a liar. There were no cheering crowds across the Hudson cheering the fall of the towers.

I remember that day IN DETAIL--------and the next day and the next day and the next day. IN DETAIL--------there were cheering crowds-------and the libels were went on for months --------it was disgusting--------the injured----the sick----and the filthy libels that you still applaud

Not across the river in New Jersey. It appears both you and Trump have created a false memory.

But you do so elegantly prove my point: His audience will just imagine alone with him. As they're quoting what they feel the Muslims in NJ were doing. Not what the facts actually support.

wrong-----Jersey City-----Paterson, New Jersey--------celebration. Atlantic Avenue---Brooklyn BIG CELEBRATION---- no celebration in Teaneck,
New Jersey or Ridgewood New Jersey No celebration in Coney Island, Brooklyn, No celebration in HOWARD BEACH

Says who?

Show me, don't tell me.

I know you're just going to ape whatever hapless bullshit comes tumbling out of that guys mouth. But eventually you're gonna get tired of having to give us excuses for why you can't back it up.
Northern New Jersey Draws Probers' Eyes

Article from Washington post September 18, 2001

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners' plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

Over the weekend, authorities raided a small apartment building in Jersey City to search an apartment rented by two men who were detained in Texas on Wednesday, on possible immigration violations. Mohammed Jaweed Azmath, 47, and Ayub Ali Khan, 51, both from India, were taken into custody Wednesday on an Amtrak train in Texas, carrying $5,000 in cash, hair dye and box cutter knives -- weapons said to have been used by the hijackers. During the raids in Jersey City, authorities detained a third man, Abdoul Salam Achou, 37, whose visa application allegedly expired on Sept. 1.

Investigators also detained three men in Elizabeth, N.J., who were carrying a large amount of cash and a one-way ticket to Syria. The three men, Ahmad Kilfat, 45, Mohammad Mahmoud Al Raqqad, 37, and Nicholas Makrakis, 27, were in a red Pontiac that matched an FBI description of a vehicle connected with the attacks.

Yemina Barbosa, 46, who lives across the street from the three-story apartment house on Tulip Street in Passaic, N.J. -- a mostly black and Latino neighborhood where Kilfat and Al Raqqad were thought to live -- said expensive, "sporty" cars would often park in front of the house.

Neighbors said a car that they believed belongs to the two men was towed tonight from in front of the apartment house, after the vehicle was examined by a bomb squad.

Actually, Trump's quote was that he saw people celebrating. He didn't say that there was any public record of it in existence or he saw such a public record. Does the fact that there was no public record made in a newspaper actually show that it didn't exist? No! because we know that the newspaper doesn't cover a lot of things. A good example is the unemployment situation. The liberal newspapers don't cover it and liberals think it doesn't exist.

More accurately, he says he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey....

....on TV.

VIDEO CLIP OF DONALD TRUMP, IN WHICH HE SAYS: “Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, the police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?”

TRUMP:It did happen. I saw it.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You saw that…”

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

Odd, there's no TV record of this either. I think poor trump saw video of Muslims cheering in different parts of the world......and just assumed that it was Jersey City.

I wonder, did he run from the ashes and mudslides when he watched the Mount St. Helens collapse on TV from his Jersey City home? Try to jump in the 1/6th gravity when he watched the moon landing?

I remember Pompeii, and there were thousands of Greeks in the streets cheering.

I'm not sure if that joke is historically or chronologically accurate, but fuck you guys.
Actually, Trump's quote was that he saw people celebrating. He didn't say that there was any public record of it in existence or he saw such a public record. Does the fact that there was no public record made in a newspaper actually show that it didn't exist? No! because we know that the newspaper doesn't cover a lot of things. A good example is the unemployment situation. The liberal newspapers don't cover it and liberals think it doesn't exist.

What is it that these "liberal newspapers are failing to cover"? And how do YOU know about it?
The problem is that most of his supporters will ignore the fact that Trump is a liar.

You don't understand what Trump does. His followers don't care about factual accuracy. He's citing what he and they *feel* was happening among Muslims.

My only question is.....has he actually convinced himself this memory is real? Or is he just showboating for the gullible masses?

He says whatever he thinks the Great Unwashed with believe.

As we've seen, they'll swallow just about any lie he tells and they're in favor of trashing the Constitution.

That makes him a perfect candidate for the rabid RWNJs.
The far right, increasingly and unfailingly, reveal they are authoritarian fascists.
The problem is that most of his supporters will ignore the fact that Trump is a liar.

You don't understand what Trump does. His followers don't care about factual accuracy. He's citing what he and they *feel* was happening among Muslims.

My only question is.....has he actually convinced himself this memory is real? Or is he just showboating for the gullible masses?

He says whatever he thinks the Great Unwashed with believe.

As we've seen, they'll swallow just about any lie he tells and they're in favor of trashing the Constitution.

That makes him a perfect candidate for the rabid RWNJs.

Of course he does. Trump is rather unremarkable in this. The fascinating bit of this for me......is the unwashed masses. I've heard of polishing turds, but fuckin' A. They will literally defend ANY batshit that dribbles from this guys lips. No matter how inane.

Its remarkable.

Yeah, that's not thousands. That wasn't on TV as Trump claimed. And there's no mention of celebrations or dancing by Muslims.

So.......Muslims existing in Jersey City. Well at least that part of Trump's story wasn't complete horseshit.

none of his story is "horseshit" except his "I SAW IT ON TV"-----I did not see it on TV------but I knew it was happening-------I did see it on Atlantic Ave-----what I saw
on Atlantic Ave.-----I did NOT see on TV I did not see it in Paterson, NJ---but
it was described to me-----I did not see it in Ramallah either-----but it was described
to me-------SO? his memory played a trick------he PICTURES in his mind what he
was told was happening
Actually, Trump's quote was that he saw people celebrating. He didn't say that there was any public record of it in existence or he saw such a public record. Does the fact that there was no public record made in a newspaper actually show that it didn't exist? No! because we know that the newspaper doesn't cover a lot of things. A good example is the unemployment situation. The liberal newspapers don't cover it and liberals think it doesn't exist.

What is it that these "liberal newspapers are failing to cover"? And how do YOU know about it?

I know about lots of things that never make it to the news-----LOTS AND LOTS---
really weird murders included
Actually, Trump's quote was that he saw people celebrating. He didn't say that there was any public record of it in existence or he saw such a public record. Does the fact that there was no public record made in a newspaper actually show that it didn't exist? No! because we know that the newspaper doesn't cover a lot of things. A good example is the unemployment situation. The liberal newspapers don't cover it and liberals think it doesn't exist.

What is it that these "liberal newspapers are failing to cover"? And how do YOU know about it?

for those who do not know------lots of stuff does not make news------believe it or not----the POLICE have some friendly control. They politely ask reporters NOT TO PUBLISH STUFF that might incite MORE CRAP in times of stress. The reporters
comply for good cause------they depend on the police department lots ----for lots of
information-------as a detective explained to me----"one hand washes the other"
Actually, Trump's quote was that he saw people celebrating. He didn't say that there was any public record of it in existence or he saw such a public record.
Actually the pathological liar did say there was a public record of his lie, he said he saw it on TV.


DONALD TRUMP: Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.


STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, the police say that didn't happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?

TRUMP: It did happen. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You saw that --

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- with your own eyes?

TRUMP: George, it did happen.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Police say it didn't happen.

TRUMP: There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down -- as those buildings came down. And that tells you something. It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As I said, the police have said it didn't happen.

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