"Failed" SEAL Mission Produces Devasting Results

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Leftists once again prove themselves to be hysterical liars. 30 airstrikes in the last two days alone have dealt a serious blow to the al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen. Believe nothing the left says..it's all garbage:

During a briefing with reporters, a US defense official said the intelligence gathered from the Navy SEAL raid on Jan 29 is “potentially actionable," which could thwart future terrorist attacks.

“It’s definitely helping us understand the [AQAP] network and further develop it out,” the official said


“Large volumes of information,” were part of the stash of intelligence the SEALs collected on the target during the operation, the official said. “It’s good information,” he said.

On Jan 31, two days after raid, Fox News first reported “treasure trove” of intel taken in Navy SEAL raid including a computer and 10 mobile phones.

Pentagon: Over 30 airstrikes against Al Qaeda in two straight nights this week
The decision to raid Osama bin Laden's compound wasn't done lightly. It was considered to just bomb it. One of several reasons to conduct the raid, at risk to all members of SEAL Team Six was the intelligence that could be gathered. During the raid one of the stealth helicopters crashed. Fortunately no good guys were killed, but that was more about being lucky than good. If one or more people have been killed during the crash, would the Democrats be claiming it was a mission failure despite killing bin Laden and taking a treasure trove of intell? I strongly doubt they would have done so.

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The decision to raid Osama bin Laden's compound wasn't done lightly. It was considered to just bomb it. One of several reasons to conduct the raid, at risk to all members of SEAL Team Six was the intelligence that could be gathered. During the raid one of the stealth helicopters crashed. Fortunately no good guys were killed, but that was more about being lucky than good. If one or more people have been killed during the crash, would the Democrats be claiming it was a mission failure despite killing bin Laden and taking a treasure trove of intell? I strongly doubt they would have done so.


That's correct....the "stealth" bird that bounced inside the bin-Laden compound wasn't properly destroyed and ended up first in Iran, and later in China where it's likely been reverse-engineered.
The decision to raid Osama bin Laden's compound wasn't done lightly. It was considered to just bomb it. One of several reasons to conduct the raid, at risk to all members of SEAL Team Six was the intelligence that could be gathered. During the raid one of the stealth helicopters crashed. Fortunately no good guys were killed, but that was more about being lucky than good. If one or more people have been killed during the crash, would the Democrats be claiming it was a mission failure despite killing bin Laden and taking a treasure trove of intell? I strongly doubt they would have done so.


That's correct....the "stealth" bird that bounced inside the bin-Laden compound wasn't properly destroyed and ended up first in Iran, and later in China where it's likely been reverse-engineered.

I would need a credible link to believe that story.
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The decision to raid Osama bin Laden's compound wasn't done lightly. It was considered to just bomb it. One of several reasons to conduct the raid, at risk to all members of SEAL Team Six was the intelligence that could be gathered. During the raid one of the stealth helicopters crashed. Fortunately no good guys were killed, but that was more about being lucky than good. If one or more people have been killed during the crash, would the Democrats be claiming it was a mission failure despite killing bin Laden and taking a treasure trove of intell? I strongly doubt they would have done so.


I'd like to see one piece of viable evidence that bin-Laden's body was "buried at sea". Not saying it didn't happen, just like to see it verified.
That's correct....the "stealth" bird that bounced inside the bin-Laden compound wasn't properly destroyed and ended up first in Iran, and later in China where it's likely been reverse-engineered.
Translation: SEAL Team Six are a bunch of goddamn fuckups!...
I'd like to see one piece of viable evidence that bin-Laden's body was "buried at sea". Not saying it didn't happen, just like to see it verified.
....and fucking liars.

Thanks for the opinion. The helicopter was destroyed, but it's difficult to destroy an entire Blackhawk-sized helicopter with small arms, a few grenades and even a thermite charge or two. Most of the helo was burned, but the tail rotor section which broke off and fell outside the compound wasn't destroyed. Sad, but understandable in the middle of a firefight inside another country.

As for bin Laden's body, I see no reason for SEAL team members to lie about it. It makes sense avoid letting grave to become a martyr's memorial.
That's correct....the "stealth" bird that bounced inside the bin-Laden compound wasn't properly destroyed and ended up first in Iran, and later in China where it's likely been reverse-engineered.
Translation: SEAL Team Six are a bunch of goddamn fuckups!...
I'd like to see one piece of viable evidence that bin-Laden's body was "buried at sea". Not saying it didn't happen, just like to see it verified.
....and fucking liars.

Thanks for the opinion. The helicopter was destroyed, but it's difficult to destroy an entire Blackhawk-sized helicopter with small arms, a few grenades and even a thermite charge or two. Most of the helo was burned, but the tail rotor section which broke off and fell outside the compound wasn't destroyed. Sad, but understandable in the middle of a firefight inside another country.

As for bin Laden's body, I see no reason for SEAL team members to lie about it. It makes sense avoid letting grave to become a martyr's memorial.

Which is why they should have hit it with a JDAM from a B-1 that should have been orbiting overhead.
Just more proof that facts mean nothing to regressives.

I think this newly acquired proof is as revealing as obtaining more proof that gravity is in fact still in effect.

The regressives do not even believe in discourse or logic, of course facts are irrelevant to them.
Just more proof that facts mean nothing to regressives.

I think this newly acquired proof is as revealing as obtaining more proof that gravity is in fact still in effect.

The regressives do not even believe in discourse or logic, of course facts are irrelevant to them.

Nope, it takes no more than suppositions, baseless accusations and innuendo to make them happy now days. But it will be so satisfying when their house of cards comes crashing down, they'll be more crushed than when they lost the election.
Which is why they should have hit it with a JDAM from a B-1 that should have been orbiting overhead.
LOL. It certainly would have been less risky to our guys, but 1) there'd be no confirmation he was dead and 2), more importantly, the intell gathered allowed the continual prosecution of the al-Qaeda network.

I saw on CNN after the SOTU where a Senator (yes, with a "D" behind his name) say something like "No amount of intelligence gathering is worth an American life". That's bullshit. While the loss of any American life is a tragedy, if risking that life can save a hundred or thousand more American lives, it is worth it.

During WWII up through the Gulf War, American pilots flew reconnaissance missions over hostile areas to gather intelligence. Sometimes those airmen were lost due to enemy fire. Should we have stopped those missions? Of course not. The intelligence gathered often saved the loss of even more American lives to the enemy.
Which is why they should have hit it with a JDAM from a B-1 that should have been orbiting overhead.
LOL. It certainly would have been less risky to our guys, but 1) there'd be no confirmation he was dead and 2), more importantly, the intell gathered allowed the continual prosecution of the al-Qaeda network.

I saw on CNN after the SOTU where a Senator (yes, with a "D" behind his name) say something like "No amount of intelligence gathering is worth an American life". That's bullshit. While the loss of any American life is a tragedy, if risking that life can save a hundred or thousand more American lives, it is worth it.

During WWII up through the Gulf War, American pilots flew reconnaissance missions over hostile areas to gather intelligence. Sometimes those airmen were lost due to enemy fire. Should we have stopped those missions? Of course not. The intelligence gathered often saved the loss of even more American lives to the enemy.

You're missing my point. The B-1 is orbiting expressly for the situation that occurred. If there is an aircraft lost, the B-1 dispatches a JDAM to obliterate it. That is called "prior, proper, planning" Which "prevents piss poor performance".
Translation: SEAL Team Six are a bunch of goddamn fuckups!...
I'd like to see one piece of viable evidence that bin-Laden's body was "buried at sea". Not saying it didn't happen, just like to see it verified.
....and fucking liars.

Thanks for the opinion. The helicopter was destroyed, but it's difficult to destroy an entire Blackhawk-sized helicopter with small arms, a few grenades and even a thermite charge or two. Most of the helo was burned, but the tail rotor section which broke off and fell outside the compound wasn't destroyed. Sad, but understandable in the middle of a firefight inside another country.

As for bin Laden's body, I see no reason for SEAL team members to lie about it. It makes sense avoid letting grave to become a martyr's memorial.

Horseshit "translation"....I was on a team that pulled a pilot and crew chief out of a Huey stuck in a banyan tree on the Bong Son plateau....we tossed two willy petes into it..bye bye birdie. There were no aspersions cast on my part...just the fact that part of it was salvaged and the technology lost. There was no "firefight" involved...they had to boogie because the Pakis were on their way but the compound itself was secured. Did they have time to destroy it properly?...don't know and neither do you. And BTW, nobody other than Obama has ever claimed what happened to bin-Laden's corpse....Op teams never say shit and neither should Rob Oneill have.
Which is why they should have hit it with a JDAM from a B-1 that should have been orbiting overhead.
LOL. It certainly would have been less risky to our guys, but 1) there'd be no confirmation he was dead and 2), more importantly, the intell gathered allowed the continual prosecution of the al-Qaeda network.

I saw on CNN after the SOTU where a Senator (yes, with a "D" behind his name) say something like "No amount of intelligence gathering is worth an American life". That's bullshit. While the loss of any American life is a tragedy, if risking that life can save a hundred or thousand more American lives, it is worth it.

During WWII up through the Gulf War, American pilots flew reconnaissance missions over hostile areas to gather intelligence. Sometimes those airmen were lost due to enemy fire. Should we have stopped those missions? Of course not. The intelligence gathered often saved the loss of even more American lives to the enemy.

You're missing my point. The B-1 is orbiting expressly for the situation that occurred. If there is an aircraft lost, the B-1 dispatches a JDAM to obliterate it. That is called "prior, proper, planning" Which "prevents piss poor performance".
Thanks for the clarification. While you are correct a JDAM would have destroyed all or most of the helo, I'm guessing there was a concern about collateral damage to Pakistani allies. While that alliance has been precarious because of radicals within the Paki government, there are also pro-Western leaders in the government who would find it harder to be pro-West if we blew away a dozen or two innocent Paki civilians.
Horseshit "translation"....I was on a team that pulled a pilot and crew chief out of a Huey stuck in a banyan tree on the Bong Son plateau....we tossed two willy petes into it..bye bye birdie. There were no aspersions cast on my part...just the fact that part of it was salvaged and the technology lost. There was no "firefight" involved...they had to boogie because the Pakis were on their way but the compound itself was secured. Did they have time to destroy it properly?...don't know and neither do you. And BTW, nobody other than Obama has ever claimed what happened to bin-Laden's corpse....Op teams never say shit and neither should Rob Oneill have.
Disagreed on the translation. Obviously you didn't stick around to see that two WP grenades don't destroy an aircraft entirely. Sure, it'd destroy most of it, but it wouldn't be unusual for the tail rotor assembly, rotor tips or nose section to be intact. Yes, I know this from being a Marine then a Navy helicopter pilot (and flight instructor) 17 years. A tad more experience than your single mission throwing two grenades at a crashed Huey.
Which is why they should have hit it with a JDAM from a B-1 that should have been orbiting overhead.
LOL. It certainly would have been less risky to our guys, but 1) there'd be no confirmation he was dead and 2), more importantly, the intell gathered allowed the continual prosecution of the al-Qaeda network.

I saw on CNN after the SOTU where a Senator (yes, with a "D" behind his name) say something like "No amount of intelligence gathering is worth an American life". That's bullshit. While the loss of any American life is a tragedy, if risking that life can save a hundred or thousand more American lives, it is worth it.

During WWII up through the Gulf War, American pilots flew reconnaissance missions over hostile areas to gather intelligence. Sometimes those airmen were lost due to enemy fire. Should we have stopped those missions? Of course not. The intelligence gathered often saved the loss of even more American lives to the enemy.

You're missing my point. The B-1 is orbiting expressly for the situation that occurred. If there is an aircraft lost, the B-1 dispatches a JDAM to obliterate it. That is called "prior, proper, planning" Which "prevents piss poor performance".
Thanks for the clarification. While you are correct a JDAM would have destroyed all or most of the helo, I'm guessing there was a concern about collateral damage to Pakistani allies. While that alliance has been precarious because of radicals within the Paki government, there are also pro-Western leaders in the government who would find it harder to be pro-West if we blew away a dozen or two innocent Paki civilians.

Which is why if the operation had been run correctly immediately after the helo went down they would have got on the horn to the locals and told them to stay away for half an hour.
Democrats intend to denegrate everything that happens during the Trump administration.
Disagreed on the translation. Obviously you didn't stick around to see that two WP grenades don't destroy an aircraft entirely. Sure, it'd destroy most of it, but it wouldn't be unusual for the tail rotor assembly, rotor tips or nose section to be intact. Yes, I know this from being a Marine then a Navy helicopter pilot (and flight instructor) 17 years. A tad more experience than your single mission throwing two grenades at a crashed Huey.

44 hops '67-'68, dick-sticker....ever been in the shit? seriously in the shit? An egg in the cockpit and one in the engine well did we needed done....a burned out shell. And pardon me for not considering you pilots "heroes"...we got abandoned more than once by chickenshit dick-stickers and rank pulled on us for wanting to beat their asses back at Evans. You weren't on the bin-Laden caper so STFU about it.
Which is why they should have hit it with a JDAM from a B-1 that should have been orbiting overhead.
LOL. It certainly would have been less risky to our guys, but 1) there'd be no confirmation he was dead and 2), more importantly, the intell gathered allowed the continual prosecution of the al-Qaeda network.

I saw on CNN after the SOTU where a Senator (yes, with a "D" behind his name) say something like "No amount of intelligence gathering is worth an American life". That's bullshit. While the loss of any American life is a tragedy, if risking that life can save a hundred or thousand more American lives, it is worth it.

During WWII up through the Gulf War, American pilots flew reconnaissance missions over hostile areas to gather intelligence. Sometimes those airmen were lost due to enemy fire. Should we have stopped those missions? Of course not. The intelligence gathered often saved the loss of even more American lives to the enemy.

You're missing my point. The B-1 is orbiting expressly for the situation that occurred. If there is an aircraft lost, the B-1 dispatches a JDAM to obliterate it. That is called "prior, proper, planning" Which "prevents piss poor performance".
Thanks for the clarification. While you are correct a JDAM would have destroyed all or most of the helo, I'm guessing there was a concern about collateral damage to Pakistani allies. While that alliance has been precarious because of radicals within the Paki government, there are also pro-Western leaders in the government who would find it harder to be pro-West if we blew away a dozen or two innocent Paki civilians.

Which is why if the operation had been run correctly immediately after the helo went down they would have got on the horn to the locals and told them to stay away for half an hour.
And the Pakistani army would have moved in to protect their homeland. Not a good move, but it was a dicey situation.

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