Failure Again, Conservative Fails To Break Up California

Hate to tell you but most folks don't give a shit what they do in Cali.

Cali used to be the State everyone wanted to live in. NOW. Not so much.

Hope they enjoy all the illegals the Cali taxpayers are supporting and the fact that they are a sanctuary state. Completely illegal but then what else is new in that fucked up state.


When you all thought the state could be broken up you all were so excited and cared a lot about it.

When I told you all it would never happen you all called me names and said I was wrong.

Guess you all don't realize that those of us who live in the west won't allow you conservatives to rig the system here. You might be able to do it in other parts of the nation but we're way too smart for you conservatives out here and you'll lose every time you try.

As I said would do all those months ago, YOU WERE WRONG AGAIN. I WAS RIGHT AGAIN. YOU LOSE.
That's all they know how to do, disparage, name call and deflect with ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Exactly. When a conservative can't refute honest truths, all they have left is personal attacks and stupid conspiracy theories.
Who cares?
He’s probably a neo-Con scumbag as opposed to a Liberal scumbag.

A lot of conservatives did when he first started.

They all were convinced that California will be broken up even though I told them it would never happen.

They were all salivating about the prospect of red areas of California adding conservative seats in our House of Reps and in our Senate. They were all so sure it was going to happen even though I told them it's been tried in the past with the people of the state totally rejecting it.

Another failure of conservatives to rig our system.

Don't you just love all that winning? LOL.
I get it...
Democrats GOOD!
One day you’ll grow up and realize they’re all out for themselves.

Wow you really don't have much debate skills.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I don't give a damn what political party a person is from. If you're a thief, liar and jerk I won't vote for you.

Besides, I didn't say one word about political parties.

The break up of California was all political by the conservatives. They thought they could rig the system more to get more seats in our congress.

They failed in the 20th century, they failed now.

Deal with it and stop being an immature person who can't stay on topic.
And yet you infer by this opinion of yours that California is a Liberal haven.
Are you happy with California as is?

Businesses are fleeing.
Silicon Valley is being denied H1-Bs.

I didn't say or infer it was a liberal haven. California is a very large and diverse state.

Yes I love California. I go there often and have family and friends there.

Businesses aren't fleeing and if they can't get H1 B visas they will hire locally.

Big deal. They're the 6th largest economy in the world. A state can't be the 6th largest in the world if business is fleeing the state. Where do you get all this garbage?

Have you ever actually been to California?
My son-in-law is in the Commercial Property Acquisition industry.
No business wants to move to California.
Hate to tell you but most folks don't give a shit what they do in Cali.

Cali used to be the State everyone wanted to live in. NOW. Not so much.

Hope they enjoy all the illegals the Cali taxpayers are supporting and the fact that they are a sanctuary state. Completely illegal but then what else is new in that fucked up state.


When you all thought the state could be broken up you all were so excited and cared a lot about it.

When I told you all it would never happen you all called me names and said I was wrong.

Guess you all don't realize that those of us who live in the west won't allow you conservatives to rig the system here. You might be able to do it in other parts of the nation but we're way too smart for you conservatives out here and you'll lose every time you try.

As I said would do all those months ago, YOU WERE WRONG AGAIN. I WAS RIGHT AGAIN. YOU LOSE.
You actually think anybody was seriously thinking a State was going to break up?
You must be very young.

Nah. She just thinks everyone gives a shit. Which they don't.

She's an Independent but sound like a liberal POS. Go figure. LOL
She doesn’t sound like a Liberal POS.
She is a Liberal POS.
I don’t think these morons realize we actually read what they post.

Yes I'm very proud to be a life long liberal.

Do you have a problem with that?

Deal with it.

You conservatives can try to cheat and rig our system and you can get away with it in some areas of the nation. You can't get away with it here in the west. We're just way too smart for you.

Conservatives tried to rig the congress in my state. They lost here too. The conservative who actually tried it lost his election. LOL. He was thrown out by the people of his district.
I’m neither Liberal nor Conservative.
Secular political morality is all over the compass.
Like throwing feces at the wall.
A while ago there were posts on this board from conservatives salivating about the prospect for California to be broken up.

You conservatives failed again.

Just as I said at the time, California will never be broken up. It's remaining whole.

Billionaire drops quest to split California into 3 parts
Break up California into 4 states would give CA 8 senators instead of two. Conservatives are really that fucking stupid.
Hate to tell you but most folks don't give a shit what they do in Cali.

Cali used to be the State everyone wanted to live in. NOW. Not so much.

Hope they enjoy all the illegals the Cali taxpayers are supporting and the fact that they are a sanctuary state. Completely illegal but then what else is new in that fucked up state.


When you all thought the state could be broken up you all were so excited and cared a lot about it.

When I told you all it would never happen you all called me names and said I was wrong.

Guess you all don't realize that those of us who live in the west won't allow you conservatives to rig the system here. You might be able to do it in other parts of the nation but we're way too smart for you conservatives out here and you'll lose every time you try.

As I said would do all those months ago, YOU WERE WRONG AGAIN. I WAS RIGHT AGAIN. YOU LOSE.
That's all they know how to do, disparage, name call and deflect with ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Exactly. When a conservative can't refute honest truths, all they have left is personal attacks and stupid conspiracy theories.
Such as?
It’s also interesting that you lied about being Independent.
i lived there for 50 years and just about every 4-5 years someone wanted California to split didnt happen then and it wont happen now.....and conservatives had little to do with was always a group of disgruntled Californians....and even though there is many of them,most of them just pack up and leave.....
Who cares?
He’s probably a neo-Con scumbag as opposed to a Liberal scumbag.

A lot of conservatives did when he first started.

They all were convinced that California will be broken up even though I told them it would never happen.

They were all salivating about the prospect of red areas of California adding conservative seats in our House of Reps and in our Senate. They were all so sure it was going to happen even though I told them it's been tried in the past with the people of the state totally rejecting it.

Another failure of conservatives to rig our system.

Don't you just love all that winning? LOL.

You realize, of course, that breaking California into three states would give Democrats four additional Electoral College votes.
Who cares?
He’s probably a neo-Con scumbag as opposed to a Liberal scumbag.

A lot of conservatives did when he first started.

They all were convinced that California will be broken up even though I told them it would never happen.

They were all salivating about the prospect of red areas of California adding conservative seats in our House of Reps and in our Senate. They were all so sure it was going to happen even though I told them it's been tried in the past with the people of the state totally rejecting it.

Another failure of conservatives to rig our system.

Don't you just love all that winning? LOL.

You realize, of course, that breaking California into three states would give Democrats four additional Electoral College votes.

That's sure not what conservatives on this board were saying when this issue first started.

And it's sure not what the conservative who tried to break up the state was trying to do.

We won't know what would have happened if California was broken up. It will never happen.

Just as I said back when this first started. Even though conservatives attacked me and called me names, I was right all along. Which is why they attacked me and called me names. I posted true facts which conservatives couldn't refute and didn't like.

How's all that winning going for conservatives?
Who cares?
He’s probably a neo-Con scumbag as opposed to a Liberal scumbag.

A lot of conservatives did when he first started.

They all were convinced that California will be broken up even though I told them it would never happen.

They were all salivating about the prospect of red areas of California adding conservative seats in our House of Reps and in our Senate. They were all so sure it was going to happen even though I told them it's been tried in the past with the people of the state totally rejecting it.

Another failure of conservatives to rig our system.

Don't you just love all that winning? LOL.

You realize, of course, that breaking California into three states would give Democrats four additional Electoral College votes.

That's sure not what conservatives on this board were saying when this issue first started.

And it's sure not what the conservative who tried to break up the state was trying to do.

We won't know what would have happened if California was broken up. It will never happen.

Just as I said back when this first started. Even though conservatives attacked me and called me names, I was right all along. Which is why they attacked me and called me names. I posted true facts which conservatives couldn't refute and didn't like.

How's all that winning going for conservatives?
Who’s President?
Who cares?
He’s probably a neo-Con scumbag as opposed to a Liberal scumbag.

A lot of conservatives did when he first started.

They all were convinced that California will be broken up even though I told them it would never happen.

They were all salivating about the prospect of red areas of California adding conservative seats in our House of Reps and in our Senate. They were all so sure it was going to happen even though I told them it's been tried in the past with the people of the state totally rejecting it.

Another failure of conservatives to rig our system.

Don't you just love all that winning? LOL.

You realize, of course, that breaking California into three states would give Democrats four additional Electoral College votes.

That's sure not what conservatives on this board were saying when this issue first started.

And it's sure not what the conservative who tried to break up the state was trying to do.

We won't know what would have happened if California was broken up. It will never happen.

Just as I said back when this first started. Even though conservatives attacked me and called me names, I was right all along. Which is why they attacked me and called me names. I posted true facts which conservatives couldn't refute and didn't like.

How's all that winning going for conservatives?
Who’s President?
Our's. You don't claim him, I?
A while ago there were posts on this board from conservatives salivating about the prospect for California to be broken up.

You conservatives failed again.

Just as I said at the time, California will never be broken up. It's remaining whole.

Billionaire drops quest to split California into 3 parts
The notion was partisan rightwing idiocy to begin with; the scheme just as reprehensible as Republicans gerrymandering House districts to benefit Republican candidates.
Although I would have loved to seen it, I don't think any conservative here truly thought there was a chance in hell it would actually happen.

Someday maybe, but not anytime soon.
LOL...................Most people knew this was a silly man made idea because only the earthquakes will break California up into parts.

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