Failure of Creation

Have a link to those Vedic passages? I would be interested in seeing them, if you have a source available.
Lots of religions claim to have books that are tens of millions of years old...I'd like to see one of them.
Really? NO RELIGION claim to have books that are tens of millions of years old..., 10 million years ago the very first hominid apes were just branching off from other primates. Do please show me one religion claiming to have a book 10 million years old! :auiqs.jpg:
The Hindus make such a claim.
BULLSHIT. PROVE IT. There weren't even people 10 million years ago much less books! The species Homo only goes back about 2 million years! The earliest known proto-writing only goes back about 6,000 years. Don't go all stupid on me now.
I dont know about exact numbers, but many Hindu scholars do, indeed, cmlaim the Hindu culture is millions of years old.

Of course that's nonsense. But it's not trivial...these people are entrenched in india's government.

It's total nonsense and not true. Believe me, if Vedic Science made such a claim, I would know. If you have a link I'd like to see that. The Hindu culture is the INDIAN culture and dates back to over 4,000 years. The only thing I can assume is that because Hinduism contains many deities and demigods in worlds above the Earthly sphere that are involved in the creation and maintenance of the cosmos and have extremely long lifetimes on a cosmic scale, that someone got confused. There are no 10 million year old books. :auiqs.jpg:
The real Biblical story is found in Genesis, which is a remarkably accurate portrayal of the creation of the Earth. Even the metaphorical references to "end times" found elsewhere in the Bible are consistent with the Sun becoming a red giant and consuming the Earth.
The real Biblical story is found in Genesis, which is a remarkably accurate portrayal of the creation of the Earth. Even the metaphorical references to "end times" found elsewhere in the Bible are consistent with the Sun becoming a red giant and consuming the Earth.
Except for all the parts that arent. Which, conveniently, are brushed aside. With that success rate, the bible gets an 'F'.
Lots of religions claim to have books that are tens of millions of years old...I'd like to see one of them.
Really? NO RELIGION claim to have books that are tens of millions of years old..., 10 million years ago the very first hominid apes were just branching off from other primates. Do please show me one religion claiming to have a book 10 million years old! :auiqs.jpg:
The Hindus make such a claim.
BULLSHIT. PROVE IT. There weren't even people 10 million years ago much less books! The species Homo only goes back about 2 million years! The earliest known proto-writing only goes back about 6,000 years. Don't go all stupid on me now.
I dont know about exact numbers, but many Hindu scholars do, indeed, cmlaim the Hindu culture is millions of years old.

Of course that's nonsense. But it's not trivial...these people are entrenched in india's government.

It's total nonsense and not true. Believe me, if Vedic Science made such a claim, I would know. If you have a link I'd like to see that. The Hindu culture is the INDIAN culture and dates back to over 4,000 years. The only thing I can assume is that because Hinduism contains many deities and demigods in worlds above the Earthly sphere that are involved in the creation and maintenance of the cosmos and have extremely long lifetimes on a cosmic scale, that someone got confused. There are no 10 million year old books. :auiqs.jpg:
My apologies, I meant circa 1998-1999, not the 1980s.
It also took me forever to find the NT in chronological order vs the Canon.
I won't be alive to see it, so what difference does it make.
Considering that you will be in purgatory or in hell about to be thrown in the lake of fire, you may want to consider this.

Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?

Just find it interesting that what you quote was likewise predicted independently 3,000 years earlier in the Vedas.

Very interesting, and what is the Vedas?

Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
Which is why it is not reliable and not the REVEALED WORD OF GOD
Vedic Science makes no such claim otherwise you'd link me to it.
I didnt claim "vedic science" made this claim.
Btw, "Vedic science" is a hilarious term. "Science"....heh heh... I suppose any nonsense could be "vedic science", so it s a silly discussion anyway.
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I won't be alive to see it, so what difference does it make.
Considering that you will be in purgatory or in hell about to be thrown in the lake of fire, you may want to consider this.

Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?

Just find it interesting that what you quote was likewise predicted independently 3,000 years earlier in the Vedas.

Very interesting, and what is the Vedas?

Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
That’s why God said, “Let us make MAN”.
Man is culmination of all of the elements of creation.
I won't be alive to see it, so what difference does it make.
Considering that you will be in purgatory or in hell about to be thrown in the lake of fire, you may want to consider this.

Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?

Just find it interesting that what you quote was likewise predicted independently 3,000 years earlier in the Vedas.

Very interesting, and what is the Vedas?

Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
Which is why it is not reliable and not the REVEALED WORD OF GOD
Apparently TNHarley believes the multitude of indian gods are real and is inspired scripture
Back to the subject of the thread, NO, there is no "failure" in Creation.

Everything is going as planned.

This world isnt meant to be eternal. Read Revelation 20.


This world is to become the habitation of SPIRITUAL BEINGS. Man is part of that.

At the end of this age, at the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ over the Kingdom of God ON THIS EARTH, the earth will be destroyed with fire. That is the Lake of Fire of Revelation (and where the confused majority get their ideas about hell)

After the earth has been purified by fire, the Father will come down from heaven and make His home this earth along with the resurrected Saints.

All this is explained in Revelation 20 - 21.
Back to the subject of the thread, NO, there is no "failure" in Creation.

Everything is going as planned.

This world isnt meant to be eternal. Read Revelation 20.


This world is to become the habitation of SPIRITUAL BEINGS. Man is part of that.

At the end of this age, at the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ over the Kingdom of God ON THIS EARTH, the earth will be destroyed with fire. That is the Lake of Fire of Revelation (and where the confused majority get their ideas about hell)

After the earth has been purified by fire, the Father will come down from heaven and make His home this earth along with the resurrected Saints.

All this is explained in Revelation 20 - 21.
Nah, that's all false.
I won't be alive to see it, so what difference does it make.
Considering that you will be in purgatory or in hell about to be thrown in the lake of fire, you may want to consider this.

Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
Just find it interesting that what you quote was likewise predicted independently 3,000 years earlier in the Vedas.

Very interesting, and what is the Vedas?

Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
Which is why it is not reliable and not the REVEALED WORD OF GOD
Apparently TNHarley believes the multitude of indian gods are real and is inspired scripture

It's just an assortment of zillions of pagan 'gods', jammed into some convoluted pile of rubbish, then hides behind claims of being 'too complex for you mere mortals n stuff' when it's pointed out that it's confused tangled rubbish. You need to pay 'Gurus' to splain it all to you, for lots of cash. Meanwhile, Bibles can be had for free.
I won't be alive to see it, so what difference does it make.
Considering that you will be in purgatory or in hell about to be thrown in the lake of fire, you may want to consider this.

Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?

Just find it interesting that what you quote was likewise predicted independently 3,000 years earlier in the Vedas.

Very interesting, and what is the Vedas?

Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution

Interesting. So who do you feel like you were evolved from and spiritually attached to, pomegranates, or tomatoes?
I won't be alive to see it, so what difference does it make.
Considering that you will be in purgatory or in hell about to be thrown in the lake of fire, you may want to consider this.

Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?

Just find it interesting that what you quote was likewise predicted independently 3,000 years earlier in the Vedas.

Very interesting, and what is the Vedas?

Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
That’s why God said, “Let us make MAN”.
Man is culmination of all of the elements of creation.

He also says that in the plural: "Let us..."

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