Failure of Creation

The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Agree with everything except that there are contradictions. There are none. Every claimed contradiction someone has presented I could refute due to THEIR lack of understanding.

When I find something difficult to understand in the Scriptures, I ASSUME and understand that the problem is MY understanding because I KNOW it is the inspired Word.
Which is why it is not reliable and not the REVEALED WORD OF GOD
Apparently TNHarley believes the multitude of indian gods are real and is inspired scripture

It's just an assortment of zillions of pagan 'gods', jammed into some convoluted pile of rubbish, then hides behind claims of being 'too complex for you mere mortals n stuff' when it's pointed out that it's confused tangled rubbish. You need to pay 'Gurus' to splain it all to you, for lots of cash. Meanwhile, Bibles can be had for free.

Yep. They even give out Bibles for free in motel rooms. :D
I guess that proves that despite the vast complexity of the cosmos around us needing ever-more complex math and physics to understand it, when it comes to understanding the Creator and his plan, whatever is simplest and cheapest and easiest to understand MUST be the answer.

The Bible is more than complex enough; it teaches on several levels at once. The Vedas are just junk, not science and math, and then throws in weird childish statues and porn to impress the yokels.

Buddhism is just the worship of narcissism, carried to the ultimate extreme. Nothing there worth bothering with. It does take on some aspects of a religion, far more so than Hinduism.

Tell me. Why are you so insecure and threatened by another religion you understand nothing about that was already thousands of years old when Christianity was born that you have to attack and ridicule it and make up ridiculous stuff and put it down in order to feel good about your own? All you're doing is embarrassing yourself. Whatever happened to live and let live, turn the other cheek and love they neighbor that you say the Bible is all about? Not seeing any of that in you.

lol yeah sure, like it's my fault you can't really dispute what I said. See, when you can't cite anything for your own claims, we know you're just dissembling when you babble on about how 'it's just too complex for you other people to understand', and hoping we get all intimidated n stuff. You're just projecting your own insecurity here; we're also not intimidated by that tactic, either.

And, as I've said before, I'm not a Christian. Your inability to deal with anything outside whatever slots you have to organize your assorted indoctrinations into already limit your ability to appreciate just how sophisticated the Bible is compared to navel watching and the comic book superstitions of pagans like Hindus and narcissists like Buddhists.
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Considering that you will be in purgatory or in hell about to be thrown in the lake of fire, you may want to consider this.

Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
Very interesting, and what is the Vedas?

Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
That’s why God said, “Let us make MAN”.
Man is culmination of all of the elements of creation.

He also says that in the plural: "Let us..."
As an artist speaks to his tools.

That is one interpretation, and a good one, yes.
like it's my fault you can't really dispute what I said.
Where did I ever say that? Just no point arguing with an idiot talking out his ass.
See, when you can't cite anything for your own claims,
Never made any claims, moron. And I linked you to enough material thinking you actually had an interest to know more that if you pursued all the available material would explain anything you wanted to know. Didn't realize I had another USMB pinhead.
we know you're just dissembling when you babble on about how 'it's just too complex for you other people to understand',
More bullshit I never said. You honestly can't read at the HS level, can you? All I ever said is that it takes years of study to understand (much like the Bible) so you can't give 5 second soundbiters and expect to get anything out of it.
and hoping we get all intimidated n stuff.
Right Jerkoff. I brought up the oldest religion on the planet in order to "intimidate" you.
You're just projecting your own insecurity here; we're also not intimidated by that tactic, either.
Clearly you are. I'm not the one defensively attacking anything or anyone, you are. :auiqs.jpg:
And, as I've said before, I'm not a Christian.
Obviously not. You're not qualified to be on any thread talking about any religion.
Your inability to deal with anything outside whatever slots you have to organize your assorted indoctrinations into already limit your ability to appreciate just how sophisticated the Bible is compared to navel watching and the comic book superstitions of pagans like Hindus and narcissists like Buddhists.
Blow it out your ass, faggot. I was baptized a Lutheran and have forgotten more about the world's religions than you'll ever know, jackass. Eat shit and Drop dead.
Agree with everything except that there are contradictions. There are none. Every claimed contradiction someone has presented I could refute due to THEIR lack of understanding.

Yes. They rely on fabricating false parallelisms, terminological fallacies, intentional fallacies, dependency fallacies, composite fallacies, etc.

When I find something difficult to understand in the Scriptures, I ASSUME and understand that the problem is MY understanding .

This is the best practice, yes.
Dumpster is no stranger to fire and hell, he threw his partenting into
Vedic Science, originally handed down 5,000 years ago by word of mouth then eventually translated into Sanskrit when man entered the age of forgetfulness, which eventually became the basis for Hindu and eastern religion as well as the origin for all religion.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
That’s why God said, “Let us make MAN”.
Man is culmination of all of the elements of creation.

He also says that in the plural: "Let us..."
As an artist speaks to his tools.

That is one interpretation, and a good one, yes.
There are an infinite number of interpretations; God’s word is never simple.
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Yes places are probably real, like when Stephen King writes about NYC in his book, it's still a book of fiction even if you use the name of real places. None of the big things claimed can be proven.
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Someone hasn't put Taz on Ignore??
Some people can handle the truth.
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Someone hasn't put Taz on Ignore??
I tried that the first year I was here. Ended up with 30 people ignored. I now prefer to see the full brunt of the stupidity I face.
You must love mirrors. :biggrin:
like it's my fault you can't really dispute what I said.
Where did I ever say that? Just no point arguing with an idiot talking out his ass.
See, when you can't cite anything for your own claims,
Never made any claims, moron. And I linked you to enough material thinking you actually had an interest to know more that if you pursued all the available material would explain anything you wanted to know. Didn't realize I had another USMB pinhead.
we know you're just dissembling when you babble on about how 'it's just too complex for you other people to understand',
More bullshit I never said. You honestly can't read at the HS level, can you? All I ever said is that it takes years of study to understand (much like the Bible) so you can't give 5 second soundbiters and expect to get anything out of it.
and hoping we get all intimidated n stuff.
Right Jerkoff. I brought up the oldest religion on the planet in order to "intimidate" you.
You're just projecting your own insecurity here; we're also not intimidated by that tactic, either.
Clearly you are. I'm not the one defensively attacking anything or anyone, you are. :auiqs.jpg:
And, as I've said before, I'm not a Christian.
Obviously not. You're not qualified to be on any thread talking about any religion.
Your inability to deal with anything outside whatever slots you have to organize your assorted indoctrinations into already limit your ability to appreciate just how sophisticated the Bible is compared to navel watching and the comic book superstitions of pagans like Hindus and narcissists like Buddhists.
Blow it out your ass, faggot. I was baptized a Lutheran and have forgotten more about the world's religions than you'll ever know, jackass. Eat shit and Drop dead.

Oh noes, the troll got all mad n shit, went total faggot on us. lol that's what happens when you tards troll people who read and know a lot more than you do. Trying to disavow your own posts is also a pretty stupid tactic when you're too dumb to delete it first, like this troll did.

Blow me, asshole. The only one trolling here is you. Your "religion" is so frail and weak, you feel the need to go out and attack even the mention of any others! You're an "expert" on Hinduism despite knowing nothing about it and an even bigger expert on Christianity despite not even being one! AMAZING! You're a fucking Genie ass!
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Someone hasn't put Taz on Ignore??
I tried that the first year I was here. Ended up with 30 people ignored. I now prefer to see the full brunt of the stupidity I face.
You must love mirrors. :biggrin:
Why? We have you.
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Yes places are probably real, like when Stephen King writes about NYC in his book, it's still a book of fiction even if you use the name of real places. None of the big things claimed can be proven.
Do yourself a favor and stick to subjects you can at least pretend to know a tiny bit about. If you knew jack, you'd know that they've traced Jesus's life down to the many people surrounding his life, the very streets he walked and the approximate place where he was crucified.
Did you know vedic science said we started our as plants, then went to animals, then when yo an inferior man, now we are in the age of superior man?
Blows my mind considering evolution
That’s why God said, “Let us make MAN”.
Man is culmination of all of the elements of creation.

He also says that in the plural: "Let us..."
As an artist speaks to his tools.

That is one interpretation, and a good one, yes.
There are an infinite number of interpretations; God’s word is never simple.
You mean it is vague and can be taken to mean almost anything? Yet Hindu culture which is very specific and detailed is obviously nonsense?
Anything with an infinite number pf interpretations is meaningless.
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Someone hasn't put Taz on Ignore??
I tried that the first year I was here. Ended up with 30 people ignored. I now prefer to see the full brunt of the stupidity I face.
You must love mirrors. :biggrin:
Why? We have you.
So you're too ugly for a mirror. Got it.
The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Yes places are probably real, like when Stephen King writes about NYC in his book, it's still a book of fiction even if you use the name of real places. None of the big things claimed can be proven.
Do yourself a favor and stick to subjects you can at least pretend to know a tiny bit about. If you knew jack, you'd know that they've traced Jesus's life down to the many people surrounding his life, the very streets he walked and the approximate place where he was crucified.
I can see that jesus possibly existed, but I'm talking about all the big things/miracles in the bible. Like, no proof Jesus turned water into wine, or walked on water, or was resurrected... No proof of a 40 day worldwide flood... I can go on and on as you know...
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Someone hasn't put Taz on Ignore??
I tried that the first year I was here. Ended up with 30 people ignored. I now prefer to see the full brunt of the stupidity I face.
You must love mirrors. :biggrin:
Why? We have you.
So you're too ugly for a mirror. Got it.
So Taz spelled backwards is ZAT. Was that a typo for zit? Are you the new pimple on the ass of USMB?


And does that make you a Taz Pimple? Or just a zit.
Someone hasn't put Taz on Ignore??
I tried that the first year I was here. Ended up with 30 people ignored. I now prefer to see the full brunt of the stupidity I face.
You must love mirrors. :biggrin:
Why? We have you.
So you're too ugly for a mirror. Got it.
So Taz spelled backwards is ZAT. Was that a typo for zit? Are you the new pimple on the ass of USMB?

View attachment 277291

And does that make you a Taz Pimple? Or just a zit.
Zits are another failure of creation.

The creation has failed and can't be saved. I hope I am wrong, but look at these three Bible verses. Your take?

Revelation 21:1 1Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:17 17"See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.


Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.

So, everything will end without a trace or even memory, and a new one will be created. Looks like the effort of salvation portrayed in Romans 8:20 has failed.

Is this good news or bad? I think probably good.

Your take?
It's a book of fiction, take it any way you want.
Not that I want to get into this to any degree because I don't, but seriously, Taz, do any of you atheistic asses ever know what you are talking about? Many of the people, places and events have been historically and archeologically documented and confirmed. Up to you whether to believe in Jesus or God, but the man Jesus lived and his life has been well researched. But I admit, written after the fact, there are many contradictions and gaping questions left in the Bible, but then, seeing that it was written nearly 2000 years by ancient man FOR ancient man and translated several times, not really surprised.
Yes places are probably real, like when Stephen King writes about NYC in his book, it's still a book of fiction even if you use the name of real places. None of the big things claimed can be proven.
Do yourself a favor and stick to subjects you can at least pretend to know a tiny bit about. If you knew jack, you'd know that they've traced Jesus's life down to the many people surrounding his life, the very streets he walked and the approximate place where he was crucified.
I can see that jesus possibly existed, but I'm talking about all the big things/miracles in the bible. Like, no proof Jesus turned water into wine, or walked on water, or was resurrected... No proof of a 40 day worldwide flood... I can go on and on as you know...
Jesus definitely existed. But I agree, how do you prove these things happened? All we have is recorded stories and no way to prove whether they were literal, figurative or what. Maybe Jesus was just a magician from another planet who did illusions like David Blaine, right? So you either take them on faith in your heart or you do not.
That’s why God said, “Let us make MAN”.
Man is culmination of all of the elements of creation.

He also says that in the plural: "Let us..."
As an artist speaks to his tools.

That is one interpretation, and a good one, yes.
There are an infinite number of interpretations; God’s word is never simple.
You mean it is vague and can be taken to mean almost anything? Yet Hindu culture which is very specific and detailed is obviously nonsense?
Anything with an infinite number pf interpretations is meaningless.
I’m sure you’d love to be a member of a “culture” which permanently places you in the 800th or 1,000th Caste and those above you can treat you and your progeny like garbage for the rest of eternity.

You do realize that the only Indians allowed out of India belong to the top 2 castes and the rest are literally relegated to defecating in the street.

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