FairyTales of Global Warming..

What the fuck do you mean "unlike you". I provided a link you facile twit.

You stupid fucking idiot. Look at the horizontal axes on your graphs.

I believe that you believe you did. You have posted plenty of stuff that has been summarily debunked...but nothing that is evidence of anything that you claim. All you manage to show when you post what you believe to be evidence is how easily you are scammed.

Why not post that claimed link again and we can tear it down all over again for you. Or do you prefer to withhold that information since all we want to do is find some problem with it?
My link is about ten inches up your screen. If you can't find it, you're beyond my help. Unlike your link, it goes somewhere. Yours just goes to another post where we see data with NO source identification, with brightness plotted against wave number and I know you haven't the faintest fuck of an idea what a wavenumber is. I don't even think you'll know what it is after you look it up. But if you do figure it out, see if you can tell us what it is precisely that you've displayed with those graphs, cause it isn't what you think it is.
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The C in CAGW disappears with <2C. Nothing they claimed is happening.

Actually, it disappears if you leave the WUWT website. Use of that strange term is an identifying trait of the WUWT cultists. That's why I recommend people should stop using the term. It instantly identifies the speaker as a WUWT cultist, and thus instantly destroys all of the speaker's credibility.
What the fuck do you mean "unlike you". I provided a link you facile twit.

You stupid fucking idiot. Look at the horizontal axes on your brightness graphs. And what do you think is demonstrated by your Vostok data? That you don't know what the flying fuck you're talking about? Right.

That post is just full of class. Don't you feel like a man now? hahahahaahahahhahaha. Fail!
The C in CAGW disappears with <2C. Nothing they claimed is happening.

Actually, it disappears if you leave the WUWT website. Use of that strange term is an identifying trait of the WUWT cultists. That's why I recommend people should stop using the term. It instantly identifies the speaker as a WUWT cultist, and thus instantly destroys all of the speaker's credibility.

Why don't you post something logical and worth something. you're posts are very boring, same thing over and over. Dude, look, just admit you have no evidence and we can all move on. You obviously have no class or you wouldn't resort to insults and name calling. See that's what people do when facts aren't on their side. So, save yourself from you and move on with the defeatist response, you have no evidence. Simple...see?
What the fuck do you mean "unlike you". I provided a link you facile twit.

You stupid fucking idiot. Look at the horizontal axes on your graphs.

I believe that you believe you did. You have posted plenty of stuff that has been summarily debunked...but nothing that is evidence of anything that you claim. All you manage to show when you post what you believe to be evidence is how easily you are scammed.

Why not post that claimed link again and we can tear it down all over again for you. Or do you prefer to withhold that information since all we want to do is find some problem with it?

You would be wasting your time, because as usual when this twirp "PMZ", "Abraham3", "Crick" or whatever he currently calls himself posts a link it has nothing to do with what he says he "provided proof"
It`s a paper by Hansen who was a bit miffed where all the "extra heat" went after the Argos floats could not find the amount he and his models predicted....and performs a circular "proof" that the missing heat is in the ocean after all. He does not say how he determined that on that page but links it to another web page he published

Hansen's team concluded that Earth has absorbed more than half a Watt more solar energy per square meter than it let off throughout the six year study period. The calculated value of the imbalance (0.58 Watts of excess energy per square meter) is more than twice as much as the reduction in the amount of solar energy supplied to the planet between maximum and minimum solar activity (0.25 Watts per square meter).Climate scientists have been refining calculations of the Earth's energy imbalance for many years, but this newest estimate is an improvement over previous attempts because the scientists had access to better measurements of ocean temperature than researchers have had in the past.
There were no satellite data backing up the claim the liar "Crick" made up yet again. All it boils down to is another "revised" estimate to get the egg of Hansen`s face, he concluded that it`s better to blame it on aerosols rather than the other dog that ate the homework the other climate gurus did on how the missing heat is hiding way below the depths surveyed by the Argos System:
Aerosols, which can either warm or cool the atmosphere depending on their composition and how they interact with clouds, are thought to have a net cooling effect. But estimates of their overall impact on climate are quite uncertain given how difficult it is to measure the distribution of the particles on a broad scale. The new study suggests that the overall cooling effect from aerosols could be about twice as strong as current climate models suggest, largely because few models account for how the particles affect clouds.
The end result is just another estimate and the impact on climate is "quite uncertain".
So what exactly was this liar "Crick" or whatever else he is calling himself referring to ?
Crick post #22

Could you explain, then, why satellites have consistently measured a continuing increase in the imbalance of radiation at the top of the atmosphere over this same period? Satellites have found more radiative energy entering the Earth's atmosphere than leaving it
Really? How could they have done that. It says on the same web page:
"Unfortunately, aerosols remain poorly measured from space," said Michael Mishchenko, a scientist also based at GISS and the project scientist for Glory, a satellite mission designed to measure aerosols in unprecedented detail that was lost after a launch failure in early 2011. "We must have a much better understanding of the global distribution of detailed aerosol properties in order to perfect calculations of Earth's energy imbalance," said Mishchenko.
And also according to Hansen if you don`t have accurate satellite data for aerosols then you are in limbo as far as the energy budget is concerned.
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and performs a circular "proof" that the missing heat is in the ocean after all.

Since the Argo floats directly measured the heat increase, it's very peculiar to see you claim circular reasoning. Direct evidence such as those measurements would definitely not be circular.

Really? How could they have done that.

By measuring the outgoing longwave radiation coming out of the atmosphere.

You made a logic error by equating "aerosols are poorly measured" to "OLR is poorly measured".
and performs a circular "proof" that the missing heat is in the ocean after all.

Since the Argo floats directly measured the heat increase, it's very peculiar to see you claim circular reasoning. Direct evidence such as those measurements would definitely not be circular.

Really? How could they have done that.
By measuring the outgoing longwave radiation coming out of the atmosphere.

You made a logic error by equating "aerosols are poorly measured" to "OLR is poorly measured".

You just don`t get it do you...
That paper by Hansen which your buddy crooked Crick waved around as satellite data does not have any satellite data.
And the missing heat has not been found with the Argos network.
The Argos data set shows 7 times less heat content in the upper 2000 meters than Hansen and all the other models had predicted.
Hansen etc predicted a heat content increase of 9.8 x 10^22 Joules per decade and Argos found only 14 % of that...that`s a 86% error or in other words 86% of what Hansen etc predicted is not there.

So that`s the "missing heat" we are talking about...do you get it?
Just a few months ago you, Abraham3 etc all claimed that the missing heat is hiding below the 2000 meter Argos depth and now you say it`s in the top layer.
You and your buddies better tell Hansen about it because he gave up on that and revised it, attributing the gross discrepancy to Aerosols
Again we have another example of PMZ/Abraham3/Crick pasting URLs to papers he Googled and never read past the title line...and you did not read it either else you would have not said what you just did.
There are no satellite records published on the pages behind the URL as he claimed which is par for the course for this liar. Whenever he gets cornered he grabs a page full of Google hits which are supposed to dazzle us, but turn out to be about something other than he claims, hoping nobody would take the trouble to examine anything past the In-Title URLs....which is the way the Google search engine works by default.
A few days ago he was posting a bunch of URLs in an attempt to bail himself out of another lie he got caught with, concerning ocean pH and the entire list was just a bunch of In-URL-Title where pH was in the title lines and it was stuff like what the normal pH of urine is etc etc.
It`s fine by me if you want to go along with his delusions.
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and performs a circular "proof" that the missing heat is in the ocean after all.

Since the Argo floats directly measured the heat increase, it's very peculiar to see you claim circular reasoning. Direct evidence such as those measurements would definitely not be circular.

Really? How could they have done that.
By measuring the outgoing longwave radiation coming out of the atmosphere.

You made a logic error by equating "aerosols are poorly measured" to "OLR is poorly measured".

You just don`t get it do you...
That paper by Hansen which your buddy crooked Crick waved around as satellite data does not have any satellite data.
And the missing heat has not been found with the Argos network.
The Argos data set shows 7 times less heat content in the upper 2000 meters than Hansen and all the other models had predicted.
Hansen etc predicted a heat content increase of 9.8 x 10^22 Joules per decade and Argos found only 14 % of that...that`s a 86% error or in other words 86% of what Hansen etc predicted is not there.

So that`s the "missing heat" we are talking about...do you get it?
Just a few months ago you, Abraham3 etc all claimed that the missing heat is hiding below the 2000 meter Argos depth and now you say it`s in the top layer.
You and your buddies better tell Hansen about it because he gave up on that and revised it, attributing the gross discrepancy to Aerosols
Again we have another example of PMZ/Abraham3/Crick pasting URLs to papers he Googled and never read past the title line...and you did not read it either else you would have not said what you just did.
There are no satellite records published on the pages behind the URL as he claimed which is par for the course for this liar. Whenever he gets cornered he grabs a few Google hits that turn out to be about something other than he claims hoping nobody would take the trouble to examine anything past the In-URL-Title....which is the way the Google search engine works by default.
A few days ago he was posting a bunch of URLs in an attempt to bail himself out of another lie he got caught with, concerning ocean pH and the entire list was just a bunch of In-Title Google search results where pH was in the title lines and it was stuff like what the normal pH of urine is etc etc.
It`s fine by me if you want to go along with his delusions.
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That paper by Hansen which your buddy crooked Crick waved around as satellite data does not have any satellite data.

He said the reference was about imbalance. He didn't say it was about satellite data. Claiming otherwise is making you look dishonest.

And the missing heat has not been found with the Argos network.

Sure it was, once the network was completed.


As for your Bob Tisdale chart, nobody pays any attention to Bob Tisdale, due to his habit of fudging data so brazenly. If it comes from Bob Tisdale, a sensible person always starts out by assuming it's a fabrication, unless independent evidence proves otherwise.
Gore Rule invoked. Whoever brings up Gore first forfeits the thread for their side.

No one gives a flying fuck about your made up, self-serving rule.

People who can talk about science, do.

Little bitches who can't talk about science whine about Gore.

You, Bri, are the one that even the other little bitches refer to as a little bitch.
Gore Rule invoked. Whoever brings up Gore first forfeits the thread for their side.

No one gives a flying fuck about your made up, self-serving rule.

People who can talk about science, do.

You mean bet wetters who run around shouting "the sky is falling!" do.

Little bitches who can't talk about science whine about Gore.

Hmmmm . . wrong. Anyone who knows a thing about science knows that Gore is a huge fraud and a lying scumbag. Even some of your fellow AGW cult members are embarrassed that Gore is on your side.

You, Bri, are the one that even the other little bitches refer to as a little bitch.

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean, manboob.
My link is about ten inches up your screen. If you can't find it, you're beyond my help. Unlike your link, it goes somewhere. Yours just goes to another post where we see data with NO source identification, with brightness plotted against wave number and I know you haven't the faintest fuck of an idea what a wavenumber is. I don't even think you'll know what it is after you look it up. But if you do figure it out, see if you can tell us what it is precisely that you've displayed with those graphs, cause it isn't what you think it is.

And that opinion piece by a known data tamperer represents what to you?
What the fuck do you mean "unlike you". I provided a link you facile twit.

You stupid fucking idiot. Look at the horizontal axes on your brightness graphs. And what do you think is demonstrated by your Vostok data? That you don't know what the flying fuck you're talking about? Right.

That post is just full of class. Don't you feel like a man now? hahahahaahahahhahaha. Fail!

Liberals never feel like men...the name calling and threats are just what they think it must be like to be a man. Actually being a man would be far to politically incorrect for the likes of them.

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