FairyTales of Global Warming..

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it | Mail Online

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it

Could you explain, then, why satellites have consistently measured a continuing increase in the imbalance of radiation at the top of the atmosphere over this same period? Satellites have found more radiative energy entering the Earth's atmosphere than leaving it. The Earth's climate, as a whole, is still getting warmer and is doing so at an accelerating pace - it's just not showing up in surface temperatures. Research begun by Balmaseda, Trenberth and Kallen in 2013 and continued since by several other groups, show that changes in tropical wind patterns have altered vertical ocean circulation patterns and driven warmed surface waters deep. The oceans have always absorbed 90% of the sun's impinging radiant energy. It doesn't take much of a change there to have a significant impact on what we see as a result.

The large body of deep warm water currently in the Pacific is very likely to produce a significant El Nino this year and for several years to come. A cat 4 hurricane in the Eastern Pacific taking place more than two weeks before the beginning of the hurricane season is ominous in that regard. There is reason to believe that the warming hiatus may be coming to an end. Warming from a combination of continued radiative accumulation and the release of nearly two decades worth of thermal energy heretofore stored in the deep ocean could lead to dramatic surface temperature increases. I, personally, believe what is happening now is what took place between 1941 and 1979, which - following an unprecedented temperature rise between 1910 and 1940 - featured a significant drop in temperatures for over three decades. That 'hiatus' was followed in 1979-2005, by the most rapid temperature increase in millennia. The behavior of the system - to me - seems to resemble a process of punctuated equilibrium. If so, we can expect to pay a price for these 16 years of little surface warming and for however much lax response to this problem it has allowed folks such as yourself to justify.

PS: In general, I wouldn't use daily tabloids like the Mail as a source for reliable science information. Why, for instance, didn't you simply link us to the Met Office report? Perhaps because the Mail provided no such link. That might have tipped you off early on that this wasn't the best route to take.
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For being a valuable team player in the Fraud of Global Warming Hype and Fiction -- NBC takes a richochet to the head..

How come you guys believe the bible fairy tale but not our global warming fairy tales? At least we have evidence our claims are true. What proof do you have the Jesus, Moses, Joseph Smith or the Mohammad story is true?

Actually you have no actual evidence in support of your claims...What you have is a very long string of failed predictions. Of course if you would care to present what you believe represents actual evidence in support of your claims, I would be interested in seeing it.
Could you explain, then, why satellites have consistently measured a continuing increase in the imbalance of radiation at the top of the atmosphere over this same period? Satellites have found more radiative energy entering the Earth's atmosphere than leaving it.

You know, no matter how many times you tell that lie, it is never going to be true. Satellites are measuring an increase of OLR at the TOA in direct opposition to the prediction of climate science. Liars one and all.

The emperor is naked and more and more people are waking up to the fact and laughing at all of you who think the emperors ugly old ass is covered in silk.
But I am a scientist

You're a scientist? Pardon me while I sit over her and quietly guffaw.

How familiar are you with Optical Computing or Signal Processing or Neural Network Techniques? We can chat.
BUT NOT in this thread.. This thread isn't about any of that.. It's about catching MAJOR US TV News organizations
MANUFACTURING stories on Global Warming to earn points with politicians and acheive public policies that they endorse.
For being a valuable team player in the Fraud of Global Warming Hype and Fiction -- NBC takes a richochet to the head..

How come you guys believe the bible fairy tale but not our global warming fairy tales? At least we have evidence our claims are true. What proof do you have the Jesus, Moses, Joseph Smith or the Mohammad story is true?

So one has to assume one believes in religious fairy tales. I don't. I do believe in taking care of the unfortunate, and chuches and their communities do good work there. that doesn't mean I must believe their bible. Seems all out of sorts for me. Much like the climate models that have been proven wrong. WRONG. Not almost right, wrong. Now I need evidence that what is stated is factual. I do want proof, and so far all of these smart people have been unable to provide said validation.
So does it bother you deniers that the world is now simply ignoring your conspiracy ravings, so all you can do now is take consolation by whining on message boards?

You don't have to answer, being it's so obvious that your irrelevance does bother you a lot.

Oh, can you deniers please all get a room? We don't like to see your circle jerks out in public.
So does it bother you deniers that the world is now simply ignoring your conspiracy ravings, so all you can do now is take consolation by whining on message boards?

You don't have to answer, being it's so obvious that your irrelevance does bother you a lot.

Oh, can you deniers please all get a room? We don't like to see your circle jerks out in public.

This aint no conspiracy hairball.. This is an EPIC loss of morals and professionalism from the LEADERS of our society. NBC made crap up.. To fit a fictional story that they PORTRAYED as news.. Because they get CREDIT AND ACCESS for bastardizing their journalistic credentials by being propagandists for you church..

THAT'S what your "movement" is all about. Besides being the whiners that you constantly rant about.. You ARE 90% whining child..
So does it bother you deniers that the world is now simply ignoring your conspiracy ravings, so all you can do now is take consolation by whining on message boards?

You don't have to answer, being it's so obvious that your irrelevance does bother you a lot.

Oh, can you deniers please all get a room? We don't like to see your circle jerks out in public.

Why doesn't the anti spam rule apply to you? All you do is trot out the same insults over and over again, inevery thread, while ignoring the content and the questions directed at you.

It must suck to be you now that your fairy tale of catastrophic AGW is melting away before your eyes. And the most intelligent and educated of the population are the ones switching sides the fastest.
So does it bother you deniers that the world is now simply ignoring your conspiracy ravings, so all you can do now is take consolation by whining on message boards?

You don't have to answer, being it's so obvious that your irrelevance does bother you a lot.

Oh, can you deniers please all get a room? We don't like to see your circle jerks out in public.

Why doesn't the anti spam rule apply to you? All you do is trot out the same insults over and over again, inevery thread, while ignoring the content and the questions directed at you.

It must suck to be you now that your fairy tale of catastrophic AGW is melting away before your eyes. And the most intelligent and educated of the population are the ones switching sides the fastest.

Weird, 90% of the scientific institutions and educational systems disagree with you. The controlling party mandating new laws and is likely to win the presidential election again in 2016. How's that for a fairy tale??? A fairly tale that over 50% of this country accepts as the godforsaken truth.
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Why doesn't the anti spam rule apply to you?

Post count. I only do it 5% as often, hence I can't be accused of thread-spamming.

All you do is trot out the same insults over and over again, inevery thread, while ignoring the content and the questions directed at you.

Questions were directly at me? Where? I mean, actual questions that I haven't already answered several times, as opposed to rhetorical whining.
There is at least one good thing about these environazi Kook threads .....I've witnessed the number of AGW Cult lunatics on this forum decline significantly since I joined in 2009. :thup:

I think that is because it takes a special kind of stupid to ignore the actual track record of the AGW priests and fanatics.

The only way the AGW crowd stays relevant is by threat, deception, and fear. As each prediction and model fails, they issue bolder, crazier statements....it's a tragic comedy.

As the movement ages, it will continue to rot away, like the fetid minds of its few remaining charlatans and thralls.
So does it bother you deniers that the world is now simply ignoring your conspiracy ravings, so all you can do now is take consolation by whining on message boards?

You don't have to answer, being it's so obvious that your irrelevance does bother you a lot.

Oh, can you deniers please all get a room? We don't like to see your circle jerks out in public.

Why doesn't the anti spam rule apply to you? All you do is trot out the same insults over and over again, inevery thread, while ignoring the content and the questions directed at you.

It must suck to be you now that your fairy tale of catastrophic AGW is melting away before your eyes. And the most intelligent and educated of the population are the ones switching sides the fastest.

Weird, 90% of the scientific institutions and educational systems disagree with you. The controlling party mandating new laws and is likely to win the presidential election again in 2016. How's that for a fairy tale??? A fairly tale that over 50% of this country accepts as the godforsaken truth.

Matt- the CAGW crowd in the 90's were like teenagers around a campfire trying to outdo each other with scary stories. Since then every area has seen a clawback towards the skeptic position.

Why did the IPCC not give a central estimate for climate sensitivity in the last report? Because they didn't want to give fodder to the skeptics. The C in CAGW disappears with <2C. Nothing they claimed is happening.
Why doesn't the anti spam rule apply to you?

Post count. I only do it 5% as often, hence I can't be accused of thread-spamming.

All you do is trot out the same insults over and over again, inevery thread, while ignoring the content and the questions directed at you.

Questions were directly at me? Where? I mean, actual questions that I haven't already answered several times, as opposed to rhetorical whining.

It is so prevalent -- I actually am shocked when you make an on-topic response with or without the same redundant, mindless drivel... Some other slow day we can do another Word Diagram of the typical Mamooth post and compare to the old one. :D
What the Manchurian muslim can't do by legislation, he does it with regulations!

Could you explain, then, why satellites have consistently measured a continuing increase in the imbalance of radiation at the top of the atmosphere over this same period? Satellites have found more radiative energy entering the Earth's atmosphere than leaving it.

You know, no matter how many times you tell that lie, it is never going to be true. Satellites are measuring an increase of OLR at the TOA in direct opposition to the prediction of climate science. Liars one and all.

The emperor is naked and more and more people are waking up to the fact and laughing at all of you who think the emperors ugly old ass is covered in silk.

And I'm sure you have a good reference source that will tell us there is no imbalance. In the meanwhile...

So does it bother you deniers that the world is now simply ignoring your conspiracy ravings, so all you can do now is take consolation by whining on message boards?

You don't have to answer, being it's so obvious that your irrelevance does bother you a lot.

Oh, can you deniers please all get a room? We don't like to see your circle jerks out in public.

Why doesn't the anti spam rule apply to you? All you do is trot out the same insults over and over again, inevery thread, while ignoring the content and the questions directed at you.

It must suck to be you now that your fairy tale of catastrophic AGW is melting away before your eyes. And the most intelligent and educated of the population are the ones switching sides the fastest.

Weird, 90% of the scientific institutions and educational systems disagree with you. The controlling party mandating new laws and is likely to win the presidential election again in 2016. How's that for a fairy tale??? A fairly tale that over 50% of this country accepts as the godforsaken truth.

Are you, like rocks unable to differentiate between the political head of a scientific institution and the body of a scientific institution? We know that the rank and file of all those institutions are not all scabbing for space on the AGW crazy train. The political head which is about funding and prestige are the one occupying the best seats on the AGW crazy train.
Could you explain, then, why satellites have consistently measured a continuing increase in the imbalance of radiation at the top of the atmosphere over this same period? Satellites have found more radiative energy entering the Earth's atmosphere than leaving it.

You know, no matter how many times you tell that lie, it is never going to be true. Satellites are measuring an increase of OLR at the TOA in direct opposition to the prediction of climate science. Liars one and all.

The emperor is naked and more and more people are waking up to the fact and laughing at all of you who think the emperors ugly old ass is covered in silk.

And I'm sure you have a good reference source that will tell us there is no imbalance. In the meanwhile...


Unlike, you, when asked where I posted a piece of information, I can provide it. The conversation begins with the link and feel free to follow it and see admiral hairball get his/her clock cleaned. The actual evidence shows that there is no decrease in OLR contrary to the claims of the passengers of the AGW crazy train.


So how about you repost the evidence you claim to have posted that proves a temperature increase from a 100ppm increase in CO2.
What the fuck do you mean "unlike you". I provided a link you facile twit.

You stupid fucking idiot. Look at the horizontal axes on your brightness graphs. And what do you think is demonstrated by your Vostok data? That you don't know what the flying fuck you're talking about? Right.
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