FairyTales of Global Warming..

He said the reference was about imbalance. He didn't say it was about satellite data. Claiming otherwise is making you look dishonest.

The link was in response to my statement that satellite data shows an increase in OLR...you are not even a good liar.
And how, exactly, were you going to show an increase when aside from a graph 800,000 years long, none of your data were plotted against TIME.
And how, exactly, were you going to show an increase when aside from a graph 800,000 years long, none of your data were plotted against TIME.

Actual measurements of course.


NOAA global outgoing longwave radiation [OLR] from annualized monthly means, via the KNMI Climate Explorer
Gore Rule invoked. Whoever brings up Gore first forfeits the thread for their side.

Embarrassed by the high priest, and top echelon political driver of your cult? Interesting.

hahahaha. Gore won an Oscar and a Nobel Prize for his contributions to global warming hysteria. when exactly did he fall so out-of-favour that warmers started crying 'foul!' at the mere mention of his name?
I'm invoking the MMedia rule.. Even the liars at NBC and CBS and PBS won't put the Goron on
their Global Warming segments. They do a better job of fabricating the neccessary scary stories
to keep this Grateful Dead bus truckin' .....
Actual measurements of course.

You misspelled "Yet another mystery graph I got from a denier blog". Such mystery graphs are all you have, which is one big reason we know you're parroting cult pseudoscience.

Meanwhile, the rational people can point to actual documented peer-reviewed data. Like this. There's plenty more, but first I want to watch you flail about making up reasons why these are part of the great conspiracy. Then we can move on to the others.

Satellite-Based Reconstruction of the Tropical Oceanic Clear-Sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Comparison with Climate Models -- Gastineau et al. (2014)

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While the tropical ocean surface temperature has risen by roughly 0.2 K from 1982 to 2004, the reconstructed OLR remains stable over the ocean. Consequently, there is an increase in the clear-sky greenhouse effect (GHE) of 0.80 W m^2 decade−1

A decade of measured greenhouse forcings from AIRS – Chapman et al. (2013)

SPIE | Proceeding | A decade of measured greenhouse forcings from AIRS
Decadal trends for AIRS spectra from 2002-2012 indicate continued decrease of -0.06 K/yr in the trend of CO2 BT (700cm-1 and 2250cm-1), a decrease of -0.04 K/yr of O3 BT (1050 cm-1), and a decrease of -0.03 K/yr of the CH4 BT (1300cm-1).

Spectral signatures of climate change in the Earth’s infrared spectrum between 1970 and 2006 -- Chen et al. (2007)

Previously published work using satellite observations of the clear sky infrared emitted radiation by the Earth in 1970, 1997 and in 2003 showed the appearance of changes in the outgoing spectrum, which agreed with those expected from known changes in the concentrations of well-mixed greenhouse gases over this period. Thus, the greenhouse forcing of the Earth has been observed to change in response to these concentration changes.
I'm invoking the MMedia rule.

Fine. But given deniers are the one always citing tabloid media rumors, that means you'll have to disqualify many of your own posts.

Again, those who can talk about the science, do. Those who stink at the science will try to deflect away from the science with weird politically correct demonization song and dances concerning whatever people or organizations their cult has defined as villains.

Here, let me help spin you up, by giving you a new target to go unhinged at. Gavin Schmidt has taken over for the retiring James Hansen as head of NASA-GISS.

'Unflappable' Science 'Warrior' Chosen to Lead Key NASA Climate Lab | Science/AAAS | News
I'm invoking the MMedia rule.

Fine. But given deniers are the one always citing tabloid media rumors, that means you'll have to disqualify many of your own posts.

Again, those who can talk about the science, do. Those who stink at the science will try to deflect away from the science with weird politically correct demonization song and dances concerning whatever people or organizations their cult has defined as villains.

Here, let me help spin you up, by giving you a new target to go unhinged at. Gavin Schmidt has taken over for the retiring James Hansen as head of NASA-GISS.

'Unflappable' Science 'Warrior' Chosen to Lead Key NASA Climate Lab | Science/AAAS | News

Nothing tabloid about this thread. Well for you and the statists that believe your MAINSTREAM news like NBC and CBS or the NYTimes.. You just haven't commented on the NBC lying at all because its so obvious they are sucking dick for the cause.

Things must not be well for poor ole Hansen these days.. His crystal ball must be telling him it's time to pack it in and leave town eh?? Do I CARE what political appointee heads GISS? Hell no..
Actual measurements of course.

You misspelled "Yet another mystery graph I got from a denier blog". Such mystery graphs are all you have, which is one big reason we know you're parroting cult pseudoscience.

Meanwhile, the rational people can point to actual documented peer-reviewed data. Like this. There's plenty more, but first I want to watch you flail about making up reasons why these are part of the great conspiracy. Then we can move on to the others.

Satellite-Based Reconstruction of the Tropical Oceanic Clear-Sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Comparison with Climate Models -- Gastineau et al. (2014)

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While the tropical ocean surface temperature has risen by roughly 0.2 K from 1982 to 2004, the reconstructed OLR remains stable over the ocean. Consequently, there is an increase in the clear-sky greenhouse effect (GHE) of 0.80 W m^2 decade−1

A decade of measured greenhouse forcings from AIRS – Chapman et al. (2013)

SPIE | Proceeding | A decade of measured greenhouse forcings from AIRS
Decadal trends for AIRS spectra from 2002-2012 indicate continued decrease of -0.06 K/yr in the trend of CO2 BT (700cm-1 and 2250cm-1), a decrease of -0.04 K/yr of O3 BT (1050 cm-1), and a decrease of -0.03 K/yr of the CH4 BT (1300cm-1).

Spectral signatures of climate change in the Earth’s infrared spectrum between 1970 and 2006 -- Chen et al. (2007)

Previously published work using satellite observations of the clear sky infrared emitted radiation by the Earth in 1970, 1997 and in 2003 showed the appearance of changes in the outgoing spectrum, which agreed with those expected from known changes in the concentrations of well-mixed greenhouse gases over this period. Thus, the greenhouse forcing of the Earth has been observed to change in response to these concentration changes.

Right...I already provided you with the graphs from that wackaloon study and they show no such decrease in OLR. What they show is a difference between observation and model output...what a surprise...
Actually, you fell on your face in that thread, unable to even figure out what the graphs you posted were about.

It's clear how you're too emotionally invested in your fantasies to ever change. You weren't reasoned into your positions, so it's not possible to reason you out of them. You will not change until your cult leaders tell you to change.
Actual measurements of course.

You misspelled "Yet another mystery graph I got from a denier blog". Such mystery graphs are all you have, which is one big reason we know you're parroting cult pseudoscience.

Meanwhile, the rational people can point to actual documented peer-reviewed data. Like this. There's plenty more, but first I want to watch you flail about making up reasons why these are part of the great conspiracy. Then we can move on to the others.

Satellite-Based Reconstruction of the Tropical Oceanic Clear-Sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Comparison with Climate Models -- Gastineau et al. (2014)

An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
While the tropical ocean surface temperature has risen by roughly 0.2 K from 1982 to 2004, the reconstructed OLR remains stable over the ocean. Consequently, there is an increase in the clear-sky greenhouse effect (GHE) of 0.80 W m^2 decade−1

A decade of measured greenhouse forcings from AIRS – Chapman et al. (2013)

SPIE | Proceeding | A decade of measured greenhouse forcings from AIRS
Decadal trends for AIRS spectra from 2002-2012 indicate continued decrease of -0.06 K/yr in the trend of CO2 BT (700cm-1 and 2250cm-1), a decrease of -0.04 K/yr of O3 BT (1050 cm-1), and a decrease of -0.03 K/yr of the CH4 BT (1300cm-1).

Spectral signatures of climate change in the Earth’s infrared spectrum between 1970 and 2006 -- Chen et al. (2007)

Previously published work using satellite observations of the clear sky infrared emitted radiation by the Earth in 1970, 1997 and in 2003 showed the appearance of changes in the outgoing spectrum, which agreed with those expected from known changes in the concentrations of well-mixed greenhouse gases over this period. Thus, the greenhouse forcing of the Earth has been observed to change in response to these concentration changes.

See #1 below for this idiot!

The people are starting to see through the scam....

These scams always start with proclamations of DOOM!! Global Warming!! It's man's fault!!! They play on emotions; who wants dirty air and water? (I mean, besides Republicans?). They trot out complicated graphs and models to PROVE that "we must take action NOW". Or the consequences will be catastrophe!!! Don't you love your children?? The announce that "the science is settled"!! We must act now!!!!

People are emotional fools. So they listen. For a while.

But eventually all of the "doom and gloom" scenarios and deadlines have come and gone. No Doom. No Gloom. Nothing happened. The planet isn't getting warmer.

So the scammers double down!! They "rebrand" and broaden the scam. Now any weather event can be molded to their agenda!! Indian summer? That's evidence of Climate Change!!!! Climate Disruption!!

But it is too late. The people finally see through the lies and reject the scammers. The Earth is the final "Denier" and she refuses to cooperate!

It's as old as prostitution.....and not nearly as reputable.
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Vig, care to locate your balls and address the science?

I know, I know, Vig has no balls. It's kind of what defines him, those endless lisping squeals from him about how mean the liberals are.
The people are starting to see through the scam....

No Zander, you'll be one of your cult's UsefulIdiots for the rest of your life. You simply don't have the brains to see through the scam, or the independent spirit necessary to educate yourself.
The planet isn't getting warmer.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo .... this is what the loons refer to as "no warming". Delusion at that level is why the whole planet is laughing at them.

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Vig, go away. This isn't the Flame Zone, so your behavior is wildly out of line.

Well, just perhaps, you dumb bitch, if you didn't start it with....

Vig, care to locate your balls and address the science?

I know, I know, Vig has no balls. It's kind of what defines him, those endless lisping squeals from him about how mean the liberals are.

I wouldn't put you in your proper place, subservient to conservative men!

But don't cry Mammouth, you're the last of your species! :badgrin:
The people are starting to see through the scam....

No Zander, you'll be one of your cult's UsefulIdiots for the rest of your life. You simply don't have the brains to see through the scam, or the independent spirit necessary to educate yourself.
The planet isn't getting warmer.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo .... this is what the loons refer to as "no warming". Delusion at that level is why the whole planet is laughing at them.


Speaking of Fairy Tales -- That Tamino image has NEVER EVER met a real Global land/ocean data set.. Not even close...

Fairing a straight line through that UAH data looks like a good 0.4C increase over 30 years.

That ain't flat.
Speaking of Fairy Tales -- That Tamino image has NEVER EVER met a real Global land/ocean data set.. Not even close...

Cowtan and Ray is a hybrid surface/satellite data set. I thought you liked satellites. Now you don't like them, and want to go back to the less accurate HadCrut4?
Speaking of Fairy Tales -- That Tamino image has NEVER EVER met a real Global land/ocean data set.. Not even close...

Cowtan and Ray is a hybrid surface/satellite data set. I thought you liked satellites. Now you don't like them, and want to go back to the less accurate HadCrut4?

Wheres the link for the chart. Theres ONE POINT per year. Doesnt look like a data set. More like a cherry pick...,.,

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