FairyTales of Global Warming..

And how, exactly, were you going to show an increase when aside from a graph 800,000 years long, none of your data were plotted against TIME.

Actual measurements of course.


NOAA global outgoing longwave radiation [OLR] from annualized monthly means, via the KNMI Climate Explorer

This is not a measurement of the imbalance. This is simply proof that despite all your claims that warming had stopped, the Earth has been getting consistently warmer.

Actually, it is an indication of cooling. Losing more heat...cooling.
And what change, then, do you believe has CAUSED the increase in OLR? Cooling? Really? Do you believe, perhaps, that increased greenhouse gases have made the atmosphere more transparent to infrared? You believe lower temperatures lead to an increase in infrared radiation? Wow. You are consistent. You know, you are so consistently and fundamentally wrong on so many different science topics that I begin to believe its intentional. A monkey at a typewriter would have trouble being wrong as consistently as you. It makes me think you might simply be trolling here.

Are you ever going to produce data involving the radiative balance - the actual point of contention?
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I wonder if your problem here and elsewhere is some sort of inability to differentiate between various levels of equilibrium. Contending that an increase in radiated infrared is an indication that a system is getting cooler is... well... really short on thinking.
The observation that there is a radiative imbalance at the ToA was a response to the denier claim that the Earth had stopped warming.

Multiple studies have now concluded that the Earth never stopped warming. The heat energy has been transferred into the deep ocean and thus cooled the ocean's surface. And it seems it's started coming back out (two Cat 4 hurricanes so far in the Eastern Pacific, the first one occurring 2 weeks preseason).

So, the Earth's temperature is increasing. If that is not due to an imbalance at ToA, what COULD be its cause?
heat energy was transferred to the deep ocean...holy fuck!

You're a climactic Jihadist

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I guess you haven't noticed, but that theory now has multiple studies whose findings support it. It has become the most popular theory as to the cause of the perceived hiatus.

That's an interesting selection of insult on your part. It really has no application: there's no logical connection between the idea that the ocean's warm surface waters are being subducted by a change in tropical wind patterns and an Islamic jihad (and you don't need to capitalize the term). It seems obvious that you and those to whom you believe you're speaking likely hold Islam in low regard and thought that would be a cutting remark. So, on top of your scientific ignorance, we can add religious bigotry. The two do often seem to go hand in hand.
PS, I hold Islam in as low a regard as I hold all religions. The difference in the brutality one sees in its practitioners has far more to do with the economic and social development of its adherents than it does the tenets of their faith. There is no qualitative difference in the behavior of contemporary militant Muslims and the behavior of militant Christians of the Seventh Century.
And what change, then, do you believe has CAUSED the increase in OLR? Cooling? Really? Do you believe, perhaps, that increased greenhouse gases have made the atmosphere more transparent to infrared? You believe lower temperatures lead to an increase in infrared radiation? Wow. You are consistent. You know, you are so consistently and fundamentally wrong on so many different science topics that I begin to believe its intentional. A monkey at a typewriter would have trouble being wrong as consistently as you. It makes me think you might simply be trolling here.

Are you ever going to produce data involving the radiative balance - the actual point of contention?

Is there a faster way than radiation to transport LW out of the atmosphere? Do you think that the atmosphere would be cooler if it had no means of radiatively cooling itself? Do you think that if the atmosphere were O and N and the only way to move energy up and out was convection and conduction that the atmosphere would be cooler?
I am not arguing that the Earth doesn't radiate infrared. I'm arguing - no, I'm stating - that outgoing infrared would not increase were the Earth to cool (which it has not done in any case). If you want to argue that the Earth is radiating MORE infrared due to some change OTHER than increased temperature and DESPITE increased levels of GHGs, you'll need to explain it. Until you do (and I am quite certain you cannot do so) this will just remain another in the growing list of your bizarre and idiotic science fantasies.
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And yet not one link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate. Notice that zero scientific evidence exists to support the AGW religion.

You lying sack of shit. I posted both publicly available datasets and publicly available code for well-known GCMs.

And if you think there's no evidence in the references of the IPCC's five assessment reports, you're a really, really STUPID lying sack of shit.
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And yet not one link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate. Notice that zero scientific evidence exists to support the AGW religion.

You lying sack of shit. I posted both publicly available datasets and publicly available code for well-known GCMs.

And if you think there's no evidence in the references of the IPCC's five assessment reports, you're a really, really STUPID lying sack of shit.


why wont people believe me!!
And yet not one link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate. Notice that zero scientific evidence exists to support the AGW religion.

You lying sack of shit. I posted both publicly available datasets and publicly available code for well-known GCMs.

why wont people believe me!!

Because you really are that stupid.

Climate datasets

General Circulation models code
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We are apparently supposed to believe that there exist a diabolical global conspiracy of scientists and governments to take away our freedom and destroy democracy. But fortunately for us the other 3% of climate scientists don't work for multi national energy corporations.
I guess you haven't noticed, but that theory now has multiple studies whose findings support it. It has become the most popular theory as to the cause of the perceived hiatus.

That's an interesting selection of insult on your part. It really has no application: there's no logical connection between the idea that the ocean's warm surface waters are being subducted by a change in tropical wind patterns and an Islamic jihad (and you don't need to capitalize the term). It seems obvious that you and those to whom you believe you're speaking likely hold Islam in low regard and thought that would be a cutting remark. So, on top of your scientific ignorance, we can add religious bigotry. The two do often seem to go hand in hand.

:lol::lol::lol: ALL based on computer generated fiction. Not a SHRED of empirical data to support it.

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