Fake News CNN (Clinton News Network) Taking a Pounding From Rush Today.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Rush says people watch CNN, like they do Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for the comedy element. Everyone is laughing at CNN being trolled by The Donald posting that animated GIF body-slamming CNN! Meanwhile CNN says their legal team of goofballs will continue to try to shut down free speech as outlined by the First Amendment which provides protection for The Donald and all American citizens to tell it like it is! :p
Rush says people watch CNN, like they do Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for the comedy element. Everyone is laughing at CNN being trolled by The Donald posting that animated GIF body-slamming CNN! Meanwhile CNN says their legal team of goofballs will continue to try to shut down free speech as outlined by the First Amendment which provides protection for The Donald and all American citizens to tell it like it is! :p
Pure projection. Half his ever shrinking audience listen to hear what he is LYING about!
It's now being reported the guy that made the GIF may be a fifteen year old kid. If that is true, and it's not confirmed, think about what it means to be CNN. A teen makes a GIF in about ten minutes and posts it. Trump spends two seconds retweeting it. It goes viral. CNN sends out official reply, runs show after show about it, sends people out to find and harass this kid and is now what? Six days into this disaster and thousands of dollars for what? They look dumber now than when it started. As a bonus everyone knows a GIF can make them lose their damn minds.

And these are the people we're supposed to take seriously for our news?
Rush says people watch CNN, like they do Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for the comedy element. Everyone is laughing at CNN being trolled by The Donald posting that animated GIF body-slamming CNN! Meanwhile CNN says their legal team of goofballs will continue to try to shut down free speech as outlined by the First Amendment which provides protection for The Donald and all American citizens to tell it like it is! :p

well leftists love free speech as long as it is speech they agree with
Rush says people watch CNN, like they do Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for the comedy element. Everyone is laughing at CNN being trolled by The Donald posting that animated GIF body-slamming CNN! Meanwhile CNN says their legal team of goofballs will continue to try to shut down free speech as outlined by the First Amendment which provides protection for The Donald and all American citizens to tell it like it is! :p
Pure projection. Half his ever shrinking audience listen to hear what he is LYING about!

exactly i dont listen to Rush

but like i always say

if you want to know what Rush is saying

just ask a leftard

It's now being reported the guy that made the GIF may be a fifteen year old kid. If that is true, and it's not confirmed, think about what it means to be CNN. A teen makes a GIF in about ten minutes and posts it. Trump spends two seconds retweeting it. It goes viral. CNN sends out official reply, runs show after show about it, sends people out to find and harass this kid and is now what? Six days into this disaster and thousands of dollars for what? They look dumber now than when it started. As a bonus everyone knows a GIF can make them lose their damn minds.

And these are the people we're supposed to take seriously for our news?
Someone needs to super impose Obama's Head on Dana Carvey's Body and re-title this, Michele Obama's Theme Song.
A POTUS calling out the liberal media for their bias and lies, this has unhinged the left its hilarious.
Trump's too scared to face CNN one on one. He has to run away and post cartoons.

He'd get his ass kicked if he faced direct questions.

He loved CNN when they would let him rant and rave about Bush and call for Bush's impeachment. He couldn't get on CNN enough when he was a birther or when he was calling for us to cut and run from Iraq.

But to have the spotlight turn around on him? He runs.

Total chickenshit. Sad.
It's hilarious to see the pseudocons being totally hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal. :lol:
A POTUS calling out the liberal media for their bias and lies, this has unhinged the left its hilarious.
President Trump will go down as the Most Hilarious President that ever lived.
He is toying with these fools, who have been getting a Free Pass for decades, and who have ZERO accountability to The American People.
Not only that, while they are whining and crying, he is getting things done at a record pace.
I bet more people have posted to this topic than listened to Rush today.
Lush talking shit about another media source.

how fukin funny is that :laugh2:

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