Fake News Media in Collective Panic after Rittenhouse Verdict Is Announced


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Fake News Media in Collective Panic after Rittenhouse Verdict Is Announced

19 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

A Wisconsin jury found 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY of all charges this afternoon in Kenosha.
This will come as a complete shock to any remaining Americans who trust the fake mainstream news as their source of information.
The liberal fake news media convicted Kyle Rittenhouse in the court of (their) public opinion last year. To the fake news and Joe Biden, Rittenhouse was a white supremacist and mass murderer who went to Kenosha with the intent to kill peaceful protesters.
Watch Joy Reid from MSNBC describe Kyle Rittenhouse.
And now the fake news is in a collective panic.
They lied about Kyle Rittenhouse for a year. As the crazed Rev. Wright once said, “The chickens are coming home to roost.”
Call your lawyers, MSNBC.

The Biased Quisling Media Complex is in a foaming at the mouth right now. All the malice, libel and lies they have spewed as cme to naught.
The good news about a lawsuit that will soon follow is that Kyle may end up owning several liberal news outlets and a house in Delaware formerly owned by a Vice president and president. The bad news is that Kyle may end up owning several liberal news outlets.
I offer the following vid as prime evidence.

I hope each of them are squirming, and I encourage Kyle to sue them for all he can just as Sandman did. Let them eat their own crappy cake now...lol.
Indeed, the Quisling Media Complex should have taken heed... Haven't learned anything from their defamation of Nick Sandmann. CNN and Washington Post settled with Nick for a total of $525,000,000. Now, of course, Nick's attorneys worked on a contingency arrangement and such fees typically run from 33% to 40% of the settlement amount. And Nick also had to pay taxes, as only a portion of that was likely treated as pain and suffering, and most of it would be in the nature of punitive damages, which are fully taxable. But when all parties were paid, it's reasonable to conclude that Nick's net worth is north of $200,000,000. The defamation of Kyle Rittenhouse was just as bad, actually worse.
Justice demands it it's pound of flesh.
I’ve been watching a little on all the main news networks since the verdict broke. CNN has actually been fair for what I saw. MSNBC was interviewing ridiculous, undereducated protestors outside the courthouse.
I’ve been watching a little on all the main news networks since the verdict broke. CNN has actually been fair for what I saw. MSNBC was interviewing ridiculous, undereducated protestors outside the courthouse.

CNN already knows that the long knives of the attorney's are out for another scalping.
It's the talking heads that should also be sued for defamation.
I’ve been watching a little on all the main news networks since the verdict broke. CNN has actually been fair for what I saw. MSNBC was interviewing ridiculous, undereducated protestors outside the courthouse.

I guess you didn't view Joy Reid on MSNBC.
I’ve been watching a little on all the main news networks since the verdict broke. CNN has actually been fair for what I saw. MSNBC was interviewing ridiculous, undereducated protestors outside the courthouse.
Bullshit. I flipped it to Don Lemon last night and he had some crazy black racist on his show saying how everything is systemically racist. Lemon shook his hand at the end of the bit.
Let's get this straight...

All the "victims" were aggressors, igniting tensions at a protest about police killing a black guy. They were all Jewish.

Even though Kyle handed himself in yo police, and presented no flight risk, or risk to the public, his bail was set at $2 million, the person who set the bail was Jewish.

When bail was paid by crowd funding, there was an appeal to increase his bail by some lawyers and activists, who were coincidentally all Jewish.

The DA pushing for murder charges and ensured he was tried as an adult was also Jewish.

The prosecution has done everything in their power to convict the child of murder and even attempted to present digitally doctored evidence. All the prosecutors were Jewish.

Between the arrest up until now, there has been almost non stop character assassinating and overtly misleading article published across the US and international media, all of which are Jewish owned, and written overwhelmingly by Jewish reporters.

None of this madness is about Kyle Rittenhouse. It's about what he exposed. Now media is scrambling because lawsuits are coming.

Fake News Media in Collective Panic after Rittenhouse Verdict Is Announced

19 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

A Wisconsin jury found 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY of all charges this afternoon in Kenosha.
This will come as a complete shock to any remaining Americans who trust the fake mainstream news as their source of information.
The liberal fake news media convicted Kyle Rittenhouse in the court of (their) public opinion last year. To the fake news and Joe Biden, Rittenhouse was a white supremacist and mass murderer who went to Kenosha with the intent to kill peaceful protesters.
Watch Joy Reid from MSNBC describe Kyle Rittenhouse.
And now the fake news is in a collective panic.
They lied about Kyle Rittenhouse for a year. As the crazed Rev. Wright once said, “The chickens are coming home to roost.”
Call your lawyers, MSNBC.

The Biased Quisling Media Complex is in a foaming at the mouth right now. All the malice, libel and lies they have spewed as cme to naught.
The good news about a lawsuit that will soon follow is that Kyle may end up owning several liberal news outlets and a house in Delaware formerly owned by a Vice president and president. The bad news is that Kyle may end up owning several liberal news outlets.
I offer the following vid as prime evidence.

Cha ching. Cha ching. Cha ching. Cha ching. Cha ching. Cha ching. Cha ching. Cha ching. Cha ching.

P.S. Is it no wonder why the leftist posters on this forum and social media don't have their facts right? They listen to this BS and take for fact. Real genius. smh
CNN already knows that the long knives of the attorney's are out for another scalping.
It's the talking heads that should also be sued for defamation.

The only masks that are going to save us is duct taping a mask on the left wing "reporters" mouths.
The only masks that are going to save us is duct taping a mask on the left wing "reporters" mouths.
Let's get this straight...

All the "victims" were aggressors, igniting tensions at a protest about police killing a black guy. They were all Jewish.

Even though Kyle handed himself in yo police, and presented no flight risk, or risk to the public, his bail was set at $2 million, the person who set the bail was Jewish.

When bail was paid by crowd funding, there was an appeal to increase his bail by some lawyers and activists, who were coincidentally all Jewish.

The DA pushing for murder charges and ensured he was tried as an adult was also Jewish.

The prosecution has done everything in their power to convict the child of murder and even attempted to present digitally doctored evidence. All the prosecutors were Jewish.

Between the arrest up until now, there has been almost non stop character assassinating and overtly misleading article published across the US and international media, all of which are Jewish owned, and written overwhelmingly by Jewish reporters.

None of this madness is about Kyle Rittenhouse. It's about what he exposed. Now media is scrambling because lawsuits are coming.

Hmm... How do you know that they're all Jewish? Anthony Huber is the only known person to be Jewish. The jury is out on Gaige Grosskreutz..
Unless you have done your research on who is Jewish and not a Jew. I'd suggest you keep that to yourself unless you want to be considered and anti-semite.
Did you check to see if Kyle Rittenhouse is Jewish?
People forget that in the 19th and early 20th Centuries large numbers of Germans, Danes, Swedes and Norwegians immigrated legally to Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Northern Western sectors of America,
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Hmm... How do you know that they're all Jewish? Anthony Huber is the only known person to be Jewish. The jury is out on Gaige Grosskreutz..
Unless you have done your research on who is Jewish and not a Jew. I'd suggest you keep that to yourself unless you want to be considered and anti-semite.
Did you check to see if Kyle Rittenhouse is Jewish?
People forget that in the 19th and early 20th Centuries large numbers of Germans, Danes, Swedes and Norwegians immigrated legally to Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Northern Western sectors of America,
Well, there is a thing called internet where you can find pretty much anything...

Now, about your "advice" to keep these things to myself... my question is why? Have I said anything that's not true?

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