Fake News & stoking the racial divide.

Making the murder of George Floyd "partisan" is part of the SUB complex. To believe George Floyd dosed up twice the lethal amount of Fentanyl more than 10 minutes before he conversed with Chauvin for about 3 minutes is to have no idea what Fentanyl does.

A person who doses up 2x the lethal amount of Fentanyl is completely INCOHERENT in less than 5 minutes, yet way after 10 minutes Floyd correctly assessed his situation to the onlookers

THEY're gonna kill me.

The GOP made a huge mistake bring in the SUB and marrying Faux. The SUB is neither a conservative or a patriotic American. The SUB is a complete moron and a bigot who wants big government and handouts like socialized senior drugs...
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Alabama. I think a valid point could be raised that a white city employee wouldn't have been attacked. At least questioned.

How is that a valid point? That opinion is steeped with bias and prejudice. Would you have had the same opinion if this had happened somewhere on Cape Cod? As someone who grew up in Boston, let me assure that all the racial angst you seem to believe only exists among redneck southerners is just as prevalent in the elitist bastions of enlightenment up north. They just hide it better.

This was an altercation between groups of clowns and nothing more. One side happened to be white and one happened to be black. Nothing more, nothing less, and yes, the media has been complicit in creating false narratives to further deepen racial divides in this country for years now.
As someone who grew up in Boston, let me assure that all the racial angst you seem to believe only exists among redneck southerners is just as prevalent in the elitist bastions of enlightenment up north. They just hide it better.
They don’t hide it. They manifest it in their superior opinion that blacks are inherently inferior and can’t survive without their sympathy and assistance.
How is that a valid point? That opinion is steeped with bias and prejudice. Would you have had the same opinion if this had happened somewhere on Cape Cod? As someone who grew up in Boston, let me assure that all the racial angst you seem to believe only exists among redneck southerners is just as prevalent in the elitist bastions of enlightenment up north. They just hide it better.

Many pro athlete's have noted how racist Boston is.

This was an altercation between groups of clowns and nothing more. One side happened to be white and one happened to be black. Nothing more, nothing less, and yes, the media has been complicit in creating false narratives to further deepen racial divides in this country for years now.

Groups of clowns? The guy was asking the guy to move his boat as it was parking for the tour boat.
Many pro athlete's have noted how racist Boston is.

Groups of clowns? The guy was asking the guy to move his boat as it was parking for the tour boat.
I don't know who these people are Don't Taze me is talking about who don't think Boston is a racist city. 😄 A poll of black athletes might have it as the most racist city before they declare it a bastion of multiculturalism. 😄
Alcohol. Makes people do some really stupid stuff. Also, there are plenty of spoof videos being made with whites and blacks having mock fights while absolutely getting along and having fun with each other. Race baiters will continue to divide and spur further social, ethnic, material, neo-segregation.

And I just posted this in another thread if we want to trade tit for tats in the racial divide.


Watch that and tell me how that isn't FAKE NEWS slathered with a THICK COAT of racial bullshit.

The fight started over a boat but somehow everyone forgot and decided it was now about race.

The sad part is most people won't catch the fact that they were fighting over a boat and will only hear the focus on color which appears to be completely irrelevant

In addition, the way I understand it, white guys started beating up a black guy and then it was over. Yes, the white guys need to be charged for that. But then after it was over, a group of blacks walked up to the white guys and starting beating on them but only the original white guys were charged and none of the blacks who, after the original altercation was over, had started their own fight. So, only white guys were arrested and no blacks.
In addition, the way I understand it, white guys started beating up a black guy and then it was over. Yes, the white guys need to be charged for that. But then after it was over, a group of blacks walked up to the white guys and starting beating on them but only the original white guys were charged and none of the blacks who, after the original altercation was over, had started their own fight. So, only white guys were arrested and no blacks.
It's been leading the news the last 2 days. Simply ridiculous to turn what was likely a drunken boat brawl into a national story and make it about race at that.
How is that a valid point? That opinion is steeped with bias and prejudice. Would you have had the same opinion if this had happened somewhere on Cape Cod? As someone who grew up in Boston, let me assure that all the racial angst you seem to believe only exists among redneck southerners is just as prevalent in the elitist bastions of enlightenment up north. They just hide it better.
"Hide it better"? I don't see a lot of hiding among those who are still stupid enough to harbor such ill will.
Talk about some bullshit, had the roles been reversed the same folks would be calling the black folks savages, feral animals, violent criminals, etc. Now that these racist ass white folks got their ass whooped this fool wants to come with this bullshit narrative of it wasn't about race.

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