Fake News: “The West in Crisis”LMFAO!

Emmanuel Macron



The American President may not mind being isolated, but neither do we mind signing a 6 country agreement if need be. Because these 6 countries represent values, they represent an economic market which has the weight of history behind it and which is now a true international force

Trump keeps evidencing the dif betwit a wall street biz man ,and as dipolmat

therin lies the rub

One is the job he had, one is the one he signed onto

they aren't the same

The G7 doesn't want to give up the sweet deal they've had for 70 years which requires the US to continue being the patsy. There is no reason America has to be the World's 24 hour ATM. We have over $20 trillion in debt, what are we doing handing money over to other economic powerhouses?

And CNN paints that as "The West in Crisis"? It is clear who's interests CNN represents and it is not the USA.
. There is no reason America has to be the World's 24 hour ATM. We have over $20 trillion in debt, what are we doing handing money over to other economic powerhouses?

well said

further, to sorts that constantly vote agaianst our agenda's in the UN

so, we're left realizing it all extortionary

while we pay for some 800 military bases on this rock


Emmanuel Macron


The American President may not mind being isolated, but neither do we mind signing a 6 country agreement if need be. Because these 6 countries represent values, they represent an economic market which has the weight of history behind it and which is now a true international force

Trump keeps evidencing the dif betwit a wall street biz man ,and as dipolmat

therin lies the rub

One is the job he had, one is the one he signed onto

they aren't the same

Trained dogs can do the job he signed up for. Obama proved it’s an entry-level position.

The other? Not so much.
He walked out of the climate change discussion. Good job my man! That's the President I voted for.
You know, I really think we should wait a week and see how all this shakes out. The G6 meeting is still going on, even though Trump has headed to Singapore.

What will happen if they decide to make deals without America? That could seriously have negative impacts on our economy.
What will happen if they decide to make deals without America? That could seriously have negative impacts on our economy.

Ironic that a former wall street globalist biZillionaire would seek to stifle the very livelyhood he once thrived on in the potus seat......

Fake News play book page 1, fabricate a story to damage president Trump, run it 24/7 until someone calls BS, then fabricate a new story.
The G7 doesn't want to give up the sweet deal they've had for 70 years which requires the US to continue being the patsy.
What G7 was around before 1975 when the first meeting of the original G6 took place? Plus there wasn't much going on in Europe in 1948, your 70 years ago, besides the WWII rebuild of the European infrastructure and economy, the continual tension's with the Soviet bloc, Churchill's declaration of an Iron Curtain descending upon Europe and the Berlin airlift!

So what exactly were you fucking yammering about a sweet deal the G7 were getting BEFORE it could even begin to EXIST?

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