$ Fake Newstories That Demonstrates The Left's Desperation


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The left used to be able to lie with impugnity, but now that cannot happen so easily as the internet provides alternative news and Truth.

And despite these being proven lies none of the major news orgs have issued apologies or even retraction, lol.

Nolte: Four Massive Media Hoaxes in First Three Weeks of 2019 | Breitbart

We are only three weeks into 2019, a mere 22 days, and already the establishment media have hit us with four massive hoaxes, four flaming piles of fake news.
Led primarily by CNN, the Washington Post, BuzzFeed, NBC News, and the New York Times — the same media that have spent two years crybabying about being labeled fake news — have already run these cons on the American people with a full week still left in the first month of this new year.

Worst still, the media continue to stand by these debunked hoaxes, including one that resulted in death threats against children....

1) Media Lie About Conservatives Outraged Over Dancing Video
The media opened the year on a stupid note with a wave of fake news that claimed, without any evidence (because there was none), conservatives had become outraged by a video of Socialist It Girl, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), getting her groove on in high school.
You know, because we’re all the dad in Footloose.
“Dance-off: Attempt to shame Ocasio-Cortez with video backfires,” howled Reuters.
“Bid to embarrass Ocasio-Cortez backfires,” screamed the far-left CNN on at least five occasions on YouTube alone....
2) Media Spread Homophobic Conspiracy Theory About Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Somehow, between their hoax about conservative outrage over a dancing Marxist and their malicious hoax about Lindsey Graham being a homosexual Manchurian candidate, the media were able to offer Americans nine whole days without spreading fake news.
But then the dam broke as CNN and MSNBC sought to bully Graham over his recent support for President Trump....

3) Media Lie About Trump Suborning Perjury
Just a couple days after spreading that conspiracy theory against Graham, the media began to work its way into a Fake News Frenzy after the far-left BuzzFeed published the ludicrous claim President Trump told his then-personal attorney to lie to Congress about a real estate deal.
As Breitbart News pointed out at the time, the story was absurd on its face. To begin with, the lead reporter is a serial fabulist, the story was based on two anonymous sources, and BuzzFeed was forced to admit it had no proof to back up the claim.
Nevertheless, for some 36 hours, an unquestioning media screamed IMPEACHMENT, at least until no less than Special Counsel Robert Mueller fact-checked the BuzzFeed story and declared it fake news.
4) Media Launch Online Hate Crime Against Covington High School Kids
Desperate to get the BuzzFeed fiasco off the Sunday front page, and based solely on selectively-edited video and their own seething hatred of Trump supporters, the media launched a rage-fueled jihad against — get this — kids, teenagers… And all of it proved to be a lie.
The full video proves an American Indian activist sought and failed to provoke these kids, who were guilty of nothing more than minding their own business.
What’s more, these kids were verbally abused for the better part of an hour by a group of black nationalists hurling racial and homophobic slurs.
Through it all, the MAGA-supporting kids remained cheerful, which kept the situation from escalating.​

The real question is whether Establishment fake journalism will have any credibility left by 2020.
the MSM/leftists/'''leftists'' have been spewing lies and turning crap 180 for a long time
most decent Americans know it is crap--that's why Trump was elected
...they are not only hoaxes, but they make out the bad guys to be the good guys/etc
they slander/screw over/etc INNOCENT, good Americans = THIS is wrong
Drumming up outrage in middle voters around social issues seems to be the only dem platform. The desperation evident in escalating kabuki theater is a normal prediction of doing something to death. DNC leaders should all be required to read “Never Cry Wolf” 50 times. Homework assignment.
That's what happens when you declare yourself an enemy of God, he abandons you, and you lose your ability to reason.
The left used to be able to lie with impugnity, but now that cannot happen so easily as the internet provides alternative news and Truth.

And despite these being proven lies none of the major news orgs have issued apologies or even retraction, lol.

Nolte: Four Massive Media Hoaxes in First Three Weeks of 2019 | Breitbart

We are only three weeks into 2019, a mere 22 days, and already the establishment media have hit us with four massive hoaxes, four flaming piles of fake news.
Led primarily by CNN, the Washington Post, BuzzFeed, NBC News, and the New York Times — the same media that have spent two years crybabying about being labeled fake news — have already run these cons on the American people with a full week still left in the first month of this new year.

Worst still, the media continue to stand by these debunked hoaxes, including one that resulted in death threats against children....

1) Media Lie About Conservatives Outraged Over Dancing Video
The media opened the year on a stupid note with a wave of fake news that claimed, without any evidence (because there was none), conservatives had become outraged by a video of Socialist It Girl, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), getting her groove on in high school.
You know, because we’re all the dad in Footloose.
“Dance-off: Attempt to shame Ocasio-Cortez with video backfires,” howled Reuters.
“Bid to embarrass Ocasio-Cortez backfires,” screamed the far-left CNN on at least five occasions on YouTube alone....
2) Media Spread Homophobic Conspiracy Theory About Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Somehow, between their hoax about conservative outrage over a dancing Marxist and their malicious hoax about Lindsey Graham being a homosexual Manchurian candidate, the media were able to offer Americans nine whole days without spreading fake news.
But then the dam broke as CNN and MSNBC sought to bully Graham over his recent support for President Trump....

3) Media Lie About Trump Suborning Perjury
Just a couple days after spreading that conspiracy theory against Graham, the media began to work its way into a Fake News Frenzy after the far-left BuzzFeed published the ludicrous claim President Trump told his then-personal attorney to lie to Congress about a real estate deal.
As Breitbart News pointed out at the time, the story was absurd on its face. To begin with, the lead reporter is a serial fabulist, the story was based on two anonymous sources, and BuzzFeed was forced to admit it had no proof to back up the claim.
Nevertheless, for some 36 hours, an unquestioning media screamed IMPEACHMENT, at least until no less than Special Counsel Robert Mueller fact-checked the BuzzFeed story and declared it fake news.
4) Media Launch Online Hate Crime Against Covington High School Kids
Desperate to get the BuzzFeed fiasco off the Sunday front page, and based solely on selectively-edited video and their own seething hatred of Trump supporters, the media launched a rage-fueled jihad against — get this — kids, teenagers… And all of it proved to be a lie.
The full video proves an American Indian activist sought and failed to provoke these kids, who were guilty of nothing more than minding their own business.
What’s more, these kids were verbally abused for the better part of an hour by a group of black nationalists hurling racial and homophobic slurs.
Through it all, the MAGA-supporting kids remained cheerful, which kept the situation from escalating.​

The real question is whether Establishment fake journalism will have any credibility left by 2020.
What's funny here is that this is just a desperate attempt at distraction from the OP.

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