Fall Back, Regroup, And Pray A Lot


Sep 23, 2010

The congenital liar is promising to create millions of tax dollar jobs:

If elected president, Democrat Hillary Clinton says she can create enough green energy to power every home in America by the end of her second term.

“By the end of my first term, we will have installed a half a billion more solar panels, and by the end of my second term, enough clean energy to power every home in America,” Clinton said at the Blue Jamboree in Charleston, S.C., on Saturday.​

So how does she plan to subsidize tax dollar jobs without raising taxes?

The Democratic presidential front-runner said her plan to subsidize alternative sources of energy would not entail a middle-class tax hike.​

Answer: She cannot, but she can manipulate the way taxes are paid and collected à la the Affordable Care Act.

Clinton promises ‘enough clean energy to power every home in America’
By Bradford Richardson - 11/21/15 03:43 PM EST

Clinton promises ‘enough clean energy to power every home in America’

Hillary’s holding pattern

The Affordable Care Act was Hillarycare in 1993. Clinton is now hoping to use the alternative energy fraud to stabilize the parasite class after Hillarycare II is repealed. Obviously, Taqiyya the Liar forced Hillary into a holding pattern; hence, you’ll see her putting her hopes in environmental frauds, and the United Nations, instead of standard welfare state policies. Her strategy is: Fall back, regroup, and pray a lot.

American voters should not be fooled because Socialists are backing off for the time being. Bernie Sanders is the only one still spouting the usual Socialist garbage. Sanders would be smart to point out that Hillary’s alternative energy scam will benefit Wall Street sharpshooters more than it helps working Americans.

To be fair to environmental screwballs, Clinton certainly has a handle on environmental frauds:

w0w....she's been known to be a spectacular liar but that first quote..................

“By the end of my first term, we will have installed a half a billion more solar panels, and by the end of my second term, enough clean energy to power every home in America,” Clinton said at the Blue Jamboree in Charleston, S.C., on Saturday.

But lets face it...........we have a lot of suckers out there who will buy it hook, line and stinker!!:dunno:
I wonder what percentage of our energy use in the Nation is used in homes vs. businesses, manufacturers, retail stores?

also, is Hydro power....electricity from water, considered clean energy?
we have a lot of suckers out there who will buy it hook, line and stinker!!
To skookerasbil: Absolutely!

I can only add that the suckers are dangerous when you combine them with the parasites.

I wonder what percentage of our energy use in the Nation is used in homes vs. businesses, manufacturers, retail stores?
To Care4all: Do not know.
also, is Hydro power....electricity from water, considered clean energy?
To Care4all: Tough question. The United Nations is acquiring control of America’s fresh water through the EPA —— adding selected fish etc. to the endangered species list, blah, blah, blah. My best guess is that the EPA will eventually declare hydroelectric power a danger to the environment.
In 2014, 41% was consumed by residential and commercial buildings. The rest supported industrial users and street lighting.

Hydroelectric power is certainly clean from a carbon emission standpoint. Obviously, some land is getting flooded to make it work. Depending on the original nature of that land, it may or may not detract from the classification. In most instances, however, the quantity of land lost is not significant to the amount of fuel saved by the facility over its lifetime.
Victor Davis Hanson’s title cracked me up:

Obama Has Just Begun​

The lyrics Karen sings could have been written for a guy living in a dream world:

We've only just begun to live
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way
(We've only begun)

Before the risin' sun, we fly
So many roads to choose
We'll start out walkin' and learn to run
And yes, we've just begun

Sharing horizons that are new to us
Watching the signs along the way
Talkin' it over, just the two of us
Workin' together day to day

And when the evening comes, we smile
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow
And yes, we've just begun

Sharing horizons that are new to us
Watching the signs along the way
Talkin' it over, just the two of us
Workin' together day to day

And when the evening comes, we smile
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow
And yes, we've just begun.

Hanson nails it:

Insidiously and inadvertently, Barack Obama is alienating the people and moving the country to the right. If he keeps it up, by 2017 it will be a reactionary nation. But, counterintuitive as it seems, that is fine with Obama: Après nous le déluge.

by Victor Davis Hanson November 24, 2015 4:00 AM

Obama's Most Dangerous Year| National Review Online

“After us, the deluge.” sure as hell does not leave Hillary’s strategy a lot of room for prayer:
Her strategy is: Fall back, regroup, and pray a lot.
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