Fallon Show humiliates Bachmann with misogynistic song

If any show on any major network played that about Michelle Obama, heads would roll.

If any show on any major network played that about Michelle Obama, heads would roll.


I'm apparently the only one between you and me who knows the difference between a Politician SEEKING the presidency and the First Lady of the Chief Executive of our Country who is not SEEKING any office whatsoever.
If any show on any major network played that about Michelle Obama, heads would roll.


There is no comparison between a lyin' ass bitch like Michele Bachmann and the First Lady. NASCAR rednecks recently booed the First Lady while she attended a race to honor veterans. No comparison...
If any show on any major network played that about Michelle Obama, heads would roll.


There is no comparison between a lyin' ass bitch like Michele Bachmann and the First Lady. NASCAR rednecks recently booed the First Lady while she attended a race to honor veterans. No comparison...

Those words she once said will not go away.

I am glad she could find something to be proud of America for.
The first time in her life.
If any show on any major network played that about Michelle Obama, heads would roll.


There is no comparison between a lyin' ass bitch like Michele Bachmann and the First Lady. NASCAR rednecks recently booed the First Lady while she attended a race to honor veterans. No comparison...

Of course not ......
Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks Michele needs to strap on a pair.

Michele Bachmann needs to pull her big girl panties on and deal with it | Washington Times Communities

Christ on a crutch. Congresswoman Bachmann, you need to pull your big girl panties on. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to a late night television talk show interview hosted by a comedian who has ripped you a good one on more than one occasion with his drag queen impersonation of you.

If Bachmann didn’t know about this, someone in her campaign needs to be fired.

If you choose to run with the big dogs and campaign for President of the United States, you need to get used to this sort of thing. Do you think things will get any better if you were to become President? Better you and the American public find out if you can handle name calling now.
OK, I just found the clip in question...

Jimmy Fallon Show Band Plays 'Lyin' Ass Bitch' To Intro Michele Bachmann - YouTube

You know, I never heard of the song nor the band and I didn't get it until after the fact. There are no derogatory lyrics to it, at least none in that part of the song that they played during the intro. Clearly Michelle was as clueless as I was.

It's a lil sketchy, but I don't think I'd get bent up outta shape over it.

But you did get bent out of shape cause some one boo'ed the First lady right? Bet you even claimed it was racist.
I hate to see Fox News and conservatives have something to bellyache about that will resonate with their audience. Do we really need to hear them whine about how liberal NBC is again? And they will because they have a reason to, no matter how silly it is. I guess what I'm saying is I wish the song hadn't been played, much as I can't stand the woman.

Fox will talk about it.. And talk loudly. And, they have a mucho grande viewing audience.. nbc has shit.

Um, NBC was around when the people like Hannity were in diapers. In case you didn't know.
Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks Michele needs to strap on a pair.

Michele Bachmann needs to pull her big girl panties on and deal with it | Washington Times Communities

Christ on a crutch. Congresswoman Bachmann, you need to pull your big girl panties on. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to a late night television talk show interview hosted by a comedian who has ripped you a good one on more than one occasion with his drag queen impersonation of you.

If Bachmann didn’t know about this, someone in her campaign needs to be fired.

If you choose to run with the big dogs and campaign for President of the United States, you need to get used to this sort of thing. Do you think things will get any better if you were to become President? Better you and the American public find out if you can handle name calling now.
Fuck the bitch
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYY73RO_egw]Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube[/ame]
Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks Michele needs to strap on a pair.

Michele Bachmann needs to pull her big girl panties on and deal with it | Washington Times Communities

Christ on a crutch. Congresswoman Bachmann, you need to pull your big girl panties on. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to a late night television talk show interview hosted by a comedian who has ripped you a good one on more than one occasion with his drag queen impersonation of you.

If Bachmann didn’t know about this, someone in her campaign needs to be fired.

If you choose to run with the big dogs and campaign for President of the United States, you need to get used to this sort of thing. Do you think things will get any better if you were to become President? Better you and the American public find out if you can handle name calling now.

Remind us how offended you were that the First Lady got boo'ed.
After all of this what I find extremely funny is how this whole incident makes her unqualified for the presidency. She pretty much has just proved she couldn't handle it. What is she going to do when the Russians or the Chinese, insult her? Demand an appology, start crying, what???? How about when an Arab leader refuses to talk to her because she is a woman? Wow, will the shit hit the fan then. If this bothers her that much, she has no business in the White House.
Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks Michele needs to strap on a pair.

Michele Bachmann needs to pull her big girl panties on and deal with it | Washington Times Communities

Christ on a crutch. Congresswoman Bachmann, you need to pull your big girl panties on. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to a late night television talk show interview hosted by a comedian who has ripped you a good one on more than one occasion with his drag queen impersonation of you.

If Bachmann didn’t know about this, someone in her campaign needs to be fired.

If you choose to run with the big dogs and campaign for President of the United States, you need to get used to this sort of thing. Do you think things will get any better if you were to become President? Better you and the American public find out if you can handle name calling now.

It's not about Michelle, Dear, she handled it well. It's about the Left having shed it's last drop of decency
It is good that NBC apologized but Jimmy Fallon should also do so in public and on the air. That is demanded and required of conservatives who insult the 'wrong person' or who are un-PC. And those criticizing Michelle Bachmann for objecting to the situation stop and think whether you thought liberal or Democrats who have been 'insulted' should just suck it up and 'expect that' as the way things are? Cruelty, blatant deliberate incivility, and hatefulness are inexcusable whether coming from the left or right. But conservative women and minorities have been especially savaged in these modern times.

It is high time the leftist media is called on the double standard and that conservative women and minorities can expect the same treatment in public as those on the left.
I honestly dont think Jimmy Fallon new this prior to the show. I could be wrong but I dont. I think this was on the band.
Comedians should appologize for NOTHING!

Bachman needs to grow up and be an adult if she wants to be the president.

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