Fallout From Trump's Expertise in Foreign Affairs

Did The Kurds Make a Grave Error in Ever Trusting America?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • no

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • disgusted

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
Since the Syrian Government proved itself unable to control ISIS, and was massacring it's own people... um, yeah, I'd say our actions were justified.

Wait, wait, NOW the Right Wing is upset about sovereign nations, because THE BLACK GUY DID IT!

I think I've found the way to end conservatism. Elect another black guy, and then have him advocate every right wing position...

So in your vast expertise and experience, that surpasses Trump's, you have come to the expert conclusion that the Syrian Government, aided by the Russian Government, was unable to deal with ISIS? :p

Syria was / is in the midst of a Civil War in which no less than 6 entities (ISIS, Turkey, Kurds, Syrians, Russian, +...). Just because a 3rd party assesses (or claims, in order to justify an invasion) that a country is not efficiently / effectively handling / dealing with terrorists within its borders DOES NOT give that 3rd party / nation legal authorization to invade without consent / request. THAT, again, is considered an INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME, which Obama is guilty of. Once the US invaded Syria it had to navigate through the 'soup' of different forces fighting within Syria. Obama sent troops into the middle of a civil war being fought by numerous forces / sides all fighting for different reasons.

What was the US / Obama's objective for invading Syria?
- To Wipe Out ISIS? Obama had been protecting ISIS' Black Market Oil Ops, refusing to allow the coalition to strike the 1 thing funding 50% of ISIS' terrorist activities - like the Paris attack - UNTIL the Paris attack. As mentioned, he had been running weapons to ISIS - out of Benghazi (which was no secret). Why? In hopes they would overthrow Assad the way Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who Obama and Hillary helped murder Libyan Leader Gaddafi - did in Libya to take the country for their own?

- To overthrow Al-Assad? If that was the case it was a 'fool's errand' to begin with, as Putin was and is NEVER going to allow Assad to be overthrown.

The United States had NO CLUE who was who, as evident by McCain being photographed standing with several known ISIS / Terrorist members during his visit to Syria pre-invasion. It was reported that the Obama administration provided weapons and training to 'Syrian Resistance Fighters' who turned out to be ISIS.

And you are attempting to justify why the Nobel Peace Prize-Winning President, a Democrat who opposed invading Iraq and whose party has rabidly declared for decades how the United States is NOT the world's 'policeman'...until a Democratic Party President decides to invade some country, an International War Crime, to save face / make-up for an embarrassing Foreign Policy GAFFE on the world stage of attempting to bluff a nation (backed by Russia) into backing down, having his bluff called, and instead of Assad having to back down it ended up being Obama. To make matters worse he then attempted to shirk responsibility by the move by claiming it was not HIS 'Red Line' but was instead the WORLD's 'Red Line'...at which point the 'world' laughed at Barry and said, "Oh HELL NO it's NOT!"

Syria is a 'shit-stain' in Obama's 'Foreign Policy' 'bed'.

The 'Foreign Policy' record for the previous Chicago Community Organizer includes:
- Giving the order for SpecOps to takeout UBL after the Intel network Bush created eventually found him. Barry immediately 'spiked the political football' on world-wide TV, exposing the fact to every terrorist in the Middle East that during the raid on UBL we had recovered the locations of all their know hideouts and safe houses, that we hade recovered known cell phone numbers being used by terrorists, and other information - as if he was intentionally trying to warn them / tell them to get out of those safe houses because we were coming and to dump their phones because we could now listen in and track them. If not as sinister as that then the man was a complete imbecile who just rendered all of that newly-acquired Intel useless.

- Failing / Refusing to pull US troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, which he criticized Bush for not doing.

- The Nobel Peace Prize-winning President Helped Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - murder the president of Libya - who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over the country for their own. (He and Hillary also later abandoned Americans to die needlessly at the hands of their 'new allies'.) Dragging the US into an unauthorized war to help terrorists who butchered 3,000 Americans was a brilliant Barry move.

- His 'Red Line' fiasco humiliated him and the country and emboldened our enemies, showing if pushed back on Barry would fold.

- Invading Syria - discussed.

- Violating the Constitution by bypassing Congress to make his own TREATY with Iran...when every other nation had walked away from the negotiating table, while Iran's military conducted air strikes on a mock US aircraft carrier, while their govt mocked Barry - claiming he was so desperate to get a deal done that he would sign / do anything, while Iran's leader led chants of 'Death To America', and while it was being reported that Iran was already violating the temporary deal restrictions / rules put in place until the deal was eventually signed. Barry was so desperate to get his 'Legacy Treaty' signed that he refused to demand the release of Americans being held by Iran be part of the deal. Instead he later paid Iran a ransom for US hostages.
-- He also protected Hezbollah Drug Ops as part of the deal / to help sway Iran into signing the deal

- He completely ignored North Korea and allowed them to develop / acquire missile technology giving them the capability to strike the US with their nukes.

- Broke a US promise to help protect the Ukraine's sovereign borders and 'GAVE' Putin Crimea.

- Gave Putin 20% of the US supply of uranium

- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels in an Op called 'Fast and Furious', the objective of which was to sacrifice enough human lives - to create a BODY COUNT high enough to give him leverage to go after the 2nd Amendment

...and more.

Since Democrats and Obama rammed the disastrous Obamacare law down the American people's throats they have been bitching that the GOP has not cleaned up their mess, which is like the captain of the Exon Valdez blaming the Clean Up Crew for the Alaskan Oil Spill. Now they are doing the same thing with Syria. It's Obama's F*-Up, but snowflakes are bitching about how Trump hasn't cleaned it up.

Your post is another hypocritical rant and attempt to justify Barry's invasion of Syria and an attempt to attack Trump, as always, by accusing him of doing / having done what Democrats actually did and of being who the Democrats actually are.

Trump's foreign policy record thus far, stacked side by side with Obama's, far surpasses Obama's. Trump has not financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists the way that Barry did. Against ridiculous advice by ignorant Democrats Trump challenged NATO to pay their fair share of THEIR defense as promised...and they responded by immediately doing so. Trump negotiated an historic meeting with North Korea's leader. He has issued no embarrassing 'Red Line', has not gone on any apology tours like Obama did, has not paid ransoms for US hostages, has not released 5 of our enemies in the midst of war time in an attempt to keep a campaign promise like Barry did....

So in your vast expertise and experience, that surpasses Trump's, you have come to the expert conclusion that the Syrian Government, aided by the Russian Government, was unable to deal with ISIS?

Given they took over half the country before we intervened, um, yeah, they were pretty inept.

Trump's foreign policy record thus far, stacked side by side with Obama's, far surpasses Obama's.

Uh, dude, when all of our allies hate us and consider us a joke, we are not succeeding in the Foreign Policy thing.

Stop drinking the Koolaid.
So in your vast expertise and experience, that surpasses Trump's, you have come to the expert conclusion that the Syrian Government, aided by the Russian Government, was unable to deal with ISIS?

Given they took over half the country before we intervened, um, yeah, they were pretty inept.

Trump's foreign policy record thus far, stacked side by side with Obama's, far surpasses Obama's.

Uh, dude, when all of our allies hate us and consider us a joke, we are not succeeding in the Foreign Policy thing.

Stop drinking the Koolaid.
If y'all of our allies hate us and think we are a joke' they would no longer be our ally and stand with us.

You hate-driven opinion is the joke.

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