Fallout From Trump's Expertise in Foreign Affairs

Did The Kurds Make a Grave Error in Ever Trusting America?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • no

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • disgusted

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
Tossed Saladin

The Kurds were inspired by Nancy Sinatra's song, "These Boots Are Made for Walking" and Del Shannon's "Runaway."

In Vietnam, I was stationed in a Tactical Area of Responsibility (An Hoa) where our South Vietnamese "allies" had a peace treaty with the Viet Cong. Their compound was lit up all night but they were never attacked.

We certainly did. There, on Operation Tuscaloosa, after the first two platoons had crossed the local river, the first three Marines were shot in the head by snipers using Czech-made hunting scopes. I was in the third platoon, which couldn't join the battle without getting cut to pieces like the other two.

Those Marines were pinned down for 9 hours, losing 25 more KIA, because the battalion commander refused to call in artillery or airstrikes. He did that because the enemy would always run away as soon as spies (including South Vietnamese officers) informed them of what was coming.

Wow... that tells me even the South Vietnamese thought the war was stupid...

Oh, that's right, it was a stupid, pointless war.
Take you on in the bullring any day over Syria. Go ahead and challenge me if you have the balls. No evidence to prove the Syrian army used chemical weapons on their own people. None at all.

What the fuck is your problem? Resorting to threats shows that you're just spewing bullshit out of your ass. Fucking pathetic.

What threat? The bullring on this forum is awesome. If you have a way to back up all your posts anti Assad challenge me to a debate in the bullring. I love debate. AND by the way a debate is nor should be threatening at any given time.

Don't be a snowflake. And I will be happy to debate you at any given time.

Okay well I was not aware of that section. But there is nothing to debate. Every independent investigation has found Assad gassed his own people. The only three people in the world that reject that fact is Assad, Putin, and you.
Take you on in the bullring any day over Syria. Go ahead and challenge me if you have the balls. No evidence to prove the Syrian army used chemical weapons on their own people. None at all.

What the fuck is your problem? Resorting to threats shows that you're just spewing bullshit out of your ass. Fucking pathetic.

What threat? The bullring on this forum is awesome. If you have a way to back up all your posts anti Assad challenge me to a debate in the bullring. I love debate. AND by the way a debate is nor should be threatening at any given time.

Don't be a snowflake. And I will be happy to debate you at any given time.

Okay well I was not aware of that section. But there is nothing to debate. Every independent investigation has found Assad gassed his own people. The only three people in the world that reject that fact is Assad, Putin, and you.

Link. Because I have all the results from OPCW.

AND more importantly I can fuck over anyone trying to prove that Assad is a brutal dictator, by just posting the truth that he has a parliamentary system, sharia optional but basic law of the country is based in French law.

Sharia optional. Damascus rocks. Assad rocks. His Generals are Sunni, Shiite, Christian and they remain loyal to him and his PARLIAMENT. But by all means beleive what you want. But you believe in lies.

What does that say of you? Look in the mirror.
So let me get this straight, Trump is worse than Obama even though he slopped Fat Boy from playing with his rockets in the Pacific .
NK shot their missiles farthest during Trump's tweet term. and they needed few more tests. They have played him as the fool he is. read the latest on what is going in in NK'


A typical anti-Trump troll thread!

The president has clearly stated that he will pull out gradually, ensuring the Kurds are properly armed to protect themselves from Turkey and Iran.

France and Middle East units will also take up positions in the area.
A typical anti-Trump troll thread!

The president has clearly stated that he will pull out gradually, ensuring the Kurds are properly armed to protect themselves from Turkey and Iran.

France and Middle East units will also take up positions in the area.

Um, yeah. Isn't that what we promised the Hmong and the South Vietnamese when we pulled out? How'd that work out again?
The thread creator displays his ignorance in the entire Kurd issue by limiting his discussion to the 'Syria' timeframe.

Long ago, under Bush, when we went into Afghanistan and Iraq, we made a deal with the Turks not to recognize / allow the Kurds to carve out territory for their own nation, which could include part of southern Turkey.

They were / are fierce fighters and valuable needed allies ... or should I say 'tools'. What is going on now did not begin with Trump, no matter how badly snowflakes want to claim it did.
The thread creator displays his ignorance in the entire Kurd issue by limiting his discussion to the 'Syria' timeframe.

Long ago, under Bush, when we went into Afghanistan and Iraq, we made a deal with the Turks not to recognize / allow the Kurds to carve out territory for their own nation, which could include part of southern Turkey.

They were / are fierce fighters and valuable needed allies ... or should I say 'tools'. What is going on now did not begin with Trump, no matter how badly snowflakes want to claim it did.

No, but Trump is the one pulling out and leaving them to fend for themselves AFTER they did our dirty work and wiped out ISIS.
No, but Trump is the one pulling out and leaving them to fend for themselves AFTER they did our dirty work and wiped out ISIS.
If the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barak Obama had not perpetrated an International War Crime by invading the sovereign nation of Syria without the permission or request of the Syrian Government / President, dragging the US into another war to HELP terrorists, the Kurds would have continued to be on their on as they were before Obama ordered the invasion.
If the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barak Obama had not perpetrated an International War Crime by invading the sovereign nation of Syria without the permission or request of the Syrian Government / President, dragging the US into another war to HELP terrorists, the Kurds would have continued to be on their on as they were before Obama ordered the invasion.

We didn't invade Syria, we aided people trying to overthrow a nasty dictator.

Was it a bad idea? Probably.

Not as bad as Trump handing the place over to the Russians and Iranians, though... kind of hard to get the next bunch to trust us after that.
We didn't invade Syria, we aided people trying to overthrow a nasty dictator.
So you are saying sending military troops into Syria, establishing a base, and conducting military operations / strikes from that base from inside Syria - all without the permission of / request by the Syrian Govt / Syrian President, which is considered an International War Crime, is somehow NOT an 'invasion' ... because YOU say so?!


You are so full of shit...

Perhaps you consider it NOT an invasion because Putin gave Obama PERMISSION to go into Syria in exchange for 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of unchallenged hacking / interfering / conning & 'buying' snowflakes back in 2014.

The thread creator displays his ignorance in the entire Kurd issue by limiting his discussion to the 'Syria' timeframe.

Long ago, under Bush, when we went into Afghanistan and Iraq, we made a deal with the Turks not to recognize / allow the Kurds to carve out territory for their own nation, which could include part of southern Turkey.

They were / are fierce fighters and valuable needed allies ... or should I say 'tools'. What is going on now did not begin with Trump, no matter how badly snowflakes want to claim it did.

No, but Trump is the one pulling out and leaving them to fend for themselves AFTER they did our dirty work and wiped out ISIS.

Does someone need to explain to you in pictures you can understand that we are not pulling out post haste but over a period of time so the Kurds and Syria will be able to protect themselves against the Iranians and Turks?
A typical anti-Trump troll thread!

The president has clearly stated that he will pull out gradually, ensuring the Kurds are properly armed to protect themselves from Turkey and Iran.

France and Middle East units will also take up positions in the area.

Assad will protect his people. As he always has protected his Kurds. They have reached out to him already. Like hell either France or any Gulf States who tried to overthrow Assad will be welcome. The Gulf States have damaged Syria enough.

Syrian troops mass at edge of Kurdish town threatened by Turkey
If the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barak Obama had not perpetrated an International War Crime by invading the sovereign nation of Syria without the permission or request of the Syrian Government / President, dragging the US into another war to HELP terrorists, the Kurds would have continued to be on their on as they were before Obama ordered the invasion.

We didn't invade Syria, we aided people trying to overthrow a nasty dictator.

Was it a bad idea? Probably.

Not as bad as Trump handing the place over to the Russians and Iranians, though... kind of hard to get the next bunch to trust us after that.

Oh cut out that nasty dictator shit. Assad's government is secular and a parliamentary system and their law is based on French law with sharia optional. Cut out the freaking propaganda.

And this was never a civil war. Sunnis in Syria were so far and few between they had to import jihadists from 80 countries. That's an invasion. Not a freaking civil war.

All to hand Syria over to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Not as bad as Trump handing the place over to the Russians and Iranians, though... kind of hard to get the next bunch to trust us after that.
How did Trump do that? The Russians and Iranians were already in there - had been for years. Invading Syria did not change that one bit.
So you are saying sending military troops into Syria, establishing a base, and conducting military operations / strikes from that base from inside Syria - all without the permission of / request by the Syrian Govt / Syrian President, which is considered an International War Crime, is somehow NOT an 'invasion' ... because YOU say so?!

Since the Syrian Government proved itself unable to control ISIS, and was massacring it's own people... um, yeah, I'd say our actions were justified.

Wait, wait, NOW the Right Wing is upset about sovereign nations, because THE BLACK GUY DID IT!

I think I've found the way to end conservatism. Elect another black guy, and then have him advocate every right wing position...
Oh cut out that nasty dictator shit. Assad's government is secular and a parliamentary system and their law is based on French law with sharia optional. Cut out the freaking propaganda.

Who is completely owned by the Iranians and his Alawite/Shi'ite minority government oppresses the Sunni majority, but don't let that stop you.

Trump could shake hands with Satan himself, and you'd all be praising Satan.
And this was never a civil war. Sunnis in Syria were so far and few between they had to import jihadists from 80 countries. That's an invasion. Not a freaking civil war.

Maybe you need to educate yourself...


Syria is a largely Islamic country; according to the latest data from 2007, 87% of the country's population was Muslim. Broken down, around 74% are Sunni and around 13% are Shia. There are approximately 2 million Alawi in Syria today, and representatives of this group dominate Syrian politics and the Syrian military. Syria's current President, Bashar al-Assad, is an Alawi Shia.

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