Fallout From Trump's Expertise in Foreign Affairs

Did The Kurds Make a Grave Error in Ever Trusting America?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • no

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • disgusted

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
The US military is still inside the city.

what i s your point?
No point. Just a news update. FSA and Jaysh al-Islam are already preparing their offensive.
Turkey has launched air raids on Syrian forces before (Afrin region) but those were not regular army troops. This seems to be different now.

Whoa geeze
Give me a break. It's proper that the troops leave Syria to the Syrians.

red herring? Who disagrees with that? Obama pulled troops and said Iraqis and others had to take care of themselves and people like you went ape shit

No one says that American troops should not leave Syria to the Syrians. Stop being so disgusting

Sigh. When ISIS was rolling across Iraq in snappy SUVs and black outfits Kerry's State Department was bitching that these were just disefranchised Sunni kids and Obama wasn'nt going to do jack shit until there was regime change in Iraq.

We used the Kurds, but the Kurds have used us... so it balances out.

This is the problem with everything that Trump does. There might be a good reason for it, but the way Trump does things, like ignoring our allies and his own generals, give you pause.

The questions are... Will Assad tolerate a semi-autonomous Kurdish entity within his borders, now that he has defeated ISIS, the Free Syrian Army and the Al-Nusra Front.

Will the Iraqi Government continue to tolerate a semi-Autonomous Kurdish Entity in their borders now that ISIS and the Sunnis have been effectively crushed?

The thing is, the Iranians have extended their sphere of influence greatly. And as much as he stamps his little feet, Trump has enabled it.
Sigh. When ISIS was rolling across Iraq in snappy SUVs and black outfits Kerry's State Department was bitching that these were just disefranchised Sunni kids and Obama wasn'nt going to do jack shit until there was regime change in Iraq.


We sunk 100 Billion + into training the Iraqi Army, and they ran away when they saw those SUV's, leaving their equipment behind and stripping off their uniforms.

Obama was supposed to step in after that? Well, he did.

ISIS never would have gotten the foothold it got if Maliki hadn't thrown the Sunnis out of his government.
Sigh. When ISIS was rolling across Iraq in snappy SUVs and black outfits Kerry's State Department was bitching that these were just disefranchised Sunni kids and Obama wasn'nt going to do jack shit until there was regime change in Iraq.


We sunk 100 Billion + into training the Iraqi Army, and they ran away when they saw those SUV's, leaving their equipment behind and stripping off their uniforms.

Obama was supposed to step in after that? Well, he did.

ISIS never would have gotten the foothold it got if Maliki hadn't thrown the Sunnis out of his government.

And how many millions did we sink into backing so called Syrian rebels? All ten of them. And that's bullshit about Maliki and the Sunnis. This was not about politics. It was a fucking invasion.

Here's the man who was in charge of all the military operations. And as much as I hate to say it he was a genius. From Chechnya. Trained by the US in Georgia.

Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection
Amecria was laughed at during Obama's administration. Soft poweris not something that anyone than snowflakes respect, and there are no snowflakes outside of the US and Europe.

If Turkey decides to invade Syria, there is squart anyone could do about it.
I voted yes, based on a lack of intelligence on the area; I don't have the security clearance to know the whole picture at this point, other than what I know about the Kurds, and I have mixed opinions on them.

1st problem is the Kurdish federation has a large contingent of Communists, and any nation formed by Kurds will most likely go immediately into civil war anyway. Two, their territories should come out Turkey's and Iran's hides, with only a small chunk of Syria. Three, all of those three state will also attack them if they for a state.

The only real solution to ME problems is to kill them all, really.
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And of course Assad will protect the Kurds. They are Syrian citizens

Because we all know Assad is big on protecting his citizens and would never do something like using chemical weapons against civilians.

There was never any evidence that the Syrian Army used chemical weapons. Get up to speed.

Oh, come on. You'd be more believable if you claimed it was Martians who were trying to frame Assad.
Hail to Assad.

Absolutely.I find it positively shocking that so many feel the US troops should stay in Syria indefinitely. "Occupy Syria" was never going to happen. And of course Assad will protect the Kurds. They are Syrian citizens.

"The Syrian army said in a statement it would guarantee “full security for all Syrian citizens and others present in the area”

Someone should perhaps review where all in the world the US military is and how long they have been there.
And of course Assad will protect the Kurds. They are Syrian citizens

Because we all know Assad is big on protecting his citizens and would never do something like using chemical weapons against civilians.

There was never any evidence that the Syrian Army used chemical weapons. Get up to speed.

Oh, come on. You'd be more believable if you claimed it was Martians who were trying to frame Assad.

Take you on in the bullring any day over Syria. Go ahead and challenge me if you have the balls. No evidence to prove the Syrian army used chemical weapons on their own people. None at all.

Brutal dictator bullshit was all propaganda. We were fed a steady diet of lies. What I don't get is why we wanted to overthrow a secular society and give it to Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood like we tried in Egypt and Libya.

Why did we want to subject Syrian women to sharia and burkas? Damascus parties. Damascus rocks. Brutal dictator kiss my ass.

Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection
Should US citizens feel betrayed by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who want diseased illegals coming across the border raping and killing US women?
Sad and a sign of how the world views America under Trump. After the Bush/Cheney actions it took Obama a few years to get the world to trust and respect America, and now Trump in his hatred of all things Obama ...

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia has called on President Bashar al-Assad’s government to send forces to protect it against an attack by Turkey, the first sign of shifting political alliances in eastern Syria since President Trump announced that he would withdraw American troops.

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Syria’s Kurds, Feeling Betrayed by the U.S., Ask Assad Government for Protection

Give me a break. It's proper that the troops leave Syria to the Syrians.

What does mean in a foreign policy context or a military context?
Good, let the Syrians help the Kurds. Why the fuck should we do everything?

The Trump Presidency is looking better than I could had imagined.
So you believe we do everything? :21:

Do you know how many smaller conflicts and wars we ignore? How many slaughters of innocents and other crisis we could help avert, with minimal costs we ignore, because it is not in our national interests as defined by an admin or the two houses of our national legislature?

The list is "yuge" on the everything we ignore

with all due respect to a person of your mindset...
you need to get out more often
Just like the South Vietnamese, who should bear the whole responsibility for losing the Vietnam War to the Communists, the Kurds have been an unreliable and incompetent ally and should be left to fight their own battles instead of freeloading off our blood and treasure.
I'll side with the US military experts and professionals over you ..

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