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False Catholic Mary Doctrine

You misspelled Mary. You are funny.

There actually is a section in the Catechism on socialism but I somehow believe you wouldn’t be able to find it even if I linked to it like I did for the section on Mary.
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I absolutely, completely believe that this is the fact and I understand. I have had that same situation many many times.

I have posted many, many links on my personal websites and in many other forums for the last 15 years and often the links would suddenly disappear just around the time that I began showing them to support my posts.

Also, there some Roman Catholics here in America and in other portions of the world who are some of the strongest opponents ( in opposition ) to Socialism. The Vatican has already begun a path to demonize and rebuke the elements of Socialism that every Non-Socialist already accepts as basic truths about the bad elements of Socialism. The goal here is to rewrite and repackage a style of Socialism that is actually only found *( ONLY ) in Communism - - which is the Atheistic ( Atheistic - Communism - The rejection of morals good and evil and rejection of God and all judgments based on a religious perspective }

I could take the time and wase your's and my time by picking apart and explaining The Catechism statements that You posted, about Socialism here and explain every detail concerning why the Catholic Church chose this word or wrote this sentence this way and how The Catholic Church is hiding these other facts which is why it was ever written in the first place. But I do not have a link to the page to check to see if this the entirety of the chapter or if what You posted is 100 % accurate in every last detail..-- which You could relocate the actual chapter at a later time and provide elaborate corrections - to prove to me and others - how deeply - I am incorrect and false.

But the overall point of this entire Catechism Subject, was to repackage Socialism through the lens and scope and contact of The Atheist Communism System and to take all of the good elements out of the Catechisms explanation of the Socialism / Communism system and to only bring up and overly elaborate the evil, corrupt, depraved and perverted wrongs and failures of The Socialist / Communist System - -

When in fact these very elements that the Catechism points out about The Atheist Communism System * ( CALLING IT AS SOCIALISM ) - these same exact evils, impropers and perverted wrong and failures ARE FOUND IN EVERY GOVERNMENT SYSTEM ON EARTH - even found in heaven - when Satan rebelled against God.

This is an attempt of The Vatican to take the ANTI MORALITY - ANTI GOD - ANTI RELIGIOUS aspects out of - The Socialist / Communist System and to represent it in their own package. - -

But in fact, the Roman Catholic Socialist System is nothing more than selective morality - = The very deliberate and continual and eternal actions and motions of passing moral judgments upon one person, with a selective set of moral judgmental codes - while completely ignoring the entire moral code in another person in order to achieve the destruction and block the path of the first person - while promoting and politically and emotionally supporting and remaining completely silent about the other second person whose moral actions are far beyond more monstrous, atrocious, evil black and hellish and satanic and beyond all corruption

This is how King Herod acted in The Book Of Matthew - as He pretended to desire to worship and honor Yahoshua at the time of His birth. - and tried His best to locate Him. But when this did not work and He was denied this opportunity and lied to and cheated this opportunity - - IN HIS MORAL CODE OF ETHICS - Herod himself had a selective moral code that placed the very bitter denial and the disobedience of His own will and command and desire that was ignored - as above any other moral code that would prevent Him from murdering thousands of innocent babies. This was His selective moral code.

The Vatican has this same exact system of moral code that King Herod had - as they will always place the People who murder and torture little innocent babies and who murder millions of innocent people - OVER the People who try to prevent this from happening- because the child murderers and evil perverted individuals truly follow and adhere to the higher selective / selected personal code that is the code at the heart and Spirit of Catholicism and also Islam. Selective moral codes completely override everything - in a flash of an instance. This is the principal and foundation and key of The Socialism Political System
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‘The Catholic "gospel" is a false one, and the Catholic Church does not represent Biblical Christian faith.’


All Christian dogma is comprehensively false – mere variations of the same wrongheaded theme.

To single out particular Christian dogma as being false is ridiculous.

Jehovah Witnesses are Pacifists - But - I do believe that they should have also faced some type of punishment here in America for refusing to fight against Hitler, Italy, and Japan after the draft. But not tortured or physically harmed and killed whatsoever. They abandoned their fellow Americans just as they would have abandoned Hitler and the Nazis - had the Nazis been a good force defending themselves against another evil attacker.

And I do believe in using military force and fighting in a war and defending my country - however, The JW does not believe in participating in any military actions nor fighting and defending anything nor any country. No exceptions - So this played a major part in this decision . They are total Pacifists.....

All JW males obey the law and register for the draft, but do not serve - The Watchtower 1992 Apr 1 p.12 states Jehovah's Witnesses have not participated in war during the 20th century. During World War One, Watchtower followers were able to be soldiers, as long as they did not kill others, ............... ( and many of them refused to fight against Hitler in WW ll. ) - The love and drive that the Catholic and Protest and other Denominations had - who were - Nazi Germans, this love for conquest, lust, and domination and hatred of those who politically opposed the German Ideology - was not something that was installed into the Jehovah Witness Organization, But - The Jehovah Witness faith is not what I believe concerning Yahoshua’s character in relation to the Father. - Mostly everything that the Jehovah Witness teaches is completely contradicted by the original manuscripts.

One of the most simple teachings that Jehovah Witnessteaches teachings regarding the 144,000 of Rev_14:4 - These Virgins were chosen because they were undefiled by women. There are many people who have their personal feelings about what this scripture says.

But, however that we choose to translate or MISTRANSLATE the passage - this Chapter of Rev 14 - says nothing about says nothing about marriage, or the bride of Christ – and says nothing about anyone being married to Christ.

Jehovah Witnesses believe that - the 144,000 are all “ A PARTICULAR REIGNING GROUP MALE SEX - “ AS KINGS “ - -

but there absolutely is no verse anywhere found for this claim in Rev 14. – These virgins are not even reigning or in authority of anything in the Chapter or anywhere mentioned elsewhere in the Bible... – they simply follow The Lamb, as servants ,wherever The Lamb goes or moves - THEY ARE LITERALLY nothing more than _ a mobile musical unit who play instruments and sing songs to the Lamb.. – In the Whole Chapter. - This has nothing to do with the Jehovah Witness ideology or theological doctrine. As claimed.

* Rev 14: does not even have the word Kings or MALES - in the entire Chapter -yet, the JWs lift the idea of “ REIGNING MALE SEX - KINGS “ that is mentioned about the bride in general – found in Rev_1:6 and in Rev_5:10 .... and they insert it / drag it over ( STEALING IT ) and relocating it - into the Rev 14: storyline. And Rev_5:10 and Rev_5:10 has absolutely nothing to do with the 144,000 female virgins of Rev 14:

But Rev_1:6 and Rev_5:10 is referring to The Female sex as included - also as being “ REIGNING - KINGS “ because there is no MALE and FEMALE SEX in the entire Bride Of Christ. - There is no MALE and FEMALE SEX in the entire Bride Of Christ. - yes the 144,000 are a female sex but they are not called the bride of Christ here - or being mentioned or grouped into any other group but their own specific group – to denote that they were females / VIRGINS - here on earth - but in Heaven, there is absolutely no male and female sex. Their lives on earth - as female virgins is all that can is said about them - or the BIBLE WOULD COMPLETELY CONTRADICT ITSELF. - AND THE BIBLE WOULD BE A LIE. ?

This is clear in * Gal 3: :28 There is neither male and female : for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

And - Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
And - Mar 12:25 For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels who are in heaven.
The males and female sex will not be “ MALE AND FEMALE SEX “ in the resurrection -

they will only be as the angels. And in the Bible - Angels do not have sex in heaven - And Jesus compared Angels in heaven “ NEITHER ” male or female ........ But when Saint Paul was addressing all believers - He says here in 2Co 11: 2
: 2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you - ( The Church / The Bride / Believers ) - to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. - - St. Paul did not address or mention a certain selected group and cast a cap off or a rip – off - or a curtail to limit or downsize and minify the number of the total number of the bride Christ as spiritual virgins - limited to only 144,000 people. - - - St. Paul was declaring that all ( all ) the Body Of Christ - The Church was ( The Church ) - was engaged to Christ - to be a chaste VIRGIN to Christ. - -

The JWs statement of faith about Rev_14: - has nothing to do with The Biblical teaching - that declares even from the Old Testament that God already has chosen a group of - three wife groups / bride groups that are - 1. Judah 2. Israel and 3. Gentiles - He has a bride groups called out from - among - Judah - Israel - and a VIRGIN bride from - The Gentiles. – The Church – believers. Yet - The JWs denominational perspective is to take the entirety - { of the whole } of the concept of the 144,000 virgins, as only being a totality of all a figurative, symbolic meaning.

When St Paul has already declared that the Church that He is currently developing and addressing the readers of His scriptures who are all to be engaged and presented to Christ - to be a chaste VIRGIN to Christ.
Which again the JWs completely seems to contradict the teaching of the concept of the bride of Christ that exists throughout The entirety of The Bible. Because these 144,000 virgins of Rev_14 are not ..... And the truth exists that - Rev 14 - adds a sexuality geniality and concept of - ( a sexual urge / a sex drive ) - to the idea of making a literal declaration that the 144,000 were literal virgins and were chosen - for the fact that they had not been defiled among ( -meta among or with ) along - side ) the other females - They were all virgins LITERALLY from out among with / along side / with the entire female sex group /a collection out of from among / with - all the female sex.

The verse says = 4. These are they which were not defiled among women; for they are virgins.

I know the Jehovah Witness translation changes the meaning of many words . But The Bible gives a Rev 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among ANTHROPODS
MAN - ( NOT MALE SEX - NOT MEN ) , being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb. - THEY ARE LITERALLY nothing more than _ a mobile musical unit of women servants who play instruments and sing songs to the Lamb.. they are not reigning as Kings or in any authority in the storyline.

In conclusion, the Greek word “ META “ means = with, among , that which is joined or joining or accompanying with G3326
- meta - met-ah' = among / with

A primary preposition (often used adverbially); properly denoting accompaniment; “ amid” (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case association, or accusative case succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between
among, + together, , with (+ -out). Often used in a union composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence. This word - meta - - saying that the VIRGINS had not been defiled ( - meta among or with ) - women, - The word ( - meta among or with ) is not denoting a sexual concept in any way to indicate that anyone is having sex- or participating in any activity whatsoever

It simply means that they are together and in an assembly, grouping or crowd or joining one another in accompaniment OF BEING OF THE SAME GROUP OF THE SAME SUBSTANCE IN THE VERSE CONTENT

Mar 15:31 The chief priests mocking said ( - meta among or with ) themselves
Luk 1:28 Lord is with thee: ( MARY ) blessed art thou ( - meta among or with ) women.
Luk 22:37 And he was reckoned ( - meta among or with ) the transgressors.
Luk 24:5 Why seek ye the living ( - meta among or with ) the dead?
Joh 11:54 Jesus therefore walked no more openly ( - meta among or with ) the Jews.
Joh 11:56 Then sought Jesus ( - meta among or with ) themselves,
Joh 16:19 Do ye enquire ( - meta among or with ) yourselves.
Act 20:29 grievous wolves enter in ( - meta among or with ) you,
1Co 6:7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault ( - meta among or with ) you,
Rev 14:4 These are they which were not defiled ( - meta among or with ) women; for they are virgins.
Mat 9:15 while the bridegroom is ( - meta among or with ) them.
Mat 2:11 The young child ( - meta among or with ) Mary
Mat 4:21 in a ship ( - meta among or with ) Zebedee their father.
Mat 5:25 Agree with adversary quickly, whiles thou art ... ( - meta among or with ) him.
Mat 9:11 Why eateth your Master ( - meta among or with ) publicans.
1Th 3:13 Christ ( - meta among or with ) all his saints.
Rev 21:15 And he that talked ( - meta among or with ) me
Rev 21:3 Tabernacle is ( with / along with, ) men. he dwells ( - meta among or with ) them, God ( with / along with, ) them.
Mat 1:23 Emmanuel = God ( - meta among or with ) us.
Rev 20:6 We reign ( - meta among or with ) him a thousand years.
2Th 1:7 Jesus ( - meta among or with ) his mighty angels.
1Co 16:24 My love be ( - meta among or with ) you all.
2Co 13:14 The Holy Ghost, be ( - meta among or with ) you all.
Eph 6:7 Servants ( - meta among or with ) good will doing service.

There is a huge difference between saying that the 144,000 were not defiled with women and saying they were not defiled AMONG women.

This is how the verse is used always used in the manuscripts - in the literal meaning of the word. - Why not follow the consistency of the manuscripts and translate the verse the same as it was written in the Original manuscripts ? ? ? ?
Instead of inventing, adding and making changes to it . This is just a handful of the hundreds of other verses that explain what this word means - i could post pages of verses using the word - meta and the word always means the same exact thing.

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‘The Catholic "gospel" is a false one, and the Catholic Church does not represent Biblical Christian faith.’


All Christian dogma is comprehensively false – mere variations of the same wrongheaded theme.

To single out particular Christian dogma as being false is ridiculous.
We are special. :lol:
Also, I must / and I have to add this one final fact that i forgot and I should have already mentioned it, but I did not have my notes together. Please accept my apology. I am truly sorry for taking up so much space in the great room - i will stop for a while and allow many other great posters to comment. it is very rude and inconsiderate and wrong to do this. I am sorry.

Please allow me to show one more final point that also totally contradicts the JWs claim that their Gentile group are the 144,000 and also the “ FIRST FRUITS “ as JWs claim that their Gentile based organization are numbered as “ FIRST FRUITS “ and also the 144,000.

The Bible has already given this “ TITLE “ of “ FIRST FRUITS “ to the Hebrew people from the beginning of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob / Israel

We see that the “ TITLE “ of “ THE - FIRST FRUITS “ was only given to the Jews who were the first and existed long before the Gentiles were grafted / adopted into house of Israel.

From the beginning, it was Israel who were the “ FIRST FRUITS “ as it clearly says here in Jer 2:3 Israel was holiness unto the LORD, and the first fruits of his increase: all that devour him shall offend; evil shall come upon them....

“ If “ Israel is called The “ FIRST FRUITS “ then the gentiles could never could also be given this title. Gentiles believers in Christ did not come first – in the order of a people accepting God and called to be a part of God plan in The process and totality of having millions and millions of gentiles attributed to serving God. “ If “ Israel is called the “ FIRST FRUITS “ why would the JWs or any later gentile based organization be called the “ FIRST FRUITS “ - they were not before Israel . The gentiles could never be and - never - are called the “ TITLE “ of “ FIRST FRUITS “ - But is always is the Jews / Israel who is the “ TITLE “ of “ FIRST FRUITS “

Rom 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my wellbeloved Epaenetus, who is the first fruits of Achaia unto Christ.
1Co 16:15 I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the first fruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)
Jas 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.

Rev_14:4 These are they which were not defiled among women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.

The JWs sequence is total contradictory. - when the Bible is already calling previous “ Israel “ - the “ FIRST FRUITS “ and The Apostles and Disciples were not preaching directly to Gentiles when they began their ministry and then later authored the details - but they were preaching first to the house of Israel and wrote that Gentiles could come secondly and be grafted into the branch.

How can the fruits that are later grafted into a family tree ( thousands of years later ) be called the first fruits of a family tree ? never are gentiles titled as “ FIRST FRUITS “ because the Gospel of salvation is first to the Jew and the gentiles are GRAFTED SPLICED - added and merged - adopted + - - INTO A TREE OF FRUITS - THAT HAD BORE THE FIRST FRUITS AND ALREADY EXISTED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. JWs are not among the first fruits and therefore not of The 144,000. ).

Rom 11:16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.

Rom :17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;
Rom :18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
Rom :19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.
Rom :20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
Rom :21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

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