False hope of renewables...settled science


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that renewables will never permit the human race to cut CO2 emissions to the levels demanded by climate activists. Whatever the future holds, it is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible. Renewable energy simply WON T WORK Top Google engineers The Register
I'd pump a few hundred billion into fusion. We could end up with a real replacement.

Just imagine If the fusion researchers had had the 120 BILLION dollars that these charlatans pissed away. Just imagine where we'd be now.... Makes me sick.
Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that renewables will never permit the human race to cut CO2 emissions to the levels demanded by climate activists. Whatever the future holds, it is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible. Renewable energy simply WON T WORK Top Google engineers The Register

The link is a really nice source of entirely politicized information with just a dash of actual science thrown in for good measure.
Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that renewables will never permit the human race to cut CO2 emissions to the levels demanded by climate activists. Whatever the future holds, it is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible. Renewable energy simply WON T WORK Top Google engineers The Register

The link is a really nice source of entirely politicized information with just a dash of actual science thrown in for good measure.

It's actually factual, and that just pisses the hell out of you doesn't it.
Fossil fuels are being used at a much faster rate than they are being formed. At some point, even those will become rare..... they resource is not infinite. Some kind of alternate source will have to emerge down the road. Fossil fuels are the future for the next couple hundred years or so probably. Then? That being said, I can not say one good thing about the way big oil companies operate. They get away with just about anything they want, yet whine like little babies about regulations. Heck, they don't follow them anyway. Look at BP, they got away with a disaster they knew was going to happen.
I interviewed for a job one time at the Fusion Physics Laboratory at Princeton University. This is a large black hole into which pittances (couple hundred million a year, I guess) is spent by the Feds every year on nuclear fusion research. Although I'm sure if you asked one of their PhD researchers if she was making progress you would get a positive response, I'm not inclined to put much faith in it.

Any energy source that is more cost effective than what is currently available will do well. But to the great chagrin of the world's enviro-weenies, we keep finding more sources of carbon fuels, thus rendering their warnings about "running out of oil" just so much oral flatulence.

The next great breakthrough will be figuring out what to do with the CO2 that comes out of power plants (mainly). If some bastard can figure out how to turn it into a liquid or a solid, it would be a spectacular breakthrough.
Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that renewables will never permit the human race to cut CO2 emissions to the levels demanded by climate activists.

Bit of a strawman isn't it? Eco-fascists are ultimately interested in one thing, and that is primarily population control or...in the case of the people they don't like (people of color, Africans in general, Republicans, grubby poor people) population reduction. Control and reduction would be best in their minds, the assumption being that as long as it is only them left standing and enjoying the benefits of life, the world would be a far better place.

They laid out these plans some years ago, and have done quite an excellent job, corrupting and politicizing science, convincing the young that they need to be part of the good, wholesome, green group as opposed to all those others, and all everyone needs to do to bring about their utopian vision is stop participating. In anything causing CO2 which just so happens...coincidentally...to be what all those people they don't like do when they exhale. Now how convenient is that!
Except fusion is not possible. But you go on with your imaginary money and believe that.

Come on people, can we please THINK before we hit the "post reply" button? Of COURSE fusion is possible.

Naturally, and caused by humans.


Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that renewables will never permit the human race to cut CO2 emissions to the levels demanded by climate activists. Whatever the future holds, it is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible. Renewable energy simply WON T WORK Top Google engineers The Register

Wait a minute. If renewables are an impossibility to sustain civilization, then civilization can only last until the non-renewables are gone?

LOL. All this flap-yap, and the renewables appear to have already won the race. The cost of natural gas and coal fired installations continue to rise, the cost of wind and solar continues to fall. To the point that the renwables now produce electricity cheaper than do either coal or gas. It is all laid out in the thread, "Alternatives on the rise".
LOL. All this flap-yap, and the renewables appear to have already won the race. The cost of natural gas and coal fired installations continue to rise, the cost of wind and solar continues to fall. To the point that the renwables now produce electricity cheaper than do either coal or gas. It is all laid out in the thread, "Alternatives on the rise".

No kidding. If using renewable energy sources was so terrible and costed so much money, why are so many businesses installing solar panels? I know big liberal government conspiracy. The truth only comes from Rush Limbaugh
Businesses install PV on their roofs first to soak up government subsidies and second to impress gullible nitwits in the deluded pubic with what great corporate citizens they are.

Note: The authors of the OP report work(ed) for Google which bought half interest in the collosal boondoggle, Ivanpah, which corporation through a subsidiary and its partners in crime are demanding the public fork over $539M to help pay a $1.6B loan to build the failing solar bird furnace in the dessert. Their employers should have been listening.
Unsubsidized wind, presently 3.7 cents per kilowatt on the low end. Subsidized coal, presently 6.6 cents per kilowatt on the low end.

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