False Positives, Inaccurate reporting and fraudulent death certificates = Covid 19


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The longer I stand firm against the Jab-arm poison that the IDIOT SQUAD CDC is pushing the more convinced I am that I have made the right decision.

As we are now coming out of the smoke and mirrors section of the Henny Penny pandemic panic..
The data bugs are beginning to leak out into public knowledge. These Apparently include false positive testing, rewritten death certificates, and playing fast and loose with the statistics in order to push a certain narrative. So you have to ask the question : If the reality of the pandemic isn't sufficiently severe to frighten people into lining up like sheep to take the shot then why is that?
The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that it's not as bad as they want you to believe. Additionally the only conclusion I can come up with logically for all the pressure to stand in line and take the vaccine (not a vaccine) is that somebody somewhere has something very big to gain by doing it.

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The longer I stand firm against the Jab-arm poison that the IDIOT SQUAD CDC is pushing the more convinced I am that I have made the right decision.

As we are now coming out of the smoke and mirrors section of the Henny Penny pandemic panic..
The data bugs are beginning to leak out into public knowledge. Apparently include false positive testing, rewritten death certificates, I'm playing fast and loose with the statistics in order to push a certain narrative. So you have to ask the question : If the reality of the pandemic isn't sufficiently severe to frighten people To line up like sheep and take the shot then why is that?
And the only conclusion I can come up with logically is that it's not as bad as they want you to believe. Additionally the only conclusion I can come up with logically for all the pressure to stand in line and take the vaccine (not a vaccine) is that somebody somewhere has something very big to gain by doing it.

You people will believe anything. As thousands a day of non-vaccinated people die, you refuse to believe it or that you yourself are in danger or that you put others in danger. This pandemic will not end until everyone of you either dies or gets a vaccine.
You people will believe anything. As thousands a day of non-vaccinated people die, you refuse to believe it or that you yourself are in danger or that you put others in danger. This pandemic will not end until everyone of you either dies or gets a vaccine.
Darwinism at work
You people will believe anything. As thousands a day of non-vaccinated people die, you refuse to believe it or that you yourself are in danger or that you put others in danger. This pandemic will not end until everyone of you either dies or gets a vaccine.


Such the drama queen you are.

I'm not vaccinated.

I've had Covid twice.

This is not the deadly disease you've been led to believe. Yes, it kills people; a ridiculously tiny percentage of everyone who gets it...
You people will believe anything. As thousands a day of non-vaccinated people die, you refuse to believe it or that you yourself are in danger or that you put others in danger. This pandemic will not end until everyone of you either dies or gets a vaccine.
A thousand death certificates a day are written that way you mean to say.
Darwinism at work
Just a suggestion, check the fatality rate for all causes in the US/World for the last 10 years--you will find that it hasn't changed. If this BS pandemic has killed so many people, why have these numbers not increased? Critical Thinking, you should try it some time instead of listening to a dementia-addled piece of garbage and his commie handlers.
A thousand death certificates a day are written that way you mean to say.
Again, you people will believe anything. And I suppose you think all the hospitals and all the medical professionals saying that they are overwhelmed with Covid patients are lying. All the professionals THE WORLD OVER are lying? To what purpose? So Drumph can be returned to the presidency? What reason is this unbelievably worldwide lie occurring?
medical professionals saying that they are overwhelmed
They aren't saying that at all, the media is presenting the story that way. The fact is covid constitutes a small percentage of ICU admissions--the concern is that those beds could be used for other people--it is a problem that is faced in ICU's nationwide every day. THE SKY IS FALLING, moron.
Again, you people will believe anything. And I suppose you think all the hospitals and all the medical professionals saying that they are overwhelmed with Covid patients are lying. All the professionals THE WORLD OVER are lying? To what purpose? So Drumph can be returned to the presidency? What reason is this unbelievably worldwide lie occurring?
We people? We are the only ones with any common sense to at least question the gobbledeygook of misinformation from your propaganda media. Dimwit.
Again, you people will believe anything. And I suppose you think all the hospitals and all the medical professionals saying that they are overwhelmed with Covid patients are lying. All the professionals THE WORLD OVER are lying? To what purpose? So Drumph can be returned to the presidency? What reason is this unbelievably worldwide lie occurring?
All the? You have no idea of the real statistics do you lemming?
PCR is abused when the government see fit to abuse it.

CDC ramped magnifications up to 40 times in their campaign to generate this scam for their big pharma masters.

Fauci himself even stated that ANYTING over 35 would result in mass false positives.

a British study already revealed that as many as 90% of their tests could have been false positives.

Then conveniently the CDC reduced those magnifications down below 30 for testing of people who were already vaccinated.

Scam from nip to tip.
You people will believe anything. As thousands a day of non-vaccinated people die, you refuse to believe it or that you yourself are in danger or that you put others in danger. This pandemic will not end until everyone of you either dies or gets a vaccine.

You base your knowledge of the so-called pandemic only on what the Mainstream Media tells you. Thus you are in that crowd of the insane, the duped and the drastically misled. Show us, with footage recorded on your own smart device, tens or hundreds or thousands of Americans dropping dead in the streets, in stores or anywhere else in public here in the US of A. You cannot show us such footage because such events do not exist, never happened and never shall occur. Either you're just another rock bottom broken, soul-taken sheep, or you revel in participating in this genocidal false narrative. Either way, you have become an enemy of mankind.
Just a suggestion, check the fatality rate for all causes in the US/World for the last 10 years--you will find that it hasn't changed. If this BS pandemic has killed so many people, why have these numbers not increased? Critical Thinking, you should try it some time instead of listening to a dementia-addled piece of garbage and his commie handlers.

Again, you people will believe anything. And I suppose you think all the hospitals and all the medical professionals saying that they are overwhelmed with Covid patients are lying. All the professionals THE WORLD OVER are lying? To what purpose? So Drumph can be returned to the presidency? What reason is this unbelievably worldwide lie occurring?
You are an idiot....Trump is pro vaxx not anti vaxx. He has been right along.

They aren't saying that at all, the media is presenting the story that way. The fact is covid constitutes a small percentage of ICU admissions--the concern is that those beds could be used for other people--it is a problem that is faced in ICU's nationwide every day. THE SKY IS FALLING, moron.

He gets his ass handed to him on a platter. i see the nutcase forgot to mention how many whistleblower nurse and doctors have exposed how they are inflating the numbers getting payoffs to do so calling a gunshot to the head ,a fatal carr accident,a fall off the building a covid death.

this details how they are faking it,NOBODY could refute the evidence in this video it is a hoax. :auiqs.jpg:nobody had any answers.

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You base your knowledge of the so-called pandemic only on what the Mainstream Media tells you. Thus you are in that crowd of the insane, the duped and the drastically misled. Show us, with footage recorded on your own smart device, tens or hundreds or thousands of Americans dropping dead in the streets, in stores or anywhere else in public here in the US of A. You cannot show us such footage because such events do not exist, never happened and never shall occur. Either you're just another rock bottom broken, soul-taken sheep, or you revel in participating in this genocidal false narrative. Either way, you have become an enemy of mankind.
I took him to school that covid is a hoax in my previous post.LOL

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