Families Of Fallen Soldiers Left Out In The Cold


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
By dimocraps.

The House and the Senate passed a bill that they were ASSURED by the DoD would take care of this problem.

The "Pay Our Soldiers Act"

The White House and dimocrap scum in general promised this wouldn't happen.

But, as we all know --

dimocraps lie. It's what they do

Bastards--Shutdown Theater Holding Up Death Benefits To Families Of The Fallen
Ace of Spades HQ

When members of the US Armed Forces are killed their families receive a $100,000 "Death Gratuity". This benefit is supposed to be paid within days of the service members death.

Just before the shutdown went into effect the House and Senate passed and Obama signed a bill ensuring that members of the military would be paid and that benefits of all sorts would continue to be honored.

Tragically, 5 US service members were killed in Afghanistan last week. The Department of Defense tweeted(!) that because of the shutdown their families couldn't receive their payment.

Republican House members are outraged that not only is Obama refusing to pay the authorized benefit but won't answer any questions about it from Congress.

The GOP is going to pass another bill specifically designed to force the administration to pay the families.

Military foundation steps up to cover 'disgusting' delay in payments for families of fallen - U.S. News

Republican aides in Congress said that they were drafting legislation to restore the death gratuity and that it could be put to a vote as early as Wednesday. The aides also said they believed that last week's law had covered the payment.
"We gave broad authority to the Department of Defense to pay all kinds of bills, including this," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Tuesday afternoon. "And frankly, I think it's disgraceful that they're withholding these benefits. But again, tomorrow, the House is going to act specifically on this, and I hope the president will sign it."

But for now, the $100,000 government payment is being withheld for relatives of the five killed over the weekend in Afghanistan — four from the Army and one from the Marines.

I miss Jimmy Carter. Yeah he was awful but at least you never got the sense he was out and out anti-American. I simply can't say the same about Obama and his minions.


I hate dimocraps.

All of them
More dimocrap thuggery:

Obama Regime: No Building Sand Castles On Beach During Shutdown…


How much more petty can they get?

Via SF Chronicle:

The federal government shutdown has washed away – at least for now – a long-standing sand castle contest that raises money for arts programs at public schools.

The contest was to take place Saturday at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, with teams from 26 public elementary schools collaborating with adults from design-related firms to build fantastical structures of water and sand.

But the 30th annual contest was postponed “indefinitely” on Tuesday. The beach is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, which has furloughed most of its employees and revoked all event permits until there’s a resolution of the standoff in Washington, D.C., over funding for the 2013-14 federal budget.

“We are in purgatory right now,” said Julie MacDonald, executive director of Leap, the San Francisco nonprofit that uses the contest as a fundraiser to support its art education programs in Bay Area schools. “We have every intention of holding the event, but we’re powerless to reschedule until the government is fully operational.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

San Fran’s Privately Owned Cliff House Restaurant Defies Obama Admin’s Order To Close Over Shutdown, Park Service Forces Them To Close For Second Time…


More thuggery.

Via PJ Tatler:

The saga of San Francisco’s Cliff House took a series of dramatic turns this week as the owners engaged in a political and legal duel with the federal government.

As we reported last Thursday, the historic Cliff House restaurant — a privately owned profitable business which sits on land controlled by the National Park Service — was suddenly ordered to close by the Obama administration on October 3.

Then on Monday, October 7, with little fanfare, Cliff House’s owners Dan and Mary Hountalas decided to defy the government’s closure order and instead re-open for business, to the delight of the hundreds of tourists and locals who dine there every day. When word leaked out that the Cliff House had re-opened, the local National Park Service office consulted with Washington, D.C., and then issued a second (and apparently firmer) order to the owners to re-close the restaurant; the owners were then forced to unwillingly comply for a second time last night at midnight…

dimocraps are pig Nazis. All of them
We can always count on Barry to keep it classy!
The House of Representatives need to vote. Who's holding that up?
A decent group of people (which excludes the scum of the fucking Earth -- dimocraps) would try to insulate "We The People" from the harmful effects of a Partisan Fight.

I know Republicans would.

But not the scum of the Earth.... Not dimocraps.

In fact, they're telling the Stuttering Clusterfuck to make it as 'painful' as possible.

Liberals tell Obama to bring the pain | Fox News

It's not just one man.... It's an entire party.

And it's not just party apparatchiks... It's the rank and file... Read it right here. On this Board. In this Forum. In every thread. The hate literally oozes from them and into everything they do.

These are the most hateful, despicable human beings on Earth People. So I hate them right back. It's the right thing to do.

Couple On Anniversary Each Fined $100 By National Park Service


Via Kennebec Journal:

For months, Julie and Eugene Gillies had planned to celebrate their wedding anniversary in Bar Harbor.

The South Portland couple wasn’t about to let a political fight in Congress get in the way of their plans to see Acadia National Park, which they visited on their honeymoon 34 years ago.

Riding on small motor scooters beneath a bright blue sky Sunday morning, the couple skirted around the barricades and past the sign declaring the park closed and joined what they estimated to be about 1,000 other hikers and bicyclists heading up the Loop Road toward Thunder Hole. Another couple from South Portland traveled with them, also on scooters.

Their idyllic morning came to an abrupt end when they were surrounded by park rangers. The price for violating the park’s closure order: $100 tickets for each member of the party.

“I thought they were going to drive all of us into jail,” said Julie Gillies, a mental health therapist. She said rangers became angry after she asked them why they were singled out. “It was the most embarrassing, intimidating thing ever. I thought I was in a foreign country.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers


When this is all over and we take power back from the America-Hating scum in the dimocrap party.....

These Park Rangers -- All of them, need to be fired.

"Just doing my job" didn't cut it at Nuremberg and it shouldn't here, either
Stop the whining, kids. A House up and down no strings vote on the Senate CR ends it.
Stop the whining, kids. A House up and down no strings vote on the Senate CR ends it.

Oh really... great "negotiating" there skippy.... "your way or the highway."

Ya, we know who's behind AAAALL of this, and it ain't the republicans. We know who's behind all this THUGGERY and ABSURD SHUTTING DOWN bull crap too. The American people aren't as stupid as you think Jake.

*MAXIMIZE THE PAIN* is what the democraps are doing... namely obama, reid and pelosi... *MAXIMIZE THE PAIN*, and then they believe they'll be able to blame it all on republicans. Well, it's becoming more obvious by the day that that plan is BACK FIRING, BIG TIME.


Ya, we know who's to blame for all this, and it ISN'T THE REPUBLICANS.
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Here's the wording of the military pay law Congress passed prior to the shutdown.

(a) In General- There are hereby appropriated for fiscal year 2014, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for any period during which interim or full-year appropriations for fiscal year 2014 are not in effect--

(1) such sums as are necessary to provide pay and allowances to members of the Armed Forces (as defined in section 101(a)(4) of title 10, United States Code), including reserve components thereof, who perform active service during such period;

Obama doesn't think the Death Gratuity (what a strange name) is covered under "allowances"? That's their story?

Keep in mind, Obama claimed the unilateral right to delay the ObamaCare employer mandate for a year because, ‘You know what, this is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law,’”.

Now he's suddenly Mr. Strict Constructionist? Screw him.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

ALL of them
It is clear that Obama has nothing but contempt for America; he caters to illegal aliens while flagrantly punishing, and disrespecting hero veterans. The feelings of the families of the fallen mean nothing to him when they are up against his political aspirations. Obama is America's enemy #1.
You guys sound like someone who ate too many shrooms. First you wanted it then you wish you never did it
We the People elected Obama twice, the Senate that passed it, the Congress that passed, and it has been opined by SCOTUS as constitutional, podjos.

10% of righty reactionary Americans who hold up the rest of us like this will watch their congress critters go down next year.
We the People elected Obama twice, the Senate that passed it, the Congress that passed, and it has been opined by SCOTUS as constitutional, podjos.

10% of righty reactionary Americans who hold up the rest of us like this will watch their congress critters go down next year.

You voted for him, Jake, not me

Why are Obama and Reid against the "Pay Our Soldiers" Act
We the People elected Obama twice, the Senate that passed it, the Congress that passed, and it has been opined by SCOTUS as constitutional, podjos.

10% of righty reactionary Americans who hold up the rest of us like this will watch their congress critters go down next year.

Hey douchebag.... The current illegal immigration laws all went through the same shit.

But the scumbag in chief made an exception for them, didn't he?

Fuck you and your hypocrite scumbag pals.

You point to Laws you like and scream like a banshee when we want to amend, append or repeal them, but you scream Bloody-Murder if we don't listen to you when YOU want to change or repeal a law.

fuck you, bitch

And you're so totally wrong about the 2014 mid-terms. You hypocrites will be lucky to hold to an impeachment-proof Senate much less a filibuster-proof Senate.

AND we pick up 20 more seats in the House.

Mark my words.

And I was one of the few Republicans predicting a Romney loss in 2012.
Obama’s Attack on Families of Fallen Soldiers

October 11, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


The Obama administration’s despicable attempts to make the government shutdown as painful as possible for Americans has finally hit bottom. Until a charitable foundation stepped in to fill the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) was more than willing to deny death benefits to the families of fallen soldiers. The Pentagon claimed that a law passed just prior to the government shutdown allowing the military to be paid did not cover the benefits. In truth, an Obama administration, whose hallmark is selective law enforcement, has relied on the flimsiest of technicalities to inflict unnecessary pain on families already shattered by the deaths of their sons and daughters.

Just before the government shutdown began, Congress passed the “Pay Our Military” act, allowing servicemen to continue receiving paychecks on time during the shutdown. It was passed unanimously in the House, approved without dissent in the Senate, and signed by the president. The bill ostensibly provided “such sums as are necessary to provide pay and allowances to members of the Armed Forces” on active duty, as well as “essential” civilian personnel and contractors.

So what happened? A 2011 Pentagon report sent to Congress titled “Pays and Allowances Summary” lists a $100,000 “Death gratuity” originally put there in 1908. On the other hand, the 2014 Pentagon Personnel Budget lists the death gratuity under the heading “other military personnel costs,” not “pay and allowances.” Defense Department attorneys and budget officials contend that the “Pay Our Military Act” only authorized pay and allowances, not other military personnel costs. “Given the wording of the ‘Pay Our Military Act,’ DOD is only allowed to spend money on ‘pay and allowances,’ and the death gratuity does not fall under that section of the budget,” said Todd Harrison, a defense budget analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. “If that’s not what Congress intended, they should not have used the phrase ‘pay and allowances’ in the bill.”


The best reading of a loosely worded law would have provided grieving mothers and fathers a measure of comfort when they were tasked with burying their sons and daughters. If this administration ever had anything resembling a moral compass, it no longer exists. Whether he knows it or not, Barack Obama owes the entire nation an apology for an atrocious debacle. One that could have been very easily avoided. That it wasn’t speaks volumes.

Obama?s Attack on Families of Fallen Soldiers | FrontPage Magazine

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