Families Of Fallen Soldiers Left Out In The Cold

The House of Representatives need to vote. Who's holding that up?

Obama of course. He is the cause of all mental ilness and traitorism in the House of Representatives.

It's a black thing.

The good people like Boehner just want the freedom to hate and destroy. ...In the name of the tea baggers...
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Here's the wording of the military pay law Congress passed prior to the shutdown.

(a) In General- There are hereby appropriated for fiscal year 2014, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for any period during which interim or full-year appropriations for fiscal year 2014 are not in effect--

(1) such sums as are necessary to provide pay and allowances to members of the Armed Forces (as defined in section 101(a)(4) of title 10, United States Code), including reserve components thereof, who perform active service during such period;

Obama doesn't think the Death Gratuity (what a strange name) is covered under "allowances"? That's their story?

Keep in mind, Obama claimed the unilateral right to delay the ObamaCare employer mandate for a year because, ‘You know what, this is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law,’”.

Now he's suddenly Mr. Strict Constructionist? Screw him.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

ALL of them

Obama? Obama didn't draft the legislation; the House did. The legislation doesn't cover death benefits. How exactly is this Obama's fault? What, now you want him to use an executive order or side step Congress in another way?

You people are unbelievable.
Congress Was Warned the Shutdown Would Delay Military Death Benefits - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale warned in late September that military death-benefit payments would be delayed for families of troops who were killed during a government shutdown, but it took until the second week of the crisis for members of Congress to propose doing anything about it.

"We would also be required to do some ... bad things to our people," Hale warned during a briefing on September 27, detailing the negative effects of a shutdown on the military. "We couldn't immediately pay death gratuities to those who die on active duty during the lapse."

Hale said the situation "is ghoulish, but it's the law, not policy. Remember that.
it's amazing how 1 unnamed and anonymous and more than likely fictitious, non existent park ranger that supposedly mouthed that 'obama told him to make it as rough as possible on us folks'....has been TWISTED AND SPUN in to Obama SAID to make it as hard and difficult as they can.....it only took a day at most to blog, reblog, post, and like and tweet and blog again, like, tweet, post, email, etc etc etc..... to spread the Lie! Gosh, you guys are really good at this shit!!!!:clap2:

Goodness almighty you people are nothing but PAWNS in a rumor mill....
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I don't know a single Democrat or liberal that is happy with the government shutdown. I do know a lot of GOP and Conservative members that wanted this and are quite happy now that it is here. The Republicans planned and engineered this shutdown from the get-go. Stop throwing rocks and then hiding your hands. You simply can't bitch because the essential government services YOU had shut down are shut down.
I don't know a single Democrat or liberal that is happy with the government shutdown. I do know a lot of GOP and Conservative members that wanted this and are quite happy now that it is here. The Republicans planned and engineered this shutdown from the get-go. Stop throwing rocks and then hiding your hands. You simply can't bitch because the essential government services YOU had shut down are shut down.

Sure. Tell that to the Park Rangers. They were told to make an 18% government shutdown as painful as possible. Funny how the other 82% kept going.
I don't know a single Democrat or liberal that is happy with the government shutdown. I do know a lot of GOP and Conservative members that wanted this and are quite happy now that it is here. The Republicans planned and engineered this shutdown from the get-go. Stop throwing rocks and then hiding your hands. You simply can't bitch because the essential government services YOU had shut down are shut down.

Sure. Tell that to the Park Rangers. They were told to make an 18% government shutdown as painful as possible. Funny how the other 82% kept going.

Really? That's your response? You come up with an anonymous quote that is most likely not true?

What IS true is that the GOP has had six months to negotiate a budget. The Senate assigned people to chairs on budget talks...the House refused. The GOP wanted this shutdown, orchestrated this shutdown and is now running away from their shutdown like the cowards they are.
The longer this goes on, the more the American People get to see dimocraps for what they really are.... Nazis

NBC Poll: Majority of Americans Say Obama “Putting His Political Agenda Ahead of What’s Good For The Country”…



And idiots....

CNN Has Experts Analyze Obamacare Website: Flawed At The Most Basic Level…

The incompetence is stunning.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N_2LaW_n7g4]CNN: ObamaCare Website Flawed At Most Basic Level And W.H. Not Discussing Costs - YouTube[/ame]

And now, we're planning to do something about it.


Of course, Ten Million Veterans could show up and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would have their camera crews filming an obama popcorn fart instead.
Why isn't federal funding for abortion stopped? You know it has'nt because starkey, closed, and seawatch aren't raising hell.
Under Secretary of Defense Robert Hale advised of the effects a shutdown would have on military personnel and their families during a news conference on Sept. 27.
You know nothing schultz!
Pentagon warned of cuts to military death benefits days before shutdown - U.S. News
Notice the date that Robert Hale advised the congress.

By dimocraps.

The House and the Senate passed a bill that they were ASSURED by the DoD would take care of this problem.

The "Pay Our Soldiers Act"

The White House and dimocrap scum in general promised this wouldn't happen.

But, as we all know --

dimocraps lie. It's what they do

Bastards--Shutdown Theater Holding Up Death Benefits To Families Of The Fallen
Ace of Spades HQ

When members of the US Armed Forces are killed their families receive a $100,000 "Death Gratuity". This benefit is supposed to be paid within days of the service members death.

Just before the shutdown went into effect the House and Senate passed and Obama signed a bill ensuring that members of the military would be paid and that benefits of all sorts would continue to be honored.

Tragically, 5 US service members were killed in Afghanistan last week. The Department of Defense tweeted(!) that because of the shutdown their families couldn't receive their payment.

Republican House members are outraged that not only is Obama refusing to pay the authorized benefit but won't answer any questions about it from Congress.

The GOP is going to pass another bill specifically designed to force the administration to pay the families.

Military foundation steps up to cover 'disgusting' delay in payments for families of fallen - U.S. News

Republican aides in Congress said that they were drafting legislation to restore the death gratuity and that it could be put to a vote as early as Wednesday. The aides also said they believed that last week's law had covered the payment.
"We gave broad authority to the Department of Defense to pay all kinds of bills, including this," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Tuesday afternoon. "And frankly, I think it's disgraceful that they're withholding these benefits. But again, tomorrow, the House is going to act specifically on this, and I hope the president will sign it."

But for now, the $100,000 government payment is being withheld for relatives of the five killed over the weekend in Afghanistan — four from the Army and one from the Marines.

I miss Jimmy Carter. Yeah he was awful but at least you never got the sense he was out and out anti-American. I simply can't say the same about Obama and his minions.


I hate dimocraps.

All of them

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